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filmfann's avatar

What do you wish you did this summer?

Asked by filmfann (52620points) September 28th, 2011

Summer is over. What had you hoped to do, and never got to? What would you have liked to do, but thought of it too late to arrange?
Fixing the back fence? Disneyland? Hiking Yosemite? Las Vegas, baby!

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26 Answers

King_Pariah's avatar

Blown my brains out so I wouldn’t have to deal with all the shit ripping up my mind, scratch that, I wish I did that when I was 5–6.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I wish I would have set some time aside to watch the movie ”I Know What You Did Last Summer

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Went Horseback riding. I tried to about 100 times and just never got around to it.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@King_Pariah I’m sneaking in and stealing all your bullets tonight… Unload the chamber just in case… I don’t want to get shot either!

King_Pariah's avatar

Lol I’m not homicidal.

Bellatrix's avatar

Well it is only just spring here but I wish I had written much more.

And not suicidal I hope too @King_Pariah.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@King_Pariah Intruder is as intruder does… LOL

Nullo's avatar

Made more plans, saved more money – my grand European adventure has been put on hold until next year.
@King_Pariah You might need a break from your nihilistic atheism.

YARNLADY's avatar

I wish I had to babysit my grandchildren all week because my son found a job. No such luck.

King_Pariah's avatar

@Nullo that’s not the nihilism talking that’s a fractured disassociative personality driven by trauma and guilt.


I bought a new bike last year and wanted to go bike riding with my kids, but we never got around to it. Got the helmet, the lock, everything, but it just didn’t gel because of other things.

muppetish's avatar

I wish that I had read more.

Nullo's avatar

@King_Pariah I am suggesting that the nihilism isn’t helping, not that it is the cause.

King_Pariah's avatar

And how am I supposed to leave something I believe in thoroughly? Lie to myself for awhile? That’s not going to help any either.


@King_Pariah You’re not to blame my friend. ;)

Ellis1919's avatar

Wish I had gotten a job. Wish I had been more open when it mattered. Wish I had gone swimming. Wish I had been a better friend.
@King_Pariah I’m glad you didn’t blow your brains out. hugs

LuckyGuy's avatar

I didn’t get to spend even one day at the beach.

Haleth's avatar

I wish I had saved up more money. So many goals, so little time.

This summer was pretty fun, though.

downtide's avatar

Two weeks in a warm country instead of being stuck here all summer in the wind and cold.

zensky's avatar

Come visit me next summer. It’s always in the 30’s and 40’s here.

Bellatrix's avatar

Yay, Fluther party at Zen’s place.

zensky's avatar

Any time.

augustlan's avatar

Experienced less pain (physically and emotionally). Been more productive.

filmfann's avatar

I wish I had gone swimming. I have a pool, and maintained it all Summer, but never had the right combination of time, energy, and desire to do it.

Berserker's avatar

I wanted to take some time to draw, but I ended up actually having plans and doing stuff in Montréal. And spent the rest of the free time watching movies haha.

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