Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

( NSFW ) If you grew up in a fictional world where there was no opposite sex, what would you say if you meet one for the first time?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) September 29th, 2011

It’s up to you if you want this person to be NAKED or CLOTHED or give an answer for both. Thanks!

: )

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23 Answers

Jellie's avatar

Well for it to have a full effect I would think he’d be naked. I would assume it’s a masculine woman with some sort of disease that has resulted in a growth in the crotch area and what not.


ucme's avatar

Naked: “What the hell are those!?! (stares at breasts) Please may I play with them a while?”
Clothed: “Hey, love what you’re wearing. Can I try on those heels?”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Probably “ewwwwwwwww.”
It took a long time for me to develop an appreciation for male genitalia.

Moonya's avatar

I agree with Anef. “ewwww” would be the right word, next to ‘does that hanging thing hurt?’

JLeslie's avatar

My mind did not go to naked, so I will say clothed. I would ask where the person was from, out of curiosity.

ucme's avatar

I’d imagine women would be horrified viewing a naked man for the first time.
I mean, “Ooh I say, what a funny place to hang one’s hose!”

zenvelo's avatar

“Can we see where my parts fit yours?”

marinelife's avatar

What are you?

Blackberry's avatar


zensky's avatar

Nothing much, yet.

janbb's avatar

How are they hanging?

Moonya's avatar

@janbb lol

how strange, I hear some chimes???

Hibernate's avatar

Are you for real?

majorrich's avatar

Wow! weird Pecs Dude!

stellamedusa's avatar

I’d assume their being was a physical deformity and might be a bit disturbed.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

You look strangely familiar… But I can’t quite put my finger on exactly what it is or why you seem different.

What is that thing in your throat, why is it bobbing up and down when you speak and
why is your neck thicker than mine?

*Yes… that is probably EXACTLY what I would say too. LOL

HungryGuy's avatar

“Oooh! An alien! What planet are you from?”

mrrich724's avatar

Either “WTF?!?!?!” or ” I LIIIIIIKE” (in Borat voice)

janbb's avatar

Good thing that doesn’t grow on your face.

zenvelo's avatar

“I wonder if our body parts fit together?”

Strauss's avatar

Where’s yours?

fremen_warrior's avatar

Boobs! YAAY!!!

kritiper's avatar

HOT DAMN, baby!

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