NSFW (if you want)- Women: Do you think all men are easy?
Do you assume almost all men will sleep with you if you offer?
Do you think that, in general, men would sleep with any reasonably attractive girl?
This Question got me curious about your position.
Apologies if this has been asked before, I returned significant search results
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47 Answers
I was a woman long enough in my life to answer this…no, I don’t think all men are easy, whatsoever. I think that, yes, many would sleep with me if I kept my mouth shut and was all feminine-like. However, if most of those would hear me speak and understand who I am, their boner would, alas, disappear quickly. Many of our desires are boxed in and my outside doesn’t match my inside, for them.
No, I don’t think all men are like that. It’d be pathetic.
My experiences lead me to say that most men are easy.
Not a ‘man’ of integrity and discernment
It’s not a gender thing, it’s a character thing.
No actually, I think many of them, in many ways are far more difficult, particular, and picky than women.
(NSF PC ears):
I’ve turned down my share of pussy. I’m far from easy.
Well. Easy is relative. They’re a lot easier than women, that’s for sure.
It’s surprising to me to find that people assume that guys are easier. I have met so many guys that won’t sleep with someone outside of a relationship or a connection with significant feelings. I also know plenty of women who are just as likely to sleep with “any reasonably attractive” guy.
I was through my college days.After I got into a real relationship no.
Definitely not. I have quite a hard time, actually.
Very generalized statement. No I don’t think all men are easy. I’ve been in positions where a guy could’ve had his way with me and didn’t.
I was never interested in a relationship that had nothing to do with love, and I’ve turned down more than one woman as a result. There have been times when I looked back on that and thought I was totally crazy to be that way. I should have just said yes. But I never wanted the fake thing. I always wanted to be known. While I believe sex is the only way to truly know someone, I never wanted to do it unless there was much more to it. Otherwise it would have been nothing, and that was not the point at all.
But if we love each other, then I’m totally easy!
Some men are easy, some women are easy. And some men and women are not.
It is an individual thing and it may be an occasional thing. In that a man/woman
because of the place they are in their life may be easier at a particular time than
they would be at a different time.
My initial reaction would be yes, but when I think about it more, some men are just talk and say they would “tap” anything that comes their way, when they really want a connection of some sort. It doesn’t have to be a strong connection, but I think a lot of men still want the women to be somewhat special.
Yeah, but who wants to settle for “somewhat”? That’s where the line of exploitation occurs.
I’d never made love to someone I was in love with. I didn’t understand the difference between making love and sex.
Before we get too far along, any persons of the GLBT community who have thoughts that may be reading this that are pertinent, please feel free to chime in. Too late to edit.
Most men are not easy, especially when the potential partner looks like me. ;)
I don’t know…Because I do not know all men. I do know that men are wired differently. But just as I dislike being grouped with other women, I also dislike this as well. I think everyone deserves to be considered as an individual. Having said that, some men have been Neanderthal-like in their approach with club in hand and wanting to drag me off to the brush…but I have politely said, “No, thank you.”
Unfortunately it seems that us guys at the least go through a phase of being easy. I can say that every guy including moon has been or is easy. It’s sad really, but hell, I’m sure there are a “noble” few out there who have better self control than so many of us.
I don’t think all men are easy, but a lot of them can be persuaded by the right female. Some women have a charm about them that many men find attractive and some are even drawn to. So it’s not that they are easy, but that they are susceptible to some women.
(This is also applies for women in relation to men, in my opinion.)
Men are not inherently easy. Some folks are pretty easy and some of those happen to be men, some are women. That’s just the way it goes.
@laureth: Psh, watchu talkin’ ‘bout? One look in those eyes and I bet any man’s legs turn to jelly.
I’ve know many men who were monogamous, and would never cheat on their SO. I think that’s a different situation though. Of all the men I’ve ever been interested in (including some who were asshats and were willing to cheat), I’ve only ever had one guy turn me down. And he was gay. So, of the unattached and/or willing to cheat, I’d have to say, yes, in general, they are easy.
Edit: In thinking about this, I realize that almost all of my experience in this matter (and I do have a lot) happened when both the men and I were young (early 20s or younger). Things probably change as guys get older.
In my opinion. Most. but not all. Though,
I hate generalizing an entire group of people.
I know not all men are – but from the one’s I have encountered
this is my opinion.
edit: hats off to you men on fluther, who seem to be decent human beings just judging by this one thread. gives me some hope haha.
I’ve turned down more women than I’ve slept with, so I wouldn’t say we are all easy.
You will hear many men (myself included) say things along the line that they will have sex with such and such a person. This is, for the most part, male posturing though. Most guys say things in this way to point out an attractive women. I assume that the reason they choose to phrase it the way they do is an alpha male virility thing.
No. I think there still has to be some sort of attraction. Now, there are guys who will sleep with anyone no matter what but I don’t think most guys are like that. There are guys who only like women with boobs, or blonds or heavy women, or skinny women. It really depends on what they like.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. In my life’s travels I would have to say how sprung, or pussy whipped and dude was depended on how well the woman looked or how much money she had and was willing to pay. The less attractive and the heavier she was, she had to have more money, and be willing to lavish it on her man, even her part-time men. They have a saying, ”She pay like she weigh”. If she is an 8.5 to 10 she would have to be a nuclear skank bitch before many men who were single would stay away from her. She would have to be AAA toxic, but still good enough for a one-time boink. If she is a 7–8.5 she will still get play, so long is there are no better friends or women to choose from, other wise she will be regulated to ”wingman” status, the one not take as first choice or left over. 5–6.9 will have play if the action is slow. Supply and demand is always in play. 3–4.9 she will have to be like the only woman out on the oil rig so it is her or your hand. Those women lower than that are like the ones who marry the convict doing 15–20 because it is either her or the cell block’s gay guy.
If the guy is a 6 but the gal is an 8 she can have him wrapped around her finger butter than if she was with an equal 8 of a guy, because he don’t need her as much. He can go get another nibble in the pond where the #6 guy will feel he can’t get another 8 interested that easily and will have to settle for less.
Overall, most men, those I have met the past 40 years, are more ruled by their ”little head” over their big head, so I never knew why women did not exploit that weakness and run things more they than do now?
It is the same for women as it is for men – some are “easy” & some are NOT. You have to take a little time to get to know the other person before you make snap decisions about their character.
In this American female’s experience, there are many men who are not ‘easy’. I like this characteristic much better than those that are, even if there were past times that I would have preferred that they weren’t. Just like these men, I prefer the ability to passively back away from a sexual encounter without recurpussions. I respect the men that do this. As one individual female, I’d much rather hear that they won’t or can’t than have them attempt based upon some stereotypical reputation.
@Hypocrisy_Central Yeh, that’s why I like keeping myself an 8, and I don’t mind him being a 6 ;)
Unfortunately in my experience, I have found 85% of men to be easy. This has included single boys, guys in relationships and married men.
Some are and some aren’t. Just like some women are and some aren’t. The ones with self-dignity and fortitude aren’t.
It depends on ‘easy.’ Low maintenance? Easy to get to bed?
@chyna No I don’t think all men are easy. I’ve been in positions where a guy could’ve had his way with me and didn’t.
I don’t think there is a correlation of a man not taking from a woman who is for some reason unable to put up resistance, having some decorum, and melting to a, ”reasonably attractive woman”, as the OP put it. Unless there was some great negative outcome that could be seen most men (secular) I know, but not ALL would jump her bones, break her like a shotgun and ride her like an 18 speed if she beckoned them. All she would have to do is grab their junk, lick her lips and say, ”I am going into the bedroom, my clothes will be off in 2 minutes and I will be naked on the bed. Where are you going to be?” They would not be able to get into the bedroom and out of their clothes fast enough.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought No, but 6 years of chatting with dozens of women every week by way of my job, they get to know you and share their secrets and ideas.
In my experience, yes they are. If I was so inclined, I could walk into a bar and walk out with a man 15 minutes later. All I’d have to do is sit there, they approach me, I say, “Let’s go,” and we go.
I don’t think that’s the experience most men have.
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