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Bellatrix's avatar

There is no gilding the lilly with this Jelly. Which intelligent but never wily Coyote has just taken up residence in the 20k mansion?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) September 30th, 2011

She is funny and wise and never ceases to amaze with the breadth of her interests and her knowledge. Please join me in congratulating one of the loveliest Jellies, LillyCoyote, as she takes her well earned place in the 20k mansion!

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100 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Congrats, Coyote of the Lilly.

Ela's avatar

Leave that fancy shmancy Cabernet Sauvignon in the mansion ‘cuz tonight it’s kegger tapped Solo’s with 1’ foam heads and watermelons marinated in Everclear!!!
Congrats @LillyCoyote!!! w00t!!

KateTheGreat's avatar

Congratulations! You are wonderful and a great addition to the collective!

laineybug's avatar


Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Woot! Hi, buddy! Congratulations.

TexasDude's avatar

Congratulations Lilly!

chyna's avatar

LillyCoyote congratulations! Welcome to the mansion. Party is on going and you can find the conga line pretty much anywhere. Check the bar out by the pool, most of us are out there right now.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Congrats LillyCoyote! I had no idea you were close, I assumed you had like a million lurve already!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Woohoo, congrats on the 20k!

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go Lilly :)

AmWiser's avatar

Congratulations to one awesome Jelly. So well deserved.
20K cheers! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

bob_'s avatar

Congratulations! :D

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oh, this is lovely. Really lovely. Congratulations, Lilycoyote! I love your beautiful avatar, and your participation on this site isn’t half bad either. :-)

King_Pariah's avatar


uhhh guys? You might want to check her for rabies… And ticks while you’re at it. I mean she is a coyote

Cruiser's avatar

AhhhOOOOOOooo! Congrats on the 20 Grand!

lillycoyote's avatar

Thanks guys! So much! You’re all so sweet and so kind. Thank you all!

And I don’t want anyone to be worried, so I’m making my rabies tag available for inspection. The vaccination is effective for about 3 years so I’m good. :-)

King_Pariah's avatar

still gotta check for ticks

DrBill's avatar


Hibernate's avatar

He hey. Free food once again. Yum yum !! ^^

Btw I hope you’ll enjoy your party and keep your lurve coming ^^

Coloma's avatar

There’s a coyote in the mansion!

Lilly! Bar the door!

Coyotes over here MUST be singing just for you!
Wait! Is my cat in? Check!...yep, it’s your song!

Congrats on the 20k!


Congrats!! :)

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats, Darlin’ Lily! You are a terrific contributer!

dappled_leaves's avatar

ArrrrroooooooOO! Congratulations, Lilly!

ETpro's avatar

Congratulations, @lillycoyote on an honor well deserved. Your calm and thoughtful answers add much to the collective. It’s about time you have a place on honor in the 20K Mansion.

Ayesha's avatar

Congratulations!! Partayyy harrrdd!!!

mazingerz88's avatar


Berserker's avatar

Word up, yo! Congratulations, and keep up the epic work. Cheers. :)

zensky's avatar

Congratulations, babe!

Jeruba's avatar

Unfurling banners of silk to welcome our Lilly.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Félicitations, @lillycoyote! An excellent addition to the 20K club!

Sunny2's avatar

Congratulations! I hear there is a pillow made with your avatar pattern on your special bed. Good for you!

lillycoyote's avatar

Food’s on everybody!

The buffet

Veggies and dip


Cheese, fruit and crackers

Prime rib

The raw bar

The sushi table

The vegetarian buffet

The vegan buffet

The dessert table

There are also multiple kegs at various locations around the mansion

And various

Tubs ‘o beer1

Tubs ‘o beer2


Some actual liquor

And for those of you who don’t drink:


More sodas


Have I got it just about covered?

Dig in my friends!

Someone else is going to have to get the wine, and the chips and pretzels, if anyone wants them because I am exhausted.

Thanks again.

Berserker's avatar

Tub ‘o b…oh man! ’‘jumps in’’

tinyfaery's avatar


whitenoise's avatar

Gefeliciteerd Lilly. :-)

lillycoyote's avatar

Hartelijk dank, @whitenoise, and to everyone.

Is that right, the Dutch, in this circumstance? Thanks for coming to the party and I thank you from my heart?

Berserker's avatar

Mmm, heart… ’‘advances and snaps teeth’’ :D

Jeruba's avatar

My heavens, @lillycoyote, I have never seen such a spread at a fluther party. This is amazing. I almost didn’t make it past that buffet table.

You have also thoughtfully left it to others to bring the pancakes and maple syrup so as not to claim all the gustatory privileges for yourself. I know someone will be along shortly with a cake.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Jeruba Yes, I didn’t want to claim all the credit for myself and felt that, at merely 20,000, it might be presumptuous, and should be left to my elders to provide the traditional, sacred foods of fluther. And I hope someone thought to do it, because I don’t want this to go badly. I want everyone to have a good time. I don’t want people to be talking for days about how there were no pancakes and maple syryup at my party!

lillycoyote's avatar

OMG! I provided the food and the booze for the party and meant to post some music! I planned to start with this one.. It’s way too quite on this thread, I think, for a party. Then maybe move on to this one, the rest of you are on your own. There’s a quite room too, if people need it. Some of us are getting old and need an occasional break, me included. :-)

Anyway, I’m having a party even if the rest of you aren’t. I have nothing against questions about bath towels, and copyright infringement and bank fees but they’re kind of, well, I don’t want to use the B word, really…

augustlan's avatar

Oh yay! Lurve you, girlie. Congratulations!

I brought the cake. :)

lillycoyote's avatar

@augustlan That cake is awesome! Wyle E., my brother! He is the black sheep of the family. I am the good, practically flawless, decent one! :-) He is the bad one.

Jellie's avatar

Happy 20K!!!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Biggest of Congrats, Lilly!
And BTW, I talked to Wyle E. He says you’re always the instigator!

lillycoyote's avatar

@JilltheTooth He can talk some shit, can’t he? Don’t listen to him; he’s wily! Duh!

whitenoise's avatar


Your Dutch was impeccable.

Leuk feestje! I noticed most fluther parties are Dutch parties. If you want a drink, you better bring it yourself. That way each can have his favorite!

picante's avatar

I’m howling like a coyote in your honor. Congratulations, Lilly!

wilma's avatar

@lillycoyote Congratulations!
This 20,000 is one of the best!

silverangel's avatar

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on the 20K, you did deserve it ;-)

Sunny2's avatar

Wow! Best party ever. Did you see my nose pressed to the glass to enjoy it vicariously?

mangeons's avatar

Congratulations!! :-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats Lily. I’m only a little late but at least I made it.

Hibernate's avatar

@lillycoyote nice menu. We are full now. Thanks.

lillycoyote's avatar

@whitenoise Ik ben zo blij dat je jezelf genieten. Bedankt voor uw komst. Ik weet niet echt Nederlands spreken, maar ik ben vloeiend in Google. :-)

ucme's avatar

Oh dear, seems i’m terribly late for this. Just came on &......oh never mind, i’m here now.
Congrats ;¬}

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Hurrah! I raise my glass of bubbly to you sweet lily :)

Jeruba's avatar

@Sunny2, come on in. Everyone can come to the parties. We’ll have yours one day.

@lillycoyote, if the party’s still going, breakfast is on me. I did bring the pancakes.

lillycoyote's avatar

I thought I smelled pancakes! Thank you @Jeruba. Good thing someone was thinking.

And, there’s coffee., tea and orange juice

and, if anyone’s up for it, they’re serving Bloody Marys at the bar.

Jeruba's avatar

Can’t wait till you make 30,000, @lillycoyote.

janbb's avatar

As I said the other day, you feel like my sister from another planet. I love reading your answers and seeing the thought and research you put into them.

Mazel Tov on the 20k! What a great Jelly you are!

Buttonstc's avatar

Awesome Lilly. Congrats on a very well deserved honor.

Sunny2's avatar

@Jeruba Thank you. I didn’t know everyone could come to the parties. Is there a dress code?

Ela's avatar

If it’s in @Blackberry‘s area, the dress code is “none” @Sunny2 lol ; )

lillycoyote's avatar

Hi everyone. Just popped into say and thanks again for all the very kind words. Is there any food left? I’ll be back…..

Ela's avatar

I went to edit and my ISP dropped me >: (

I meant if it’s like @Blackberry‘s area…

<- got up too early this morning

augustlan's avatar

Pants are optional. ;)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Do I hear howling in the distance? Must be a new inhabitant in the area.
Congrats on the 20K!

Bellatrix's avatar

Picks around on the table… who ate all the food? I went to bed and you ate and drank everything! Hugs @lillycoyote. Hope you had a fabulous time. Looking at all the hungover jellies, it appears everyone else did!!

lillycoyote's avatar

@Bellatrix I think so, that’s why I thought a round of Bloody Marys was in order today, to go with @Jeruba‘s breakfast; she brought pancakes and syrup.

Thanks for throwing me a might fine party!

gailcalled's avatar

In addition to having been an impeccable source of accurate information and well-thought-out opinions, you have translated @jerb’s technical data for me and given me tech info I can actually understand.

You are in the pantheon of my go-to people, a select group.

lillycoyote's avatar

@gailcalled LOL. @jerv is nothing if not thorough. It’s hard to fault him when puts so much effort into providing thorough, detailed, thoughtful answers to technical questions but it is enough to make your eyes glaze over and your head spin sometimes.

Nullo's avatar

I hope that you enjoy the castle!

creative1's avatar

I am sure the road runner is around the mansion somewhere lilly coyote if you look hard enough you deserve to finally catch the little bugger after making it to 20k… A big Congratulations!!!

Blueroses's avatar

Oh dear, how did I arrive so late? Even @Jeruba‘s pancakes are gone, and is that @Symbeline asleep in the empty tub o’ beer? It looks like it was quite the celebration. No surprise with such a special guest of honor.
Congrats, @lillycoyote. You deserve every lurve!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m seriously late. Sorry! Congratulations on such a fine milestone here at Fluther! You’re awesome!

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m late, late, late.

Congratulations @lillycoyote :-) This is a well earned 20k.

snowberry's avatar

@tranquilsea You’re not the only one who is late.

Congratulations to Lilly!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was on a mini-vacation, so I’m late to the party… but CONGRATULATIONS sweetie!!

erichw1504's avatar

Congratumacation @lillycoyote !!

Coloma's avatar

Did you say BLOODY MARYS? Cheese, crackers, fruit and a splash of the Grey Goose in my juice…oh yeah! :-D

What? Nobody wants a happy brownie? :-D

tranquilsea's avatar

I can shake up a wicked lime margarita with real limes, Patron tequila and agave syrup.

AmWiser's avatar

@tranquilsea I want one. Or at least the recipe.:p

lillycoyote's avatar

I finally got around to this! :-)


To all my my “guests” to all those who have attended my party, i want to say thank you, so much. I wish I was the kind of person that could write a little personal note to all of you, and I want to and I could but if I tried I would be editing and tweaking them for the next two weeks or so, until I got them near perfect and they still wouldn’t be perfect. I don’t have all those Perfecto Fish for nothing. I just want to thank you all for being so special, each and every one of you. There are many areas in my life where I am not able to simply be myself and I very grateful that i can do that here, that all of you, simply allow me to be myself, so

I will thank you all with this,

just in case the party isn’t quite over and people still might want to keep on dancing. :-)

janbb's avatar

(The Penguin slides across the spilled ice cubes on the floor and gives you a big smackeroo!)

picante's avatar

That is the cutest image, @janbb! Your happy feet skating across the floor have made me smile. And that was before the smackeroo was delivered!

Hibernate's avatar

@lillycoyote that message was awesome .. I mean it was long and you had a lot of patience while doing it ^^

Kardamom's avatar

Congrats on your 20 K!

Now as you know, some jellies arrive at the mansion by chauffered limousine, and others come by horse drawn carriage, but you my dear are going to arrive via Wonkavator which contrary to popular belief does not look like a glorified flying outhouse!

After you get situated we’ll escort you up to your room so that you can dine sitting at your very own Crown and Anchor picnic table laid out with cheese fries and a pitcher of Shiner Bock and a dessert of TastyKakes.

Later on, when you’re ready for bed, we’ll send @Symbeline up to put a pillow over your face : ) We’ve also put a special deluxe doggy bed right next to yours, just for Lizzie.

Oh, and by the way, I forgot to tell you, This is your quarters. Hope you likey : )

And for your dining pleasure, or whatever pleasure you desire, I’ve made a full sized “soy man” in the image of Danny Glover (my own recipe). Just pop him in the microwave until he gets nice and hot then, well then, uh then BLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEP!

lillycoyote's avatar

OMG @Kardamom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Either you are stalking me or you are the most awesome, most paying attention person ever!!!!!!!!!! Crown and Anchor cheese fries and Shiner Bock? Bring them on! Tastycakes? Danny Glover? The pillow over my face? (That sounds bad but I know exactly what you mean.) And a space for my dear puppy Lizzie? And the yacht?

@Kardamom way beyond awesome!!

I thank you, sincerely, from the bottom, and all other parts, of my heart for that one!

Kardamom's avatar

@lillycoyote I hope you enjoy! Just wanted to do something special for your special day : )

Berserker's avatar

I’ll be gentle with the pillow. It will just be all soft and comfy.^^

rebbel's avatar

Congratz @lillycoyote , well done!

Jeruba's avatar


Now as you know, some jellies arrive at the mansion by chauffered limousine, and others come by horse drawn carriage, ...

That is one of the best characterizations I’ve ever seen of the range of personalities on fluther. I’m certainly in the retro group; my husband keeps reminding me that there aren’t very many buggy-whip makers any more. My sons ask me when I’m going to get caught up to the twentieth century.

I think we’d have to agree that there are also some jellies who zoom in at the wheel of Batmobile-equivalents and a few who barrel in by Jeep. Have we missed anybody?

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; I am transported in a sedan chair borne by four Nubian slaves.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Jeruba No, there aren’t too many buggy-whip makers any more. On my mother’s side of the family, my great-grandparents owned a harness shop that supported their family quite nicely for a couple of generations until the damn horseless carriage came around and eventually put them out of business.

And I think I’ve seen at least one person arrive at the mansion by bicycle. Yes?

@gailcalled. Milo, I think that means of transportation quite suits you!

augustlan's avatar

And some arrive on their own two feet. Surely the marathon runners do!

Kardamom's avatar

If it was me this mode of transportation would be perfect!

Ltryptophan's avatar

Phew! Maybe bicycles aren’t all they’re cracked up to be! I shoulda’ took a plane and halo jumped in to the roof pool (the floating luminaries in there would have made a nice target).

20k, pshaw, @lillycoyote, has not yet begun to collect lurve. The Oracle at Mansion has told me that she predicts the downfall of Fluther will come when too many attempt to GA each other after @lillycoyote puts the coup de grace on a lurve chain reaction overload, quietly rumored for years!

Maybe putting her submissions on a six week delay could avoid unforeseen evolutions in the Lurvosphere. I am willing to chair the committee with early viewing privileges.

What you all have mistaken for a party has truly been a distraction! Even now the sense dulling revelry you’ve partaken in has given her a sizeable advance in knowledge. As-is all of us working tirelessly for weeks would only have been able to fashion a rudimentary defense that would leave us in a besieged zion.

Now, we must bring the fight to her by answering questions that are taunts of our ignorance, deftly. Reading her answers with exactitude for she has devastated with subtle nuance in the past.

Reevaluate your celebration…

When the information runs out, it is your very soul she’ll be after next!

We must ration this fact flow so that in the end a symbiosis is formed. We must harness this force, or be its snack.

These are the things I heard from the Oracle who is seated amidst the syrup vapors in the mansions grotto, through which the syrup river finds its source.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Ltryptophan My crazy friend, my very favorite amino acid, thank you so much darling. I don’t entirely know what you are talking about but I love it and you anyway. And, it’s about time you showed up to the party. I was wondering where you were. My feelings were hurt! All is forgiven though; you finally got here, but I definitely vote for you traveling by plane next time; or at least a motorbike of some sort. :-)

Ltryptophan's avatar

See how she lulls! Beware!

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