Social Question

Confused, does she like me?
I met her at a online dating site where we exchanged each others portraits,hobbies, working situation and other information. I contacted her at first, just say ‘hi’ and willingness to get to know with her. She agreed and dropped me her cell phone number. Then we text two days before we met in person. It’s in a restaurant, it felt awkward at first but soon we got familiar with each other and began talking a lot. While talking we stared each others eyes several times, I can feel the electric current and her fondness. After dinner we had a long walk then we go to mall to drink. We were talking, joking, and laughing till 10pm. We have to go or we’d miss the last sub. At subway station before separating I dated her, she agreed with smiling. But she had work shift the next two days, so we arranged it on the third day after then. We said bye and she thanked me. After that I texted her twice one day before the arranged dating day to try to arrange with her about time and location. There is no reply, then I tried phone call but her phone was powered off. After work in my way home I called again, this time the phone was ring and she denied my call and text me afterward saying she is in work, picking up phone is not allowed. Then I texted her asking why didn’t she reply my messages, she replied she worked long hours then sleeping then go work straight again. Then I asked her if she will go to date tomorrow and said if you were feeling tired we can rearrange. She replied that she’d prefer to have a rest tomorrow. I said take care and don’t push yourself so hard. After two days it’s yesterday I texted her several times she replied but with little words showing no interest on my topic. When I asked her if anytime you are in convenience could I date you again. She didn’t reply to me. I think she changed in a way. I am confused now, does she really want to develop a relationship with me, am I doing something wrong to her?