How old are you?
Asked by
Male (
October 3rd, 2011
I’m trying to get a feel for how old (or young) my fellow jellies are.
If you don’t feel like sharing (c’mon, that other guy is way older than you), no worries. =]
I’m 8030 days old- rounded to the nearest year.
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102 Answers
I’m 17 years old, but I try and act older.
I am 17 years old = 6205 days = 148929 hours
I’m 20.
Man, that number looks big…especially since I was 17 when I joined this site and 14 when I started going on forums…I can’t believe I’ve been doing stuff like this for almost 6 years…geez…
29. I’m not doing math, because I don’t do math. Pretty much.
I am much older than by body can handle and much much older than I feel. ^^
Old enough to know better; young enough to learn :)
Don’t get this around, but I’m a bit older than my teeth but not quite as old as dirt. I can say that my older brother was the guy who first discovered it though (dirt that is). As far as a number’s concerned? I forget.
24. I was contemplating grad school earlier today and realized that I would be about 27 before I finished. Came as a bit of a shock.
We have members as young as 13, and I think the oldest is in their 60s. Don’t quote me on that, though. ;)
I’m old, but still as immature as ever.
I have lived 28 years and some days. Honestly, I feel like I’m not ready to end my twenties. Unfortunately I don’t have the luxury to stop time.
21. Blackjack! Does this mean I win?
20 years old. Still 5 on the inside though :D
27 years
867,921,095 seconds
Edit : the above figure in seconds is time until I posted this response
61 which means as young as a spring morning, yet as zesty and hopeful as a pre peeled onion.
this question has a lot more answers than the “How much do you weight” question
I stopped counting at 39.
I think I’m 19. I do forget sometimes.
Ageless, endless, nameless.
Or 21.
I am coming up on my 14th birthday, just one advantage of being born on leap day
I turned 22 a little over a week ago. The beginning of the end. I can drink, buy porn, and cigarettes. What’s there to look forward to after this. Death?!
51.9 Will be 52 in December :-D
On October 5th I will celebrate my 63rd birthday. I never thought I’d feel this young when I got this old.
As of today (10–3-2011) I’m 22169 days old, or 3167 weeks old, or 60.7 years old.
Sooo, should we be counting the rings on your trunk too? lol
@Coloma You’d have to catch me first. I’ll be running the Portland Marathon this Sunday (10–9-11). HA! It’ll be my 63rd full marathon.
@Jude Why? Why is it creepy to ask people’s ages?
Which “old” are you asking for here?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir A new user is asking the question. Could be a perve wanting to hit on underage jellies.
@Jude Why does it always have to be a perve hitting on underage jellies or the assumption of one? I am just trying to get at the general paranoia I see for such things. Do we really not really our ages because of pedophiles, supposedly?
@Jude Just because @Male owns an unmarked white van, doesn’t mean he’s a pedophile.
I’m twenty-two with an older soul and a younger face.
Older than almost everyone here.
I wish I could say something amusing about my age, but it is what it is. I’m five years past half of my life being older. 45 to go. I have hopes of living to be 120, but I’ll be lucky if I make it past 90. I do not want to be in the second half of my life.
I want to live forever. I have also wanted to kill myself. Is that ironic or what?
I’m 64, that puts me in the top end of the ages. Does that mean that I am too old to be doing this? I don’t text or Twitter, that should count for something.
Older than I would like or than I feel and I have just had a birthday
I’m as old as the woman I’m with, could be 36, 37, 45, 48, 52.……. ;-)
In my head still ‘21’........... Lol….
Actually, my breasts are only 35, since I didn’t have any til I was 17. lololol
38. I could have sworn I was 39, but a long time female friend of mine who is the same age as me corrected me severely the other day.
I’m 44 years old…..for another 4 months anyway.
32. Only been messing with this site for over 2 years.
I am the sum of the squares of the first three primes.
Well..I’ll never know your age, I’m math challenged but calculator powered. lol
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought – That’s funny. I am amazed at how much thought I have to give the question, “how old are you?” I have to go through the process: ”...ummm…well..if I was born in 1971 and it’s currently 2011 then I must be – but wait, I was born in the month of ___ so I am not quite 40, so…..I’m 39!!” When I was younger and some asshole stumbled his way through an answer like this, I would have been disgusted.
@tom_g they stop carding you to get in places and you are just too far from retirement age to care.
This is a good reference page
I am older than the cosmos, I was here when the Earth wasn’t there. I was the fires below the feet of Joan of Arc, I am disease and famine. Worthless humans, di…erm. Sorry. Stupid Final Fantasy or whatever I got this from.
I’m 29.
Seven, of course! :)
times two, plus two…
It really depends what you base it on. The following is by what those close to me have said.
Some say I look no older than 40.
Clown around like I’m 12
Sound like I’m 20 something. (voice)
Counsel like I’m 70 ( I’m pretty conservative when people need advice.)
Fall asleep like I’m 80 (Have been know to fall asleep sitting on the porch)
Behave like I’m 65 to 25 (Not big on change but if I’m out for a good time, I’m game for a challenge. Only live once.)
Work out like I’m 35
But my actual age is 50
@Symbeline You probably were there in the beginning with Joan Rivers? You old soul, you.
@Coloma You can actually count the rings in your teeth if you are the human variety of tree. LOL *It’s true!
Online I’m a 17 year old blonde hottie with a tight bod. In the real world I’m a 42 year old overweight slob who lives in his mother’s basement.
You’ll never know how old I am! ;D
Older than @Cruiser dirt. I am “Half a buck Chuck” figure that out because that is all I am saying. ;-P
Then that should make you fifty, misty.. (well, I tried to rhyme).
Is @zensky the benchmark? If so, how do I express my age? I was born in 1955, where does that fit on the BZ/AZ scale?
You’re in the boomer crowd, welcome! lol
@Coloma I have always considered myself a late-boomer.
55, a late boomer? Dude your smack dab in the middle.
@rojo How bout a late bloomer?
At near 65, I’ve “boomed” and am now fizzling out.
@Yetanotheruser I was probably that too at one time but the bloom has long since fallen.
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58….but I have 100 year young grandma that is going strong and doesn’t take one pill!
I’m the square root of 400.
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