God is a theory. Just like evolution. The theory of God spawns many hypotheses, just like the theory of evolution. Unlike the theory of evolution, the theory of God makes few testable hypotheses, thus one can not find any evidence to support the theory. Evidence must be measurable and reproducible by independent observation.
The evidence for God is not measurable nor reproducible. It consists primarily of personal experience and inference. Personal experiences, such as revelations from God, can not be experienced by anyone else. There is no way to measure them. There is no way to confirm they exist. You can’t reproduce them. All you can to is have faith that the person who experienced the experience is telling the truth and interpreting their experience accurately.
Inference is not evidence either. Many people say that the universe is perfect for human life and that there is very little that could be different in our universe and still have it capable of supporting life. They treat this as evidence of the design of an intelligent deity. It could be evidence of that, but there’s no way to test it. It might equally be random.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. God could exist. So could the tooth fairy. So could any other number of magical entities we could hypothesize.
As to dreaming—I rarely remember my dreams. I doubt if I would ever dream about God, but you never know. I wouldn’t place much significance in that even if I did. I see a lot of things that other people don’t see. I have hallucinations of various sorts. For example I see purple auras everywhere. I could interpret them as auras of buildings and roads and cars, but I don’t. I assume it is an effect of my eyes or brain. I’m satisfied with not knowing.
Indeed, I often feel like I know things I can’t know. I can see things at a distance. I can describe, with fair accuracy, buildings I have never seen. I can tell if someone is bipolar without ever knowing them. Just by seeing how them move. I know other things about people by seeing how they more, or even just by hearing their stories. Do I have some kind of magic perception? Am I psychic?
I think there are simpler explanations and I think I need resort to magical explanations. But I’ll tell you, a lot of times it feels like these ideas pop into my head out of nowhere. I could easily think that God was speaking to me. I could think God was guiding my trumpet when I am so in tune with my fellow bandmates, it feels like we are one organism.
But why should I use such an explanation? It really explains nothing. In fact it discourages further investigation if you just say it is God as if that is an explanation. I prefer to look into it more deeply. I have my theories. I don’t know if there will ever be evidence supporting my theories before I die. We’ll see.