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keobooks's avatar

What food do you make when you want to clean out the fridge?

Asked by keobooks (14327points) October 3rd, 2011

We had a huge party last weekend but got way too much food. I’ve been making stuff to get rid of it, and discovered that there are a few things that really make good use of leftovers. I hate vegetable soup for some reason, so I can’t rely on that.

So far—
Spaghetti Sauce. I’ve put in not just all the leftover tomatoes, but lots of celery, carrots, green onion. I see that if you have a good food processor or blender, you can pretty much toss in anything to make spaghetti sauce. I’ve even put in old jars of baby food.

After I make a ton of spaghetti sauce, then I have make lots of other things with it.

Stuffing—This gets rid of LOTS of bread in a pinch. It also gets rid of lots of celery and any random meat if you have it (we almost never have leftover meat.)

Tuna Salad: With mayo, tuna and dill weed, I can get rid of just about anything in the fridge by mixing it into a tuna salad.

pesto: When it’s time to harvest the garden, anything green and leafy left over gets mixed with the leftover basil and turned into pesto. Then I freeze huge batches of it and use it in just about everything I make for the rest of the year.

Smoothies. with ice cream, yogurt or even just ice in a pinch, I can get rid of almost all fruit this way. This is another place baby food jars go to their final resting place.

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