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Jude's avatar

(NSFW) Detachable appendages or the real thing?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 3rd, 2011

Ladies: which do you prefer? Penetration via penis (the real deal), or a rubber cock? Do you feel much of a difference?

I haven’t had the real thing in ages. My partner and I (both lesbians) use latex dicks. I can’t remember what the real thing feels like and if I would prefer the feeling more.


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39 Answers

Scooby's avatar

I’m keeping track of this, just out of curiosity you understand :-/

KatawaGrey's avatar

Never used a dildo. I’ve always wanted to, but never got around to it. I’ll do some research and get back to you. That is a serious statement, I promise.

Jude's avatar

@KatawaGrey Thanks.

I’m serious in asking this. I really want to know.

tedd's avatar

This is obviously second hand, and you have to think about the source of my information (as in g/f’s).... But I’ve been told that despite the ability of a toy to be significantly larger, more “fun” shaped, or even for it to vibrate… they can’t replicate the rest of the man… as in having a body, a guy there on top of them or what have you.

I am of course very curious to hear the opinions of the ladies of fluther :D

Blackberry's avatar

I have a real penis.

janbb's avatar

Toys are nice for pleasuring but the real thing is nice for….intimacy.

Facade's avatar

I’ve never used a dildo, but I think I’d prefer the real thing. My SO and I ditched condoms years ago because it felt like a plastic dick. I like the feeling of skin-to-skin contact

FutureMemory's avatar

@Blackberry I have a real penis.

Once you go Black(berry) you never go back?

tedd's avatar

@FutureMemory you never go back(berry)

funkdaddy's avatar

It’s been a while since I’ve had clams… I usually go with scallops but now I’m wondering, would I like clams better?

Which do you prefer?

why is this on fluther? I think this is pretty much my cactus moment

redfeather's avatar

Ain’t nothin like the real thing.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Guess it all boils down to how well the person with the ‘appendage’ is using it..I do prefer the ‘real dick’ that’s biologically attached because I like the sensation of having them cum inside.

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m straight so I prefer men and they come with a penis, already attached. That’s what I prefer.

wundayatta's avatar

@Jude I’m curious—did you expect the answers to be different from what they are? Does it seem likely that anyone would prefer a piece of plastic to a real human being for anything that was supposed to be a relationship?

I was wondering what the male equivalent might be. Maybe some kind of sex doll. I don’t care how wonderful her fake pussy was, it’s hard for me to imagine a sane man on earth who would take the doll over a real woman… or man.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@funkdaddy Ironically, you’re probably not even aware that you’re making allusions to a vagina when you’re talking clams/scallops…if you are, it’s kind of non-sensical in this question. Are you having an issue with why there is a difference, as in why there are dicks out there that can outperform you?

Jude's avatar

@wundayatta I am going for the physical sensation during penetration. Meaning, the feel of silicone vs flesh. Is there a big difference in feel.

Jude's avatar

I should have asked a different question: Is there a big difference as far as sensation goes when being penetrated by a rubber dildo (as opposed to a penis)?

King_Pariah's avatar

Being bi (extremely picky when it comes to males (prefer androgynous and passable pre op mtf’s)), I’d say yes. I can’t exactly put it into words, but the feel of it is quite different. The warmth, texture, etc of a real dick (or “clit,” sissy clit, clit-ick, etc.) all feels much better than a dildo. Also on that note, fleshlight’s suck in comparison to real vag (only used one once).

OpryLeigh's avatar

I prefer my boyfriend’s penis to anything else but when he isn’t around I do have a couple of vibrators (one rubber, one metal) that can offer some releif. I can definitely tell the difference though, the real thing is warmer for a start.

funkdaddy's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir – no, and your response didn’t need to be insulting…

I was very aware of the clam/vagina parallel, as with any seafood, bearded or otherwise. I originally was going to use crab vs krab, but clams just fit the bill nicely. If I had substituted sausage, sea cucumbers, or something else phallic for the scallops perhaps you wouldn’t question my intelligence? Perhaps the merits of my personal gerkin or cucumber wouldn’t need to be questioned?

For someone asking not to be limited by perceptions of their own anatomy, it seems an odd strategy.

There are quite a few places I can think of where this question might be more appropriate and I don’t think a similar question from a less progressive perspective would be tolerated.

I’m not personally offended by the topic, I just don’t think this is the place, especially in light of the fact that nothing is going to be learned or meaningfully discussed other than the effectiveness of my or other jellies penises apparently.

This site is for ages 13 to 113. Me, my elementary school neighbor, and my grandma all should be comfortable here. A NSFW tag doesn’t really change that any more than saying it’s ok to curse in front of your children because they’ll hear it eventually.

It’s not limiting to say this isn’t the place, but there are plenty of others out there. People who care about their neighborhood ask others to not throw their trash there, to pick up after their dogs, and to be good neighbors.

I care about my community here and I’d like everyone to feel welcome, so unless there’s real merit, discussion, or learning, can we keep the topics to something you’d be comfortable discussing with a 13 year old?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A detachable appendage does nothing for me, it doesn’t feel or move the same. The only orgasm I’ve ever had with one is if it’s a vibrator and it’s used externally. Seems to work great on guys though ;p

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@funkdaddy “For someone asking not to be limited by perceptions of their own anatomy, it seems an odd strategy.” – I know you’re not going to go there and throw personal details you’ve learned about me in my face. Besides the fact that that comment makes no sense anyway, since I’m not limited by perceptions of anatomy mine or yours or otherwise. And I know you’re not going to the cliche route of saying that the children, the children are being turned to Satan through seeing this q because many many qs are NSFW and have been so called worse. You can say what you want but nowhere in Fluther’s policies does it state that when we ask questions or discuss matters, we must do so thinking a 13 year old is present. Aside from the fact that if that 13 yeard old had questions, I’d absolutely answer them on this matter or any other matter connected to sex.

perspicacious's avatar

I’m a genuine kind of gal.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

I don’t use a “rubber penis” I don’t even own one… I use my imagination and what God gave me when I was born…The longest finger on your “Master-B hand.” *Which is longest for a damn good reason and now you know it too. *Smiles.

But when it comes to preferences… The real thing is best all the time, every time and always… Nothing beats a real, hard, throbbing, warm, beautiful penis actually attached to a guy with similar qualities… * Preferably, *as opposed to one of those freaky, weird, rubber people? That’s just too much.

*Welcome to the moment many bi-sexual people start to reconsider their current partner and think about having a guy for a while.

XOIIO's avatar

I’ll volunteer my sservices for testing XD

@KatawaGrey What about your tentable tail?

tranquilsea's avatar

Definitely the real thing.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I prefer real penises.

augustlan's avatar

I wouldn’t say I prefer one over the other, in isolation. They both feel good, but different. However, taken out of isolation, I prefer the total sensation of making love with a real human being.

@funkdaddy Why don’t we leave it up to the mods to decide what is and is not appropriate for the site, okay?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Absolutely the real thing. It feels completely different. Both good, but, I definitely prefer the real thing.

Blackberry's avatar

And the plastic can’t be swayed by sex to do stuff around the house while you relax…...

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Also, I assume that if I’m using rubber… that there is another human being wielding it…

FutureMemory's avatar

@Blackberry Only a chump would allow himself to be swayed, and only a b**** would try to sway you :)

Blackberry's avatar

@FutureMemory I guess I’m a chump :/

tranquilsea's avatar

@FutureMemory very few things make a lady more inclined to…well you know, than helping her out. @Blackberry is no chump.

Scooby's avatar

I forgot about this thread, looks like guys on top so far….. So @Jude when do you start your own comparison test? Who’s the lucky guy ;-) to refresh your memory?

LezboPirate's avatar

I, personally, don’t like either. I must say though, I’ve never felt more disgusting than when I was having sex with a guy.

XOIIO's avatar

@LezboPirate Boy, your name certainly doesn’t hint to that XD

LezboPirate's avatar

Eh, I do what I can.

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