@Simone_De_Beauvoir – no, and your response didn’t need to be insulting…
I was very aware of the clam/vagina parallel, as with any seafood, bearded or otherwise. I originally was going to use crab vs krab, but clams just fit the bill nicely. If I had substituted sausage, sea cucumbers, or something else phallic for the scallops perhaps you wouldn’t question my intelligence? Perhaps the merits of my personal gerkin or cucumber wouldn’t need to be questioned?
For someone asking not to be limited by perceptions of their own anatomy, it seems an odd strategy.
There are quite a few places I can think of where this question might be more appropriate and I don’t think a similar question from a less progressive perspective would be tolerated.
I’m not personally offended by the topic, I just don’t think this is the place, especially in light of the fact that nothing is going to be learned or meaningfully discussed other than the effectiveness of my or other jellies penises apparently.
This site is for ages 13 to 113. Me, my elementary school neighbor, and my grandma all should be comfortable here. A NSFW tag doesn’t really change that any more than saying it’s ok to curse in front of your children because they’ll hear it eventually.
It’s not limiting to say this isn’t the place, but there are plenty of others out there. People who care about their neighborhood ask others to not throw their trash there, to pick up after their dogs, and to be good neighbors.
I care about my community here and I’d like everyone to feel welcome, so unless there’s real merit, discussion, or learning, can we keep the topics to something you’d be comfortable discussing with a 13 year old?