What Grand Dame of Fluther just reached 40K?
Aunt of Ben, owned by Milo the cat, wordsmith, punctuation junkie and surrogate mother to many, including me, it’s @Gailcalled! Let’s give a warm welcome to our latest 40K jelly!
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77 Answers
Well lookie here, a party I’m not late for!
Congratulations lady :D
WOW! Congrats on the 40 grand @Gailcalled!
Yay! One of my favourite jellies!!!
Congratulations on 40k!!
Congratulations! I do enjoy your existence.
Congratulations, Gail! Welcome to the Arts Colony. I suspect you will feel pretty much at home, as it is, no doubt, a lot like your home. At least, I hope it is.
I’m so pleased to have you here. Marina and I have been getting a little stuck to find new topics with each other, but I’m sure you’ll change that right around.
Anyway, we’ve got a little part on for tonight. An intimate thing. Just 3 people, I’m afraid. But you are welcome to bring guests if you want. There will be a performance after dinner, and libations of your choice.
Welcome, welcome. Just put your luggage down there. Someone will take care of it. Ok, I will take care of it—none of that frim-frammery here, lol.
Meow. Here’s some tuna and a feather toy. We all know who the boss is.
Contgrats! You’re questions make me feel competent and needed.
Well, when I read the words “Grand Dame” who else could it be? I know you don’t like these parties, but Milo said he wasn’t coming on his own.
Years ago, when I first joined the collective, I remember telling my son there was this really smart person on called @galicalled. “Yeah, ” he said, “that’s Ben’s aunt, I think.”
As a fellow punster, cunning linguist and the most grammatical of grammarians, you keep us all on the straight and narrow language-wise. Add a clever feline companion (how does he do that typing thing?) and it is a winning combination.
Needless to say, the old place wouldn’t be the same without you.
Mazel Tov, @gailcalled – you are sui generis!
40 K is a truly awesome (in the true sense of that word) accomplishment.
Congratulations. Truly well deserved.
I’m pretty sure you are the longest running regular contributor, Gail, and I must admit I’m a bit awed. I would revere you a bit, but Milo would get his whiskers in a twist, so I will, as is more appropriate, revere him. Congrats mightily on the 40K, I am delighted with every one of your contributions! And, I am terrified that I have somehow screwed this up grammatically.
Holey moley me ohhhhhh my! She made it! Congratulations, Gail!
Wow, our third 40K! Great job to a very thoughtful and intelligent jelly!
The community feed seems to be slow on the uptake, huh.
* * * W * O * O * H * O * O * * * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
What do you mean, what Grande Dame of Fluther? There is only one Grande Dame of Fluther. Hail to Gail!
ConGoRats to you Gail and Milo!
Hot diggity damn! 40k! (must not make Warhammer reference) Congratulations gailcalled!
It’s a grand day! Gailcalled, I wish you a heartfelt Hawaiian “Ho’omaikai!” and give Milo a scratch under the chin for me.
Grande Dame indeed!
Welcome to the Arts Colony.
Holey moley!
Wow, our third 40K!
Hot diggity damn!
It is a grand day….CONGRATULATIONS!!!
AND 40k CHEERS \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ !!
What an achievement! Congratulations to Gailcalled! :)
Congratulations, Gail! You were one of the first people to make me feel welcome here. Love you, Grammar Queen.
Wow—these 40K’ers are rock stars. @gailcalled, you are always an intelligent voice delivered impeccably.. When I have something really impressive to say, I begin the sentence with “well, Gail callled . . . ” Sincerest congratulations, not only for achieving this milestone, but for having the good sense to name your cat Milo. I have a feline Milo, too ;-)
WONDERFUL! I must admit that I was surprised to learn that you weren’t already at 40,000 lurve. I hope you have a wonderful time at the Art Colony home of Fluther’s amazing answerers!
Congratulations, Milo/Gail.
Congrats! You were one of the first people I encountered on the site, and you’re definitely one of my favorites here. Keep on keepin’ on! :-)
Quite the milestone! Happy 40k.. Grand Dame, indeed!
Une Villanelle
for @gailcalled
Three cheers are owed to you today,
Grande Dame of Fluther, for you see:
You’re all the way to 40K!
“Astonishing,” says Dr. J.
“Unreal,” says the community.
Three cheers are owed to you today!
So let us find the best bouquet,
And place your name on the marquee.
You’re all the way to 40K!
For helping us in every way,
For all your wit and industry,
Three cheers are owed to you today!
And so we offer this soirée,
To honor you and your esprit.
You’re all the way to 40K!
So now without further delay,
We call you to the colony.
Three cheers are owed to you today!
You’re all the way to 40K!
Congrat to both @Gailcalled and Milo a toast of both champagne and cream to both since they both use this account to post their input!!! Thank you both for all you have to say!!!!
Nice going, @gailcalled! I always look forward to your contributions.
Congratulations Milo for bringing @gailcalled all this way. She couldn’t have done it without you. Gail, you rock!
Wonderful. Congratulations.
Fantastic! :D Good job! Congratulations. :)
Congo Rats, Gail! You are one of the reasons this site rocks so! WTFG!
Ahh @gailcalled: if I loved you anymore, it would be illegal. Congratulations to the finest lady in the lagoon.
Congratulations @gailcalled!!
Wooohooooooo! Congratulations to you and Milo! Because he has good contribution too.
Congratulations! I hear they are putting in a silver lined walk at the castle, just for you. It will automatically change to gold when you get to 50K. Oh frabjous day!
Wow! 40k, brilliant achievement @Gailcalled. Apart from all your other wonderful and previously mentioned attributes, I love your sense of humour too. I can hear Milo purring his congratulations from here too.
Hey Aunt of Ben, Congrats on the 40k! You must be kvelling!
Congratulations, Gailcalled! For some reason, I hadn’t noticed you were close to this big milestone. It’s most generous of Milo to share you with us. Where should I ship the tuna so he doesn’t change his mind?
(Um, does Gail mind being called a dame?)
Congratumacationisticalatoryalmation @gailcalled !!!!
Awww… this didn’t come up in my questions! Congratulations, @gailcalled, I enjoy your comments very much!
A favorite of mine.
Congratulations, Gail!
@gailcalled, congratulations!. I look forward to getting to know you better through your kind and generous contributions past, present, future.
How did I miss this party!?! Congratulations!
puff puff, pant pant…. sorry I’m late, I had to run all the way here….......... SURPRISE!!! Oh, you’ve already done that bit?...
@gailcalled, congratulations – so much lurve, so well earned, so completely deserved. Thank you.
And may we have a word from the Grand Dame or the Royal Feline of Fluther her/himself?
OMG!!! I am taking today off work in your honor…..!!!!!!!
I will leave work one minute early in your honor.
WOWSERS!! Congrats to you, Aunt Fluther!
OH MY GOD!!! I can’t believe I’m That Late to the party, Is it over already?? I brought this to you as a gift. But I hope that it’s not too late because I came specially to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on the 40K lurve ;) You earned them right and deserved every lurve.
Wow! 40k!
This must be the culmination of about 5 years of fluthering!
I am awed and rather frightened at the same time. hahaha
Congratulations my fellow country mouse! :-)
Yay!! Joint congrats to Gail and Milo!! :)
Tuna and catnip cupcakes all around!!
I can’t believe I was late to this party. But I have an excuse—I’ve had pneumonia. Congratulations to the great lady of Fluther! Whose wit and wisdom are incomparable in any language. I am proud to call you friend.
MIlo here; Thank you, everyone. I am dictating volume one of my “thank-you’s” right now. Gail is, as usual, not prioritizing and is choosing to spend time at the physical therapist’s rather than here. She is really a slow learner.
Party’s still on? Yay! Awesomest Congrats to you, Gail!!!
Congratulations on 40k! Awesome!
Congratulations to one of my favorite Kitty loving, Jewish food cooking, lady of letters.
I have a special song just for you!
And another one that I think you and @worriedguy will like. We Love You Gail Mwaaaaaaah! (But please feel to correct me if I’m wrong LOL)
Damn, @Kardamom , I was counting on recipes from you!
Congratulations and many thanks for all of the wisdom you share with us @gailcalled!
Hope you’re enjoying the beauty of autumn and your fantastic kitty Milo. Hugs from Seattle!!
Hi, everyone. I enjoyed all the comments. Thank you. Oddly, I am feeling speechless or wordless or perhaps inspirationless at the moment. Stay tuned.
CONGO RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Truly, you are one of a kind to me and I congratulate you holehardetlee on your forty thousand, gail!
I’ve learned as much from you as I have from my English teacher approximately.
Thank you!
Well, my brain was not snatched by the pod people. Atchoo, atchoo, I’ve got the flu…aches, pains, headache and temperature.
So keep those cards and gifts coming (www.heifer.org).
Before I totter off to bed, I do want to thank @SavoirFaire for choosing the Villanelle. I think that makes only the fifth one extant.
And extra credit for @Jeruba for picking up on Grand*e* Dame.
I believe I hear Milo clattering around the kitchen; it had better be soup. I already dealt with the dead mouse this morning.
More later, depending on the degree and severity of my hallucinations.
Milo, you do mean mkgnao! and not “meow!”?
40Kongratulations. Sorry, a bit late and you’re already at 40,121
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