Social Question
I like my friend so much it practically hurts; What should I do?!? Advice, please?
Okay, well I need some advice about my friend who I really like. His name is Ricky and he’s 18 (I’m 17, 18 in a month). Ricky and I have been friends for something like 3 years, but recently we’ve gotten a lot closer. We met in dance class, but I stopped taking dance last year because my schedule was too full. Anyways, because I don’t see him at dance anymore, we’ve started spending a lot more time together, and we work together now. He’s the best, sweetest, kindest friend I’ve ever had. He’s so much fun to be around; He’s always so animated and funny and he’s the nicest guy I know. My other friends love him, and so does my mom, because he’s always so polite and everything when he comes over. Well, since we’ve been spending so much time together lately, I’ve realized that I like Ricky as more than just a friend. I reallyy like him, and I think he may like me, too, but I’m not sure. He compliments me a lot, and says I’m really pretty, and he likes spending time with me. Also, I recently lost my stepmom to cancer, and she was like my best friend. He was right there for me through the whole thing and even came to the wake and funeral with me, and he held me the whole time when I cried.
He’s also really touchy-feely with me, like he’s always hugging me, and playing with my hair, and he’ll come up behind me and rub my back or something. I’ve just never met another guy like him. My friends always make comments around him and I about us dating, because they all want us to. The other day, I was hanging out with Ricky and my friend Sarah, and I sat on the couch next to Ricky and leaned my head on his shoulder and joking around, Sarah said “You guys. You’re so cute. I’ll be at the wedding and when are you guys gonna have cute bi-racial babies?” Ricky sort of got quiet (and he’s hardly quiet) and looked down and he was like “I’ll be right back.” and went into the bathroom but he came out a minute later and he was totally fine. So first off, what was that about? I’m not sure if he likes me like that, though, and I’m more shy than him, so I don’t want to ask him. Last week, I went to my dad’s beach house for the weekend and he let me bring Ricky with me, and there’s only two bedrooms, so he told me Ricky could sleep in my room on an air mattress (my parents trust me. They know I’m not having sex until I’m really in love with someone, and they know Ricky isn’t going to try anything).
Ricky and I were at the beach really late and we got back around 1:30 am. We were really tired and I told him “Just sleep in bed with me, it’s fine.” and he was like “Are you sure? I don’t want your dad to be angry.” and I convinced him that it was fine, and I told him, “Besides, I’m cold. I want you to sleep in bed with me,” and he smiled and he was like “Okay, alright.” We laid in bed and talked for about a half hour, and then I moved closer to him, and I put my head on his shoulder, and I looked up at him without him knowing, and he smiled. When I woke up in the morning, I was pressed up against him and he had his arms wrapped around me and my head was on his chest, and I loved it. :) So I just want to know, does it seem like he likes me, too? What should I do? I want him to be my boyfriend so much; he’s so amazing, but I don’t know how to go about this… Advice??
Thank you!