How many Golden Year marriages do you personally know of?
I think its a major milestone when a couple reaches the golden year anniversary. Who do you know of?
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27 Answers
And the golden year is…...?
Well, I have several friends and family members who are on the way, but you never know; my uncles and aunts on my mother’s side would all have made it it one of the spouses hadn’t died before it happened, but as it turned out, only one of the five siblings actually made. They just mate for life in that family. It’s just they way the do it. We have very little divorce among my family and friends, it seem, for one reason or another or no reason at all. My parents had just celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary, and I was starting to actually plan or at least think about the party for their 50th, for their Golden, but my mom died that April. They didn’t make it to their Golden Anniversary but they would have. They did do the ‘til death do you part thing though. Gotta give them that. :-)
My grandparents reached it before my grandfather died.
@Blackberry The 50th Wedding Anniversary is the Golden Anniversary.
Oh, my grand parents and great aunt and uncle are the two people I know of. Everyone else is just starting or separated.
I assume it’s hard enough remembering all those grand kids’ names :/
My paternal grandparents, my maternal grandparents, at least 4 sets of great aunts/uncles. My husband’s grandparents.
Most of my childhood friend’s parents made it. Some of my friends undoubtedly will. My sister and her husband will. I think it’s wonderful and something I expected to do myself, but…..........
My maternal grandparents, my parents, and about five couples that were friends of my parents. They had a pretty cohesive group, all married post WWII, part of the great post war escalation into the upper middle class.
I think my maternal grandparents reached it, or very nearly did.
Three come to mind: my paternal grandparents (56 years and then death did them part), a family friend (same story), and another family friend that I’m less sure of – they’re both still alive, still married, and they’ve been old my entire life.
I suppose that, technically, Grandma’s sisters count, too, though I’m not sure who died when.
I expect my own folks to stay married until one or the other of them dies. They’re at 28 years now.
My partner’s parents celebrated theirs last year. My parents will do so in just under 2 years. Several aunts and uncles. One of my partner’s great-aunt & uncle made it to 70.
Many. I lived in south Florida for many years and a lot of couples had been together over 50 years. There also were many couples who were in their golden years of retirement who might not have been together for 50 years yet, but came close. I think they shoud probably be counted also.
Also, my maternal grandparents. I didn’t mention them.
None, I don’t know anyone that ancient ;¬}
@ucme That’s a shame. Some of those ancient people are pretty cool.
@lillycoyote Of that I have no doubt, stories to tell, experiences to share, encyclopedic knowledge on certain subjects. What’s not to like? As I say, unfortunately I don’t know anyone of that age intimately enough. One day, one fine day.
I don’t know of any personally but my MIL and FIL. But I just heard something amazing from my neighbor last night. He knows a couple that heave been married 72 years! The guy is about 94 and he still drives!!! My nieghbor added that he would not want to be on the same road as him when he is driving, lol.
@ucme Dammit! Why is is that I keep letting you push my buttons! If i wasn’t such an idiot, I would know better by now.
The parents of my three bff’s all made it past 50. There was a 53, a 54 and one that is 57 and counting. My parents would have made it; unfortunately, my mom died when they were in year 46.
My parents and their siblings, so 11.
My parents and most of their peers.
My Inlaws. They never had a wedding, so we threw them a huge wedding-like party six years ago when they reached their 50th.
My aunt & uncle and paternal grandparents both reached their 50th before they died.
Wife and I celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary on Oct. 11th.
We are well on our way to our 50th and hoping to reach our 100th!
All my parents and grandparents died before they could reach it. My maternal grandparents died at 18 and 38.
The only ones I know of is my great Aunt on my mother’s side and my husband’s great Aunt in his mother’s side.
My maternal grandparents, my mom and dad and all of my aunts and uncles! Lots of my parents’ friends as well. Not a lot of divorce for that generation. Their kids are a different story! Neither my brother nor I will make 50 years unless we live to be about 100.
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