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(NSFW) How can I keep my drive under control?
Yes, I am back with more strange things that I want to keep secret from “the real world” so to speak.
Recently I lost a lot of body fat, I gained some muscle, quit smoking tobacco and cannabis, and generally spend more time outside. I don’t know if that is relevant information or not, but since the changes I have been getting hornier and hornier.
I have always had a very high sex drive, but after my teens it all started to calm down a bit and settled for a while at what I would call normal. However now it seems to be going in reverse.
I spend most of my day looking at girls walking around in bikinis, I watch porn on my lunch break, when I get home, and I find my self thinking “gee, I sure do feel like having a jerk” right after I just finished doing so, hell… I’m here asking this question specifically so I don’t have time to try and rub one out before going back to work later.
I don’t know if there is anything I can do about it. If my information is correct I can either take chemicals or just put up with it, but it can’t hurt to ask.
How can I keep my urges in check?
We are not talking about being faithful or anything here, I can resist the urge to go chase these girls by deciding so, but its still tough to deal with anyway, it’s very distracting.
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