Are you going to get the new iPhone?
The new iPhone will be announced today (right now actually). Will you be getting one?
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Most likely, yes. It depends on the features, though. Now that I’m used to 4G, it has to have 4G otherwise I won’t get it (I can’t imagine it not having it, though, so probably going to get it).
Unless they have a pay as you go one I will stick with my old ass Nokia phone and iPod Touch. Fuck paying $80 a month when I currently pay five.
no…. I despise iPhones… they’re usually over prices, over-rated, and over-hyped.
They are the equivalent of buying a shiny car to show off your money to me.
I think I’m actually going to snag an older model when the new ones come out.
No, now that the iPhone 4 is reduced to $99, I will be getting that instead.
Well, I’m a little disappointed that the new iPhone is essentially exactly the same as the last one with a camera improvement and supposed speed improvements. I was hoping for full 4G, but instead it’s just “4G-like”. Now I’m not sure if I’ll be getting it. One thing I like about the phone I have now is the screen size and the iPhone 4 screen seems so small…I was hoping the so-called “iPhone 5” would have a larger screen…
Nope. I am an Android guy; I don’t need draconian licenses and walled gardens.
No. I’m still happy enough with my 3GS, although the battery(?) has been crapping out on me. I’m tired of $85/mo as well and have long been underwhelmed by apps. I’ll probably go iPod Touch and a cheap phone if the monthly options don’t decrease in the future.
No. I’m still in love with my $30. per month Straight Talk phone/service, determined to keep it long enough to make up for all the rape and pillage T-Mobile did me over the past 6 years.
No. While the processor, camera, and Assistant upgrades are really nice it’s not enough for me to justify screwing myself into a two year contract when it’s very likely the iPhone 5 will come out next year.
I’ll probably consider upgrading when it has real significant upgrades like 4G access and NFC.
Nope… I don’t like things that are confusing, have glitches, need downloads or just plain serve to frustrate the hell out of me when all I really wanted to do was send a damn text.
I prefer my phones to be user friendly.
I just bought the iPhone 3. It was pretty cheap and does way more than I will ever use or need. I think the techno junkies will like it.
@chyna Not all of us.
I will say that @chyna and @GabrielsLamb bring up a valid point though. Now, I can kind of see how the non-tech-savvy will be easily impressed by a technically inferior product that just happens to be prettier and have a better marketing department behind it.
However, I can’t ignore the fact that many of the Android phones have better specs and are capable of more the way less knowledgeable people seem to. Let me know when you see an iPhone with a built-in keyboard, 4G, expandable storage, and no hidden clause in the EULA that allows them to delete any data they want from my device at any time for any (or no) reason. I think that one is still in there…
So I guess it boils down to what sort of tech junkie one is. One who likes shiny objects but doesn’t know exactly what they are might like the iPhone, as will those with less esoteric needs/desires than myself, and those who do not have any problem with being subservient to one master as opposed to having freedom of choice.
Meanwhile, those of us who know how to read a spec sheet, have odd tastes in apps/games, can’t abide by unfair rules, and like being able to shop around for a variety of good instead of buying everything at one superstore with a selection that is limited by the seller’s personal/political/religious bias won’t even consider an iPhone.
@jerv I never spend that much money on something just because it is the new thing. I’m not built like that, I find it useless and I agree completely with everything you said.
Probably, only because of the timing (my contract is up, and my 3GS just broke).
I’m still contemplating whether to spend $200 or wait for the iPhone 4 price to go down.
@GabrielsLamb Nor do I. I only spend it on stuff that will actually fill needs and desires I have, like the ability to carry an entire bookcase worth of books with me, along with a stereo (radio plus a few dozen albums worth of music), GPS, video arcade, telephone, and the internet in my pocket.
Now, if you don’t read as much as I do, don’t enjoy music and games the way I do, have no trouble finding your way around places where you can’t just pull over and ask for directions, and don’t care if you cant surf Fluther on your lunch break, then you won’t do what I did; you won’t buy a smartphone. And from the sounds of it, a “dumb” phone with a keyboard is more your style.
@jerv Exactly. I never fell for the flash and dazzle because at the end of the day with all the bells and whistles if they actually render the product the most frustrating thing in the universe to use, it’s probably going into the toilet anyway?
*Smiles. *Kidding.
@fizzbanger that’s a lot of money to pay for pretty frustration, no?
@GabrielsLamb Yes, but they don’t frustrate all people. There are many that buy a phone they can’t figure out just because it’s cool (hence the popularity of the iPhone) but then there are people like me who can operate such a device intuitively. Oddly, my iPod was harder to figure out than my Droid X, which is why I refute any and all claims that Apple products are universally easier to use, but there are many people who believe hype over reality.
Regardless, it’s definitely a “your mileage may vary” thing. Personally, I think my Droid X was a good use of $200.
@erichw1504 Yep! However, my husband is fascinated with the Siri voice thing and is nudging me towards the new one. Must… resist… and be… practical…
@GabrielsLamb I tend to drop shit :(. Lasted for 2 years, though!
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