Am I seducing people without even knowing it?
Asked by
October 4th, 2011
Well, for some reason many people like, 6 are interested in me or have been, and I can’t figure out why. It just struck me as I am doing thi right now, I have talked with most of those people about stuff going on in their lives, personal issues, or confidence issues, or whatever, helping them feel better, building up their confidence, like if they are feeling down about somthing, thier looks, or popularity, or something like that. Naturally I have to compliment them, but I do it casually at least, I think. So, am I unwittingly seducing people without even knowing it? Is that what’s been going on this whole time that “pushes people over the edge”?
Have I unwittingly created a brilliant way of seducing women and making them fall deperately in love with me? XD
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34 Answers
So, @Jude Anything bothering you lately?
It is totally working on me.
People pleasing is not the same as seducing, nor will one get you the other.
~just sayin…..
Personally, I don’t usually tend to do anything with an agenda I just don’t think like that, or that far ahead actually… and if I do, I’m just so bizarre that I admit it, and not with an “Oops, did I do that.” like Steve urkle. I don’t like that stuff when that is actually the case, and SOME people do it too, with intent which I don’t get why?
But whatever works for you, even if it does sound just a little bit shady to me.
and you didn’t create it… Some idiot by the name of “Mystery” did only he uses a reversal plan… He actually insults women on purpose, which in my opinion just makes him a collosal douche-nozzle.
@blueiiznh True, but only one person that is interested in me, and I mean seriously interested, like, wanting to date me, is someone I haven’t talked to about that sort of thing. And I’m not exactly the type to have well… anyone interested in me, and I don’t even think about relationships at all, or pay mucha ttention to anyone, let alone the opposite sex, and this isn’t intentional, it literally just struck me before I asked the question, because someone else is going through a tough time, and I don’t know if its going to happen again. Information I have gotten from contacts, yes, I have contacts working for me XD, say that she might like me, but I don’t know to what degree as of yet.
I don’t want to get someones hopes up if its not going anywhere
@GabrielsLamb Like I said, this isn’t intentional at all, it never even occured to me before.
Most of the time, at least for me, this sort of thing leads to becoming an emotional punching bag. Which leads into the undeniably awesome territory of the “Friend Zone.” But of course, sometimes it can pan out in a totally sweet way, too!
@Joker94 naaa, It’s not always sweet… Even though it often comes to that, it doesn’t suck any less.
@Jude What am I doing? LOL… *I really wanted to know actually because honestly it’s NOT working, whatever it is?
@GabrielsLamb Yeah, that guy is a douche.
@Joker94 Well, Considering everything I have gone through, I have become an emotional void, devoid of most emotions and troubles people have, so it doesn’t affect me at all.
@Jude must say, your avatar looks especially good today? Is that a bit of sepia with the black and white? XD
@XOIIO I’m glad you see that… So I retract my assumption and concern that might be where you were going with your question. If you can see he is a douche, then you’re okay… Most people like him.
@XOIIO That’s my grandma’s sister and she’ll kick you in the nuts with her Mary Janes. :)
@XOIIO Yeah, I can be clueless sometimes… It’s a chick thing. <———That’s me NOT trying to seduce you. LOL
Watch out, you might be the guy they want to be friends with because you’re such a good listener !
@GabrielsLamb Never has been, never will be…
@XOIIO I wish you luck, then, man…don’t be a trauma sponge for them ladies! They’s man-eaters, they are.
@Jude I thought that might be Bonnie… From Bonnie and clyde?
@Joker94 Nah, I can listen and be caring, but snap into the most sadistic, evil person possible in a split second XD
@XOIIO Didn’t you just describe most women depending on TTOM? When you put two like that together… It’s almost never a good thing.
I only “Snap, and get evil.” when some guy is treating me like an idiot, or thinks they have some God given right to do so.
Then… Evil isn’t the word for what I am.
That time of the month *See now why I abbreviated it? LOL
@GabrielsLamb No, its just having a hard time, I haven’t noticed any emotional fluctuations or any such things that would be a result of that, and it generally lasts longer than the time that situation lasts for.
what situation? Oh, when they BEED OUT THEIR V*GINAS! AAAAHHHHHH
@XOIIO Don’t get me wrong. It is wonderful of you to be there for them and talk about anything. If they open up and confide in things to you, it is great of you to listen. They may need to vent, may be in a vulnerable state, or think you are someone worth talking to.
Leave it at that.
If you did create a brilliant way of seducing women and making them fall desperately in love with you, then write the book and enjoy your “happilly ever after”!
I can then say, “I knew him when….!”
Well looking at the situation I could easily manipulate it for personal gain…hmmm
no, I’m not a douche
@XOIIO by even thinking it, many will think you are.
@blueiiznh I’m ust saying theoretically I could, but I wouldn’t.
Obviously, you have stolen some of my delicious essence.
Use it wisely, young man, because with great power, comes great responsibility.
I have little to no social graces and I was raised around guys so as a woman, when I do attempt to “seduce” someone, *which I’m not actually sure I ever have managed to do… I think it comes across to the guy as odd and strange.
I don’t think like a girl, I don’t even really act like a girl and when and if I do, it’s kind of uncomfortable for me.
I’m kind of obvious… and otherwise weird. I have watched some girls with their usuall spheel of “Yeah baby, because I can, and you know you love me, you know you want me.”
I never got that kind of behavior, or how guys fall for it. Personally I find it disturbing.
When I was younger, I used to just basically take what I wanted. I’m older now so, I can’t do that anymore so sometimes “seduction” as an art form is just lost on someone like me.
Most of the time i’m really just being agreeable and friendly which especially when it is female on male, it can also be viewed as flirtatious and weird at times too… I’m aware of it. I like men more than I do women, I have no idea how to have a ” female friend” Women confuse me even more.
Socially and sexually awkward is, as socially and sexually awkward does I’m afraid.
People want to be talked to. More than that, they want to talk about themselves. If you are willing to listen, sometimes that’s all it takes.
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