What issues do you take personally?
I feel like everyone has buttons that can be pushed. For some reason I take politics very personally, even though I’m conscious of the fact that I shouldn’t take it personally. Politics haunts me! What do you take easily to offense?
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13 Answers
Any crap against my family. Big no no.
Aside from people attacking me personally I can’t really think of any issues that I don’t see as just an honest disagreement.
Any encroachment on the time I reserve for my hobbies or relaxation.
I don’t like being lied to. I don’t like people trying to treat me like a fool and taking my good nature for granted.
If I told you that… Then you would know. See where I’m goin with this? LOL
Peope who over promise and under deliver. I’m the opposite sort so this match is a killer for me if it’s someone I have to work with or need something from.
Personal attacks, I typically respond in kind. Otherwise the one hot button I have is ‘liar’. It is used in political discussions a lot and is seldom appropriate. I often respond harshly when I hear it directed at me or others.
People trying to boss me..as if.
Randoms giving me unsolicited ‘advice.’
- Any implication that those who earn less than $100K/yr are lazy, or that it’s easy for anybody to do
- Supporting the policies that have led us to economic decline, growing inequality, multiple unwinnable wars, increasing polarization, or just generally making life worse.
- Bemoaning/denigrating technology (like smartphones, internet, or other things that separate the 21st century from the 19th)
- Insisting that Apple is superior
- Insisting that Japanese and/or electric cars are inferior to American gas-burners
- People who don’t take me seriously when I am not joking or that take me seriously when I am
- Islamophobia
- Homophobia
- Saying “Good morning to me before I am properly caffeinated
- Being on I-5 during my commute (I used to only take it personally when someone cut me off, but I am now up to taking the fact that they are even on the same highway as a personal affront.)
@jerv But Apple is superior. “We don’t ship junk.” _Steve Jobs. Just because Apple isn’t open sourced, and makes money off their product, it works pretty smooth, can we agree on that? :P
@dreamwolf I am too tired to tell sarcasm from trolling, so I will give you the benefit of a doubt… this time.
@jerv all in good play mate
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