What would you do if someone gave you something to eat that you hate?
Would you politely decline, and take the risk of looking like a hyper sensitive baby?
Would you take it and try to wear a smile to make them happy?
Have you ever done this?
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53 Answers
I think I would just say thanks :D
I’d tell the wife it was my turn to cook dinner!
I politely say, “No thank you.” There are quite a few things I can’t eat. So it’s quite normal for me to decline.
I would politely decline. I don’t get why it has to be a big deal.
I eat anything.
So I would eat it.
Usually, if I went to eat at someone’s place. There were multiple main dishes, or I was asked ahead of time if I liked something. If I had no option and had to eat meatloaf, for example, I would just try to fight through it and control my facial expressions.
I’m usually game for anything BUT if someone offers me something that I know I don’t like then I politely decline.
Depends on who gave it to me, but I would probably just let them know that I don’t like it. Not everyone likes all foods.
Who on earth would continue eating it if it tastes horrible? If it’s something that you know that you wouldn’t like, why put yourself through that?
I wouldn’t want anyone to go through that.
No brainer.
With the exception of things containing nuts (since im allergic) I’ll try anything someone offers me. Even if its something I know I don’t normally like. Everyone makes things differently. I used to think for years that I hated eggplant then I realized its just most people dont know how the fuck to cook eggplant properly. Always worth a taste, ya never know, may find something new and delicious. If I don’t like it though I don’t see the issue with declining it.
Has anyone ever had anyone put them on the spot and make them feel badly for saying no?
My ex grandmother in law did that to me knowing I hated something, served it SLATHERED it actually and then stood there and waited for my reaction.
I knew she did it on purpose, and then every time I told my husband that she hated me, he stuck up for her with the usual “Oh she’s just that way.”
Which I think in her particualr case, she had probably spent a lifetime getting over on that excuse?
@Jude Because some people are just insistent and make a bigger deal out of it than you might like to have to endure for telling them no.
I don’t see that this is an either/or situation. No one that I know would consider labeling me as a “hypersensitive baby” when I say, “No, thank you.”
People (whom I hang with) are happiest when I am my own true self; why would I want to be anything but?
I would politely decline. I don’t see it as a big deal either; there are certain things that I simply will not eat and I don’t think that’s being “impolite”. I think it’s impolite to expect people to eat something despite their preferences, just because you’re serving it.
Politely decline, if they were still persistent that I ate it I’m afraid I have to repeat myself a little louder & tell a white lie too probably…. NO THANK YOU IT’S NOT SOMETHING I CAN DIGEST, IT’S THE GAS, YOU KNOW! PLUS IT GIVES ME TERRIBLE HEARTBURN(even if it didn’t ) :-/
Since I’m a vegetarian, people are often trying to get me to eat things with meat in them (even people that know I’m a vegetarian) so I often have to gently remind them, or explain to them that I don’t eat meat, or fish or chicken, or gelatin or anything that’s cooked with meat broth or itty bitty chunks of meat. Not even tuna fish sandwiches (which some people don’t realize are not suitable for vegetarians). If I’m invited to someone’s home, I usually try to politely and discreetly explain beforehand and then ask if I can/should bring something vegetarian to share with everyone.
I have a tendency to decline invitations to functions or parties or events where I can’t be sure of what will be in the food. I don’t ever want to insult anyone or embarrass anyone or cause a scene. I also carry vegetarian snacks in my purse, for the rare times when there is some type of impromptu meal (like someone at work shows up with a surprise, or everyone insists on going out to lunch at a steak house).
Also, if I’m the one hosting the meal or party, I try to find out ahead of time if there are any foods that are off limits to anyone for any reason and then I try to accomodate them, but I don’t ever feel insulted if someone can’t eat something or doesn’t like a particular food.
On the other hand, if I know for sure that the food is completely vegetarian, but someone really wants me to try their eggplant, I will choke it down. Eggplant is the one veg food that I just don’t like, but I always give it the old college try.
Interesting answers but what if you are seated at someone’s table as an invited dinner guest and the main course is something you just can’t see choking down….
@smilingheart1 I still wouldn’t eat it; it may be an unfortunate and embarrassing situation, but so be it. I’m still not going to eat something that so strongly clashes with what I prefer (for example, if the main course were scrambled eggs or something, there is no way in hell that I will eat it. I’m not down to throw up at the dinner table.)
I would take a small helping on my plate, and then not eat it.
@uberbatman No actually, that’s my family, but we just tell each other to go to hell and that’s the end of that… You can’t do that with the IL, you have to be nice. LOL
@smilingheart1 I’d not eat it. If I thought the hostess would be personally offended, I may take a small serving…and not eat it.
@gailcalled, good for you. You don’t need a spoon full of sugar (nicety) to help the “medicine” go down! !
@GabrielsLamb: I have tools to cope. So I never feel cornered or confrontational. There are many ways of taking care of yourself and still having nice relations with friends or family.
It depends what it is and who is offering. If it’s something involving dairy products I’ll decline, unless they don’t mind me occupying their bathroom for the rest of the evening, puking up everything I ate. If it’s something I can eat without being ill, but I just don’t like it, I’ll take a little just to be polite.
I would politely decline, I’ve done it my whole life. Yes, I have been put on the spot and told I am a picky eater many times. I don’t really care what they think. In my family no one was force fed. I think requiring someone to eat something they hate is abusive, talking about abuse. Most of the time people are fine with my decline and ask if they can get me something else.
I would politely decline. However, if it’s something I haven’t had before, I’ll take a small bit and try a bite or two to see if I like it. Everyone in my family knows that I’m an extremely picky eater, and it’s a miracle when I do like something new. I’m pretty much always up to try something that I haven’t had before or in a long time (to some extent, of course) but there are some things that I just know that I don’t like (i.e. chunks of tomato, chicken, potatoes.) I don’t think that the host/hostess would be offended if you declined something that you simply just didn’t like. If they’re a good host they will be understanding and not want to cause you a lot of unnecessary discomfort.
If it is given in good faith I always accept and say “thank you”. I can and will eat anything if someone I know prepared it.
If horrendous, I might try to find a place to surreptitiously dump it but, – Who am I kidding? That has never happened. I just eat it and say “thank you”.
If they ask “How do you like it?” I will answer “Oh it’s interesting but not my favorite. Thank you.”
I’d eat it, since I’m not a hypersensitive baby.
If it’s something I actually hate, that’s probably because it’s basically inedible and looks/tastes like crap, not subjectively but objectively.
So far I’ve never had such a terrible situation thrust on me, but I think I’m strong enough to let a person know that they have no business in the kitchen. Who are they fooling, anyway?
Faking culinary enjoyment is like faking an orgasm. Though it might achieve short term goals, you are also telling the person that this is what you enjoy. Expect more of the same.
Gracefully accept it. Wait about three months and give it to a homeless person.
I politely decline. And I have had people make a BIG deal out of it. For some people, I suppose it is a cultural thing. They insist that everybody is fed (and in some cases, fed a LOT.) But I’m a picky eater. There are some foods that make me want to vomit if I take even the smallest bite of it. I used to feel really horrible about this and would try hard not to stay for dinner unless I knew for certain that they were having something that I would eat.
I onyl hate one type of soup [someone told me the English name but I cannot remember it now .. soup made from cow’s belly]. I wouldn’t do anything. I instantly throw up from the smell. I wouldn’t “mind” ruining their meal because they served me something I do not like. I tell to friends this so they know to avoid it. Someone tried once to test it and he didn’t like when the soup had “things” floating around ^^ I told them not to do it but they wanted to see if I speak the truth.
If it were at dinner at someone’s home, I would take some on my plate and not eat it, or maybe try a bite just to try it. I would not feel it necessary to discuss that I don’t like it or am on some diet that I can’t have it. People don’t need all that information, as far as I’m concerned. It’s not always about me.
If someone gave me a present of a food I did not like, I would just re-gift it (“The gift that keeps on giving”).
@Hibernate It’s tripe and it’s a bit tough to chew eh? SOmehow in and of itself having to chew soup to that extreme is just wrong…
I’d probably take a little bit to be polite, push it around my plate, but not say anything unless pressed. If I served something that someone didn’t like, I wouldn’t help feeling bad even if I had no way of knowing. I’d feel obligated to find something offer the person something else! So if I didn’t like something I was served, I’d keep quiet about it just to avoid making someone feel how I know I would feel. If that makes sense.
When my husband and I were first married, we lived with his parents. Sometimes my father in law would make dinner after having too much to drink and it would be horrible. You could tell from the smell in the kitchen and the sight of the food, so I wouldn’t say anything but just have a bowl of cereal instead!
I’d try a little piece and then eat around it.
@Neizvestnaya LOL… There are going to be lots of full napkins and lots of seriously worried potted plants around… And full happy fat satisfied doggies too!
If “take the risk of looking like a hyper sensitive baby?” is what that person will be like, fuck ‘em. I’m a picky eater and vegetarian/vegan (apparently, depending on stress level) so if I don’t want to eat something, I will say I will either find something else or that I just ate.
I don’t know…things I would hate to eat would probably things people would prefer not to offer or hold with their hands at all.
“something to eat…”
Can I infer that it’s food? Then I can eat it, and probably enjoy it. I might not eat all that’s offered.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I have actually been called that very thing verbatum because I have allergies to certain things and when people in restaurants don’t listen I get mad.
Throw it in their face. “Oops! I’m sorry, what did you want me to do with it?”
I get things that I “don’t like” all the time, and when they’re offered by people trying to be nice and who don’t know that I don’t really care for, say, cherry pie, then I eat it – once – and try to be nice in return. If it’s something that I simply can’t abide, like caramelized carrots or squash, then I simply refuse it – politely.
@Bellatrix Never thought of that… hmmm, strange.
*Sadly, I am serious too. LOL
@CWOTUS Hey, are you going to eat that cherry pie and carrots? ‘Cause I’ll take ‘em if you don’t want ‘em.
I would politely decline rather than see it go to waste.
I fear that @CWOTUS would not like my cooking : ( I make a mean pan of caramelized veggies! But I have been able to get a few avowed tofu haters to taste and actually like tofu. Trader Joe’s makes this yummy Organic Baked Marinated Tofu that I often use when I don’t want to scare people. It’s much firmer and comes in savory or teryiaki flavors, and because it’s marinated, it’s got a brownish color that looks more like meat, rather than a shining block of white tofu. I make a cold Asian noodle salad with a peanut butter dressing that all of my tofu-hating relatives liked. And I always, always, always let them know it’s tofu, before feeding it to them. You should never surprise people or try to fake them out.
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