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Blackberry's avatar

Steve Jobs is dead. Would you like to share some thoughts?

Asked by Blackberry (34425points) October 5th, 2011
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58 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

I can’t beleive it, it really sucks :(

Jude's avatar

I’m in shock.

tinyfaery's avatar


Too bad. So young.

chyna's avatar

A loss too young. He will be missed.

AshLeigh's avatar

isad. :(

WestRiverrat's avatar

Knowing his past medical history and work ethic, I am not that shocked. I was more surprised that he retired.

augustlan's avatar

I’m very sad. More sad than I expected to be, as a PC kind of girl. He was a visionary.

everephebe's avatar

To honor of the late Steve Jobs, here is a Commencement Address of his that really spoke to me. Very sad to have lost this fellow earthling.

Thank you Steve for all that you have given us.”

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] This is our Question of the Day.

jrpowell's avatar

Moment of silence.

In 1984 my parents bought me the first Mac. It didn’t have a hard drive. The OS was stored on each and every floppy disk. I played with MacPaint and later went on to learn BASIC and Hypercard.

So thanks Steve. Without the original Mac I would have probaly never written a application in BASIC to catalog my baseball cards at eight years old.

filmfann's avatar

Not only responsible for Apple, but Pixar as well. A true visionary.

saint's avatar

I have never really understood what his fatal affliction was. Not that I need to know. But just curious. Anyway, I love my iPad. Thanks Steve. Rest in Peace.

XOIIO's avatar

Looks like it is, in fact, dangerous to not have an Apple a day.

augustlan's avatar

@saint I believe he had pancreatic cancer.

Blackberry's avatar

@XOIIO LOL! Too soon, man.

talljasperman's avatar

Rest in peace.

creative1's avatar

If anyone wants to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please email Apple has it listed on their site.

jrpowell's avatar

Here is a picture of him and his wife after his last WWDC.

Blackberry's avatar

@johnpowell You were writing code at age 8? That’s insane….

Ponderer983's avatar

oh well…life goes on

chyna's avatar

Thanks @johnpowell I had never seen his wife. Hard to believe that picture was just taken Monday.

augustlan's avatar

That picture makes me want to sob uncontrollably. :’(

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Just to show, no matter how much money you have, the date with the Grim Reaper awaits us all. At least he made very good time of the time he spent here. He has left an indelible mark on the US as well as the world with the innovative products Apple has produces. His style was often imitated, but never could be duplicated. I hope those who are to take over the reigns have their game faces on.

dappled_leaves's avatar

He was ill for a long while, and I felt when he stepped down that it must be because he was nearing the end of his life. He was so dedicated to Apple, I have to respect that.

jrpowell's avatar

@chyna :: WWDC was in June before he resigned as CEO.

chyna's avatar

@johnpowell Oh, I was reading the caption which said Monday, not realizing the WWDC was in June.

Blueroses's avatar

Wow @Blackberry. I hadn’t heard until you posted this. Thank you for the news.

J0E's avatar

I’ve often bad mouthed Apple and Steve Jobs, but I will always thank him for everything he has done for technology. The one Apple product I owned, an iPod Touch, catapulted me into my love for technology. It’s thanks to Apple and Steve Jobs that the masses can use technology and not be confused by it. They made it simple enough for everyone to use, and for that we are eternally grateful. He made the world better.

Blackberry's avatar

@J0E We understand. When people bad mouth Apple and Steve, they’re never really angry at the human Steve, it’s just convenient to say his name.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I shall eat an apple in his honor. RIP Steve.

augustlan's avatar

From that commencement speech that @everephebe linked up there:

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.” – Steve Jobs

Nullo's avatar

The king is dead. Long live the king!

KateTheGreat's avatar

Or shall we say: Goodnight, sweet prince.

Ayesha's avatar

I just heard. I’m in shock.
R.I.P Steve, the genius.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Again… Thanks for my music! If it weren’t for you, I would have an entire room full of scratched CD’s that all skipped.

RIP… ♥ ♥ ♥

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I didn’t know who he was until today. I’m guessing that is really strange, but I’ve also never owned an Apple product… I’m not sure if that is a good excuse.

Anyhow, it is always sad when someone passes so young. It seems that many people were inspired by Steve Jobs.

DominicX's avatar

On the day Steve Jobs dies and I’m wishy-washy about whether I should get the new iPhone, I drop my Android and the screen cracks. It’s a done deal now :)

fizzbanger's avatar

Like @Hypocrisy_Central said… all the money in the world can’t beat cancer :(

jrpowell's avatar

I knew this day was coming. It is still worse then Hunter S Thompson and Vonnegut combined,

cookieman's avatar

I’m so saddened by this I can’t put it into words. Apple and Pixar have been a big part of my life as a consumer, graphic designer, teacher, and lover of technology for so long, that I’m stunned. Utterly stunned and sadened.

Goodbye Steve.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Didn’t know. I don’t know how I feel about it. No way, I guess.

jrpowell's avatar

{{hugs cprevite}}

Blackberry's avatar

@ratboy And he’s still wearing the same shirt lol.

jaytkay's avatar

Thanks, @everephebe (and thanks Steve, of course), that commencement address was wonderful!

AmWiser's avatar

‘Tis after death that we measure men. ~ James Barron Hope

XOIIO's avatar

Man, actually seeing the words “Steve Jobs is dead” is still a shocker :(

PC’s still beat macs though.

Buttonstc's avatar

There aren’t many people who are truly irreplaceable but he’s at the top of the short list. Such a sad day for innovation in technology. And on the human side, a sad day for his family and friends and the rest of us as well.

mazingerz88's avatar

This is so unfair. I mean do angels really need awesome computers up there-? I mean they already have wings and shit right-?

jaytkay's avatar

Steve Jobs is the Thomas Edison and the Henry Ford of my generation. He should have named the company “Jobs”.

Nullo's avatar

Honestly, I can’t say that I’m all that surprised, really. We’ve known that his health had been failing for a while; his passing was a matter of time.

@jaytkay “Steves” would have been more practical, while Wozniak was on board. And re-branding afterward would be an enormous hassle. :D

muppetish's avatar

I get updates from the New York Times on my phone, so I read about this during my break at school today. Even though he is known world round as this big innovator of technology—one of the most influential people around—I can’t help but stare at the headlines and think, ”Oh god, he was only a few years older than my parents.. they have to take better care of themselves.”

No amount of foreknowledge can prepare a family for such a loss. I wish his wife and kids the best.

erichw1504's avatar

Even though I’m a PC guy, I am deeply saddened by his death. I have owned an iPod Touch for over two years now and plan to get an iPhone soon. The mark he left on the tech industry is immense.

cookieman's avatar

This MacWorld Article is a great overview of what he accomplished.

I think I may go to the Apple store after work and just hang out. This, unlike any other public death, is really bothering me.

rawrgrr's avatar

I never knew how much the death of a person I’ve never met could have such a profound emotional impact on me. Steve, my idol.

Rest in Peace.

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