Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Is it commonplace for brother and sister to have sexual relations?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) October 6th, 2011

I rarely ask a question like this, but I have a reason. In my teenage years, I dated this girl and had been plans for us. All of a sudden, she called off our engagement and gave no reason why. For some strange reason, I had always thought she and her brother were being intimate with each other. Her brother never dated anyone and he always hung around his sister, like she was his girlfriend. I could sense jealousy for me, when I was with her. Question: are sexual relations between brother and sister more common than we suspect?

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33 Answers

Blackberry's avatar


GabrielsLamb's avatar

Ummm… Where would that even be a reasonable thing to consider?

*I never ever want to go there.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Maybe , It does happen enough to have it’s own word to describe it, and we all probably think it almost never happens.

Bellatrix's avatar

It happens but I would say not commonly.

My brother and sister are both single (and don’t seem to have now or have had lots of relationships) and are very, very close. They aren’t intimate though. I would put my house on that. They are just very close and I think really connect with each other.

njnyjobs's avatar

“Is it commonplace?”. . . NO, but we can not positively, 100% say that it does not happen.

Kardamom's avatar

It is probably a little bit less common than your run of the mill father/daughter incest and it probably happens most often in those families where incest is already occurring with a parent. Yuck!

filmfann's avatar

The correct answer is “Ewww, No!”

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I am going to say actual relations are probably really, really, rare.

Do weird, emotionally codependent relationships between a brother and sister happen? Yes, I think those develop occasionally.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@Kardamom The thing about incest is this… It’s like rape, the perp, doesn’t view the victim as a human being in the first place which is what enables them to commit the crime. THere is no thought within the mind of a sociopath that in any way “connects” them as in an otherwise normal bond to the person that they are victimizing.

They are simply viewed as a seperate entity and an objectified thing.

So basically from the perspective of the perp… it isn’t actually incest at all. It’s just another thing to use for sick self gratification.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Anyone that saw this on TV when it happened?adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-429-s&va=angelina+jolie+brother+kiss did not doubt that Angelina and her bro had something _more than the typical sibling relationship.

@john65pennington I think it happens. If you had a funny hunch about them, your gut was probably right.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@SpatzieLover I agree that was her self induced “Goth” phase and I think they did it for both; attention to his budding career as well as more fire added to her own image.

AshLeigh's avatar

People think my brother and I are dating all the time, before they figure out that we’re siblings.
He walks me to my classes, and gives me hugs, and stuff, but I think we act more like best friends.
People always ask “You’re Justins girlfriend, right?” and I’m like “No, I’m out of his league…” then I eventually tell them I’m his sister, then they understand why we’re so close. XD

AstroChuck's avatar

Anyone else getting turned on by this question?

JLeslie's avatar

I think it happens more often than people think, but still is a fairly rare occurance.i don’t think it is always coerced, sometimes both are willing, experimenting. I certainly know cousins who fooled around as teenagers.

chyna's avatar

Ick, no.

creative1's avatar

eeeew noooooooo

SpatzieLover's avatar

I don’t know whathappened to my link up there Here’s the photo

6rant6's avatar

Well, from the answers here, it’s pretty clear that if it were going on, or had gone on, that anyone involved who had a grain of sense would keep it to themselves.

john65pennington's avatar

I later discovered that she had a twin sister in a mental institution. She never, ever told me about this. I heard it through the grapevine. I began asking questions, when for no reason, she terminated our proposed marriage.

To this day, I do not have an answer, other than my gut feeling.

AstroChuck's avatar

As an only child I find it funny to see some of the responses in this thread.

john65pennington's avatar

I also ask this question, because I only have one brother and no sister.

chyna's avatar

I think you got off easy. You could have married her and then found all of her skeletons. I have 3 older brothers. I could never think of them in that way. I can barely tolerate the oldest one.

XOIIO's avatar

@poisonedantidote I was going to link to that XD

jca's avatar

I am willing to bet that in some areas, it’s not uncommon, although probably not discussed openly because there is a stigma.

Hibernate's avatar

I always saw incest as something awful and not because of what I have read in the Bible and just because. A mother/father/sister/brother/etc family member can be the best looking/smartest etc one should never start having sexual relations… I can’t even imagine how can some be attracted to the other family members [unless it’s husband-wife].
I’d “tolerate” incest only in a few occasions and these would imply there can’t be any other reproduction… even so it would be a bit disguisting.
my 2 cents.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Great Caesar’s ghost, when I was a child, anyone would have told me there were as many gay people as there are, I would have told them, they were slinging the horse feathers quite hard. One it got more acceptable to be gay, many you never thought were gay came out. How many brother/sister lovers are there out there? I can’t say. Would I feel comfortable betting on it that it was even to gay people, no. Do I think it is plausible? Certainly. I even believe highly probable. I don’t think anyone will ever get a positive number because of the ick factor people carry about it. Very few will come out and admit it. Not only because there are laws that can deny one of their freedom, but because it is still more icky than being gay would have been back in the 50s. In reality, it could be actually happening way more than anyone could have ever imagined.

No one would be lie that woman jogging in the park with that Bernese Mountain Dog will be at home later boinking the pooch, but that happens often enough they coined a name for it. On the Net they are more outspoken on top of that. Anything is possible.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ve never fucked my sister.

smilingheart1's avatar

Incest is one of the reason we see so many sick adults. Plus the threats that hang over your head add to all the psychosis of family abuse.

6rant6's avatar

“No, ewww”
“No, ick”
“it would be a bit disguisting”
“It’s like rape”

Pick your decade and I’m sure you would find the same response to a question about lesbians, gay men, interracial couples, divorcees, and homo sapiens/Neanderthal pairings.

Everybody hid out at one point, and the rest of us assumed it wasn’t happening.

It probably is.

I’ve often wondered how many sibling pairs move away from their history to be together. If there are no kids on either side, who would know?

Blackberry's avatar

@6rant6 I could understand why one would do it: people want someone they feel they know much about, and who better a person than someone you grew up with for decades. Well, and sometimes you’re just really damn horny and there’s no one around.

XOIIO's avatar

@Blackberry lol

err, how would you know?

Blackberry's avatar

@XOIIO I don’t know, just speculation. I’m an only child.

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