Ignoring their responsibilities to their spouses, children, extended family, bosses and ordinary citizens.
Puking on people’s lawns.
Spending money that was meant for rent and groceries and gas on alcohol.
Showing up at children’s birthday parties reeking of booze.
Kissing people who are not their wives or girlfriends and then weepily saying, “I loooooovvve you” to other people’s girlfriends and wives, other men and even dogs and cats.
Tinkling in people’s pools, on their lawns or right out there in public, especially on the side of the road.
Eating the cake that you baked for your Volunteer Appreciation Awards Luncheon and then not remembering that they ate it.
Yelling at their wives, children, bosses, random co-workers and dogs and cats.
Driving and endangering other people’s lives while at the same time angrily shouting, “I’m not drunk, I can handle my alcohol better than anyone I know! I can hold my liquor. I’m just driving home fer chrissakes so shut up b*tch or I’ll slug you!!!”
Getting involved in drunken driving accidents, killing innocent people, then getting involved in other drunken driving accidents after the first one.
Falling asleep in your ex best friend’s crotch.