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6rant6's avatar

What are alcoholics known for doing?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) October 6th, 2011

Alcoholics commonly lie, blame, invent excuses and deny the consequences of their actions. What else?

Part of a writing project

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53 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Make extremely inappropriate comments at family functions?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Wreck their car, get arrested, start fights, come home late (or don’t come home at all), are these examples too specific?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Stealing is right up there in my experience.

6rant6's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I’m looking mainly for things that come out in conversation.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Run the country.

stardust's avatar

Absolutely melt the brains of those around them

Coloma's avatar

Um..drinking too much?

It depends…some alcoholics are quiet and unassuming, others are complete idiots.
Some are silly, some are violent, some are obnoxious, some are stupid sloppy.

Lying, cheating, risk taking, complete and utter self centeredness…yep, I’ve known a few.

The biggest thing is that whatever age they started heavily drinking freezes them in an emotionally retarded time loop. Forever 14 with only 14 brain cells, doesn’t make for good company.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Repeat themselves. and most of the ones I’ve know are BRUTALLY honest

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Oh, mood swings and angry outbursts.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

“Instant asshole just add alcohol.”

Alcohol was once called “Spirits” for a reason. It tends to act on the nerve centers of the brain as well as completely dehydrate it. These combined create euophoric effects that are known to force the ego from the body and in anciet beliefs allow in any passing “Spirit” that came along *Modern Tr. Any mood, feeling, impulse or “Demon” that came to mind in a moment t enter in and adversely effect the host *IE the DRUNK!

Once the ego or the presence of self is deflated, the person has fewer boundaries, fewer personal hang-ups and fewer inhabitions.

So therefore I repeat.. “instant asshole… Just add alcohol.”

Most alcoholics tend to be self conscious to a hyper sensitive extreme.

Bellatrix's avatar

Waste their lives and not reach their full potential.

Kardamom's avatar

Ignoring their responsibilities to their spouses, children, extended family, bosses and ordinary citizens.

Puking on people’s lawns.

Spending money that was meant for rent and groceries and gas on alcohol.

Showing up at children’s birthday parties reeking of booze.

Kissing people who are not their wives or girlfriends and then weepily saying, “I loooooovvve you” to other people’s girlfriends and wives, other men and even dogs and cats.

Tinkling in people’s pools, on their lawns or right out there in public, especially on the side of the road.

Eating the cake that you baked for your Volunteer Appreciation Awards Luncheon and then not remembering that they ate it.

Yelling at their wives, children, bosses, random co-workers and dogs and cats.

Driving and endangering other people’s lives while at the same time angrily shouting, “I’m not drunk, I can handle my alcohol better than anyone I know! I can hold my liquor. I’m just driving home fer chrissakes so shut up b*tch or I’ll slug you!!!”

Getting involved in drunken driving accidents, killing innocent people, then getting involved in other drunken driving accidents after the first one.

Falling asleep in your ex best friend’s crotch.

FutureMemory's avatar

Say things they don’t have the courage to say when sober.

Female friend called me up drunk one night, told me she’s had feelings for me since the day we met…6 years previous.

Jeruba's avatar

@6rant6, it’s pretty hard to have a conversation with an active alcoholic. But among the ones who don’t have rages, blame and accuse, and deny, you’re apt to hear apologies, self-blame, self-loathing, helplessness, guilt, and promises.

I’m distinguishing here between someone who’s just drunk and someone who’s an alcoholic—an out-of-control addict who is wretchedly miserable in his or her disease and yet is unable to stop.

chyna's avatar

Falling asleep with a lit cigarette. And burned my couch.

Bellatrix's avatar

Dying too young.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

No one has mentioned that alcoholics sometimes have unprotected sex, which can result in unwanted pregnancies and diseases.

TexasDude's avatar

Have erectile dysfunction.

Purchasing the strongest drinks they can find.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Burb with a horrid bile aroma erupting out of them whist speaking to you.

poisonedantidote's avatar

They will get furious systematically each and every time you call them alcoholics. (if they are in denial obv)

blueiiznh's avatar

They drive people away.

i stay as far away as I can from them.

Coloma's avatar

I led a pretty sheltered life and when I was 21 I moved to L.A.

OMG! I had NEVER seen street drunks, I was so shocked at guys passed out on the lawns around my neighborhood, and old hookers, like really OLD, in their 70“s, drunk and hooking. A short walk from my apartment to the beach was an amazing experience. haha

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@blueiiznh Smart! Unfortunately I was raised around them… So even though I don’t really drink very often, I grew up and became a bartender and I have seen enough of all ofit for a lifetime. But that being said, I do understand them.

I almost speak drunk and I can sympathize. But it is a very good idea to keep away.

keobooks's avatar

This is a subtle thing, but if someone drinks heavily for many years on a daily basis, they lose the ability to break alcohol down fully and their sweat and tears can smell faintly of alcohol. It’s not overpowering —it’s just one of those things that you might notice if you stand near them. You’ll catch a little waft of it.

So even if they are acting completely sober and normal, you can still smell it. These are people with hardcore longterm drinking habits.

blueiiznh's avatar

@GabrielsLamb @SpatzieLover I can’t even imagine.

They are also known for pickling their livers.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

I recently had brief interactions with an alcoholic. I didn’t know it at first that he is one of course and in his explaining to me one night how he indeed “Doesn’t only call me because he is drunk and wants something, but because he feels more comfortable talking to people while he is drunk because it is easier.”

That was the moment that brought it solid to me… This person will drink for the rest of their life to cover over the fact that he does indeed call me when he is drunk because he wants something. NOT because it’s easier to talk. But because it’s easier to be a hurtful scumbag while drinking.

Another thing drunks do… They use their condition to lie and make excuses for their own behaviors and the way to ALWAYS know what is the truth, is to listen to exactly the opposite of whatever they say themselves of themselves to anyone ever.

LIARS, manipulators, deviants (some) and medicated conscience which lacks morality

bkcunningham's avatar

On the other hand, some are functioning alcoholics. They are hard workers and hold down good jobs. They beat themselves up for drinking and promise themselves and others to do better and unknowingly (and sometimes knowingly) perpetuate the cycle by not thinking too highly of themselves.

Some alcoholics go weeks and sometimes months without drinking a drop. Some alcoholics are wonderful people with an addiction. They are doctors, lawyers, construction workers, teachers, students, politicians, sports figures, poets, writers, animal rights activists, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, unemployed or workaholics.

Some alcoholics have irrational and erractic behaviors that progresses, just like their drinking tends to progress. Some of the kindest, most intelligent, fairest and most loving people I know are alcoholics in recovery.

Coloma's avatar


I agree, nicely said.

The alcoholics I have known have all been high functioning, for the most part. Kinda an oxymoron though. lol

Ela's avatar

Throwing dogs against the door, lining their children up youngest to oldest and taking the belt to each one of them, playing mean tricks on their wives thinking it’s funny (like adding pepper instead of cinnamon), running off with other women and knocking them up, being gone for days and weeks at a time and eventually abandoning their families, calling their sons wussies because they weren‘t asses like them, putting a piece of pie in their daughter‘s face because she asked for the last one… hmmm… oh and drinking a beer while standing on their heads. Pretty neat bar trick I hear got him some free beers.

chyna's avatar

@EnchantingEla My heart goes out to you.

filmfann's avatar

Talk about how much he loves you, way past the point of discomfort.

blueiiznh's avatar

Increased health issues including cancer and higher suicide rates

CDC Article on Women

CDC Article on Men

Dog's avatar

Masking the pain or symptoms of mental disease with drinking.
Being intensely creative but insanely self-destructive.

Hibernate's avatar

@6rant6 what you said about alcoholics only apply to a certain percent of them. Most that I know drink for fun/pleasure and they don’t bother making excuses ‘n all the other crappy lies. They just say what they have to say and they usually don’t bother you. Sometimes they come asking me for money and say they need them for drinks. I usually “lend” them some just because. [some have good reasons for drinking and if they think that helps them who am I to say NO].

janbb's avatar

A relative of mine got disgustingly mawkish and sentimental when he was drunk.

jca's avatar

They can be very manipulative, crying for sympathy, everything is always someone else’s fault. Often along with the alcoholism comes drug addiction, gambling addiction, liver disease, mental illness – so look for those things in the alcoholic.

Coloma's avatar

Maudlin female drunks are among the worst!

FutureMemory's avatar

Killing themselves and others while driving.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

*I can’t believe nobody said Drinking yet.

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St.George's avatar

Being annoying.

augustlan's avatar

The only thing all alcoholics are known for is drinking too much.

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Love_or_Like's avatar

they make stupid decisions, start fights, and get really loud and obnoxious.

keobooks's avatar

A lot of these things people are mentioning are what people do when they are drunk. Not all drunk people are alcoholics and alcoholics aren’t drunk all of the time.

Alcoholics are known for hiding bottles in the house in case of an “emergency”. The tank of the toilet is a popular hiding place.

Alcoholics are known for breaking promises they make while sober because they were drinking. They feel guilty and drink some more.

Alcoholics are known for swearing off booze for good—and then only keeping up with it for a month.

Alcoholics are known for being on the wagon and just having a teeny tiny drink because now they can control it. It quickly gets out of hand.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Hiding/denying when they are sad or angry and pointing out how negative others are.

Overcompensating with attention or money when they feel bad for something that they previously missed out on or messed up.

Over promising and under delivering.

Becoming angry in order to cover up not remembering things.

Eating poorly.

Few friends but many acquaintances.

Late night rendezvous.

Unexplained “accidents” like cuts, bruises, broken items, lost items, forgetting plans.

Boogabooga1's avatar

Drinking too much.

St.George's avatar

Ruining families.

filmfann's avatar

Spontaneous Human Combustion seems to have a connection to alcoholics.

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