What do you like to eat when you're not feeling well?
Soup, jello, soft boiled, eggs, crackers… you gotta eat something!
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31 Answers
Soup is pretty much the only thing I can take when I’m really sick, usually chicken noodle soup with a lot of pepper in it. Gotta eat slowly, too.
I don’t like anything, it just depends on what I finally have around when I’m hungry.
Soup. And I have to have on my fuzzy slippers, and I have to drink my pop out of a straw. All of this only when I don’t feel good. The whole regiment makes me feel better. No real explanation.
Depends what type of not well. Stomach flu, almost nothing. Maybe a little soup, gingerale, and crackers or toast.
When I have a cold I crave soup, meat, potatoes. Veggies and seafood are very unnattractive to me when I have a cold.
My Moms Shepard’s Pie.
< and I think she likes it when I call and ask >
Well, depending on what kind of sick?
Soup for colds, but if it’s an intestinal/stomach flu I am really wary of eating for a long time. wait til I haven’t been sick for about 6 hours.
Crackers, maybe some fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, toast, keep it mild.
Try to get some protein, maybe an egg or two, if you have gone a long time between eating anything.
HOT tea, hot soup, buttered mashed potatoes. that is if I feel like eating
Mama used to say “Feed a cold and starve a fever.”
So for a cold, SOUP!
for a fever… Sleep!
I agree with @Coloma. If it is stomach flu eat nothing for several hours until the vomiting has subsided. Don’t even drink anything if you can’t keep liquids down. Most stomach flus let up in several hours. If you can’t keep anything down at all after 12 hours think about going to urgent care for some medicine or an IV.
Thos is not advice for young children who can get dangerously dehydrated in a short time.
@GabrielsLamb Except, for the fever people need to eat something also.
Ramen noodles. It’s all about the salt bomb.
Ramen, apples and grapes.
Fruit (especially apples and bananas), crackers, soup, and cereal (if my body agrees with the milk.) Mostly, I just drink a ton of water, though.
Maruchan chicken ramin romin noodles : )
I disagree with @Coloma and @JLeslie about not eating/drinking until you stop vomiting. The two times I tried that I got the dry heaves. The only thing worse than puking your guts out is puking your guts out when they are totally empty.
I usually sip on a little chicken broth or ginger ale.
i decided not to share : (
Not eat, but drink. When I’m not feeling well (eg., fever, flu, nausea), I always like to drink a concoction my grandmother used to make for me as a kid whenever I got sick. It’s Coca-Cola with fresh ginger.
My grandma heated the Coca-Cola in a saucepan, added a lot of chopped fresh ginger (perhaps 1 to 2 full tablespoons), and boiled the concoction. It’s a good remedy for fever and nausea. However, it’s very spicy and not to everyone’s liking.
Drink the hot Coca-Cola/ginger drink, then wrap yourself with a warm blanket. In an hour or so, you’ll sweat it out and feel much better.
To eat, I like to eat steamed egg custard, but it’s not the Western-style sweet custard most people here are familiar with. It’s Japanese egg custard. You beat three eggs with a cup of chicken broth, then steam it in a bowl until it’s soft and smooth, almost soup-like. Add some fresh grated ginger on top and it’s done. I love the savory taste of the custard, and it really hits the spot and soothes your stomach when you’re sick——it also replenishes the lost salt in your body.
Ice cream. It’s the only thing that seems to go down okay. That and I drink 7Up like a crazy person.
It depends. Cold or flu, definitely soup. With crackers or bread. Hot tea. Water.
Puking? Very, very little. Maybe some crackers or a piece of bread.
Hope you’re feeling ok, @lillycoyote!
Not a lot usually. Depends what’s wrong with me of course. Tea, toast… something light.
Hot and sour soup, or Tom Yum.
Or a grilled cheese sandwich.
Not eggs, because while I do like egg whites, eggs in general make me feel sick sometimes, especially if I’m already not feeling well. I haven’t been sick in awhile (fortunately) so I can’t think of anything very specific. I either eat very little or just eat what I normally eat, but maybe a little less of it, and definitely nothing oily or eggy…
Toast (with a little butter and jelly) and tea with honey.
Anything really spicy always works for me.
Actually it depends on my mood…But important is to look food that healthy to make you strong.
Toast, lots & lots of burnt bread.
The last time I was ill I really craved an omelette with toast.
I don’t like to eat anything when I’m not feeling well. The closest thing would be soup, chicken esp. the best, and ginger ale.
For a cold and a sore throat soup and tea helps. If I can keep it down. Sometimes nothing.
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