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What is the weirdest thing your pet likes to eat?
My dog loves Polo! His love is not normal either. He’d do anything for them. For exmaple he knew everytime we tried to get him into the car it would most probably be to goto the vet. So everytime he’d see us calling him to the car or herding him there he’d run and hide. So we’d have to lure him out with Polo and he knew he’d end up in the car to goto the vet but he didn’t give up the Polo. He’s awesome.
He also loves fruit. His all time favourite is Mango. He drools a puddle if he smells it. He’ll also eat Banana and Apples.
Oh we also had a rabbit that loved chocolate and 7 up. Obviously we didn’t feed it to him, we weren’t sure how good/bad it’d be for him. But once I was sitting on my sofa eating a chocolate chip cookie and he was on the floor besides the sofa. He jumped up from there into my lap, ran up my chest and tried to take the cookie out of my mouth. Now I know rabbits are not known for their sense of smell, but he knew it was chocolate. Also everytime someone had 7 up he’d run to them and would put his mouth near your mouth as you would bring the bottle to your mouth.
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