[NSFW] Which do you believe is a larger fashion faux pas for women, appearance of ”Camel toe”, or chest ”bullets”, if ether bother you?
[NSFW] Often the talk of what is hoochie or slutty gets mistakenly directed to how much skin is showing. Daisy Dukes with a tube top, would be said to be hoochie. A mini worn commando with only a cropped front tie shrug sweater to some is hoochie and slutty. Even with no skin showing some people believe it is a fashion faux pas to wear jeans or pants so tight as to create ”camel toe”, or a tight sweater without a bra or nipple shields as to show “bullets”. Do you believe either is a fashion faux pas, if so, which is worse? Should a woman display either, unintended or intentional, would you say personally she was dressing slutty or hoochie?
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35 Answers
Problem with camel toe is easy enough to solve, you just need to wear your jeans lower on your hips. But that being said, then you get muffin tops so… Chest bullets?
I call them high beams or glass cutters… It’s called a bra.
If you don’t wear one, your nipples show… So what. Everyone has the same parts, everyone has the same pieces. The only difference is genetics. We’re all born naked, we all die alone.
You know it amazes me what constitutes and justifies in the minds of some people calling women “Slutty” Yet most of these same men, have little to no issue soliciting hookers and spending gobs of money it strip clubs when even now days it is mostly people trying to feed themselves
What’s slutty anymore? Lets just call it a lesser form of making use of assets and be done with it. He want’s it, she’s got it… Sex Is as old as dirt. We all do it, we all love it… Big damn deal. Show me a “Slut” and I will show you any women who wasn’t smart enough to destroy the evidence.
When they have you, they love you, when they’re done with you, you’re all of a sudden a “trashy slut.”
Blah blah blah… If those two things make women “Slutty” then everytime I turn on the television I see sluts.
Nope nope… Just people doing what people have been doing since the begining of time and calling theirs somehow different… it’s not.
Camel toe is gross. Bullets not that bad.
Neither are bad. I feel bad for women with cameltoes, because I feel that wedgies of any kind are uncomfortable, but at the end of it all they can dress however they want to dress. I don’t feel that I have the right to demean them by calling them “slutty”, simply because I don’t like that they aren’t scurrying around hiding their bodies in shame.
@Soupy sometimes people hide their bodies out of modesty or personal taste.
Shame is imposed… People judge because of themselves. I mean if someone is blatently hanging it all out there on purpose with intent to do so it’s one thing, but then again, it is also their choice.
But even that doesn’t make a “slut” Are nudists sluts? Is almost every artist on Mtv a “slut”
@Jellie Yep, I’m sure they do. It’s good for them and all, but people who don’t want to do that shouldn’t have to comply or risk being branded sluts, whores, and the like.
What about guy bulges and bitch tits on body builders… Men get to walk around in public topless and women show nipple through fabric and it means they are advertising that it is for sale? No…
Guys get the male equilivent of “Camel toe” too you know. Makes some dudes look like they have a pookie… I say that’s worse! But does it make them “Man ho’s?” nope nope!
This is exactly what gets me irked. Men can have their pants riding up around their junk, or their nipples visible through their shirts. Do people assume that they are selling their bodies, or inviting sexual assault, advertising their bodies, or that they’re ‘sluts’? For some reason a woman who dresses contrary to people’s expectations is judged so much more harshly than a man in the same position.
I enjoy both, after all it is the natural way their bodies were made
@DrBill That’s because your mamma raised you right… Thank her that you actually have a brain, and a good one too!
Rather it is “slutty” or “hoochie” (to use your terms) I think depends more on the woman, how she carries herself, her self confidence, and her overall attitude more so then what she is wearing.
Sexy is a state of being, in my opinion. I personally don’t find either attractive and wouldn’t be comfortable wearing them in public. I don’t like wearing pants that are too small and though I often go braless around home I wouldn’t feel comfortable do so in public.
To each their own ; )
@Soupy I don’t see it very often but, I like a man who wears pants that hug their junk and butt. I think it’s very hot ; ) ~just saying
Personally, I work very hard to avoid appearing in public with the following issues:
– camel toe
– nippage (the term we use here at my house for what I think is referred to by “bullets” above)
– visible panty-line
– muffin top
– bra straps showing
..But I’m pushing 40 and I spend my working days in rooms full of executive-types, so I have to work hard to look professional. Also, the industry I work in is closely related to fashion, so occasionally I go to meetings where people are dressed exceptionally well in very high-end fashion. So, it’s a constant struggle for me to “fit in” from a clothing perspective.
I have a lot more sympathy for women experiencing “camel toe” because it is, from my perspective, from ill-fitting clothing. I have unusually long legs and am very short-waisted. There are many, many brands of pants (esp. designer jeans) I just can’t wear because the designers do not cut the rise high enough to fit my high-waisted, long legged figure. Low-rise pants never fit me properly no matter how thin I am. The cut is just wrong for my physical dimensions. Can’t be helped.
@EnchantingEla Unless a woman is having sex in a public place or breaking the law… What constitutes a “Slut” or a “Hootchie” is a simple matter of implication of personal opinion on the part of the observer.
And NOTHING more. You have no idea what another persons intentions are internally, you should only ever believe half of what you see and none of what you hear and what makes a girl a “slut” has little to nothing to do with her sexual preferences as an adult.
As long as she isn’t messing with you or yours… what makes a woman a slut is nothing more than a projection of opinion. Period!
Slut. (N). A woman with the morals of a man. <————How messed up is that as far as definitions go?
*Urban dictionary.com.
Does no one see the conundrum here as well as the double standard that when compared to a man is basically present, and yet non existant at the same time?
Nope. I totally disagree @GabrielsLamb. Slutty is an attitude as well as sexy. Period.
having sex in a changingroom (public place) does not make a woman a slut, imo
i’ll have to think about it more…..
@EnchantingEla What if a woman has what is PERCIEVED as a “slutty attitude” by another woman or a man and she is actually a virgin? Is she still a slut?
By a “public place” I mean out in the open like on a park bench in broad daylight. A changing room, although public, isn’t out in the open and there is a level of intimacy and risque fun.
Tell me the difference between sexy and slutty? Like by definition…WHen we see what the literal definition of “Slut” is above.
*Question: Are: Kesha, Madonna, Gizelle Buncheon, Beyonce, and Rhianna “sexy” or “Slutty?”
@geeky_mama Sounds like I do not have a similar build *I am long waisted (Hourglass) and I have a donk- booty, but like I said, you take your pick at our age… It’s one or the other… Camel toe or a slight muffin top.
This however is biology 101. Unfortunately, welcome to the MTv generation where if your body is showing half naked, it’s “Sexy” but if you’re actually wearing clothing, you’re “Slutty”
*Face Palm!
Sooooo, if everyone went around naked, like God made you, then everyone would be happy
@DrBill I know some people might be very happy and some not so much. But what would the difference be really people would STILL catagorize, call names and assume based on personal inferences and opinions that really mean nothing.
Unless a privacy has been intentionally breeched *And I know all about that noise. A persons privacies are no one else’s business and if you’re not there in the room, or witness to the behavior that dignifies the expression people shouldn’t really assume or attempt to sum up a persons entire sexual character based on camel toe and high beams! But that never stops anyone does it?
Remember in the 1970’s when going braless, even in sheer WHITE tops, was considered sexy?
Too many distinctions and too little reason to make them I say, or too many and too many PERSONAL reasons. And being a total VICTIM of it myself… I know how it feels and is NOT a nice feeling.
I for 1 am happy there are so many differences with people, it gives variety to life. People will always discriminate as long as there are more than two people on the planet, I think we should embrace the differences.
@GabrielsLamb unfortunately i cannot give this my attention right now : ( i will be back, though! ; )
@DrBill Unfortunately many people lack both the tolerance or the will to want to see the actual person through such trivial things.
Chest bullets don’t bother me, but I think camel toe looks hideous. I do not need to see your vagina lips unless you’re in a porn flick, thank you very much.
Camel Toe is worse and as @geeky_mama writes, some body types are more prone.
Where I’ve worked, it would be looked on as sloppy more than inappropriate for a woman to be braless where you could see nipples through the clothes or the breasts bobbled around excessively. Camel Toe is one of those things where you wince once and then just try not to catch glimpse of again. It looks uncomfortable.
What about guys and their moose knuckle?
@Jude: when it’s obvious a guy is commando, that’s like nails on a chalkboard. We get them out here wearing sweatpants and t-shirt jersey sweatshorts. ICK!
Guys shouldn’t wear sweatpants. :)
It’s not fair that “bullets” on women is a faux pas and unacceptable. Men have them too and I don’t see anyone bitching about them…I’m sorry for all the women who feel a sense of shame when their nipples stick out. Just another thing to make women feel bad about themselves.
Bullets don’t bother. My boobs are small and I prefer not to wear a bra at times so I certainly can’t blame others who do the same. Camel toe is more funny than offensive as it’s such an unflattering look.
@GabrielsLamb Does no one see the conundrum here as well as the double standard that when compared to a man is basically present, and yet non existent[sic] at the same time? I fully see the conundrum. It is like a conundrum riding the back or an enigma, imbedded with a nebulous notion. If you are a woman wearing a micro mini, cropped leather bustier and no bra, if your dress makes one think of sex or that it is sexy, then you have to be on the prowl for it, hence, hoochie. If you are fully covered but in a very clingy PVC cat suit, that shows every curve, the camel toe and bullets, you are on the prowl for sex, thus, hoochie. If you are a woman fully dressed, but what you are wearing is sheer enough to see the ghost of the nipple, it is still hoochie. It matters not that the woman’s actual vagina could be harder to get into than Fort Knox. She might not even let her OB Gyn down there without a passport, and security but if she is showing skin, curves, bullets, or camel toe, she has to be a slut. When it comes to men, they can make even bigger fashion faux pas, IMO, with those stupid saggy jeans. When your jeans ride below your equipment, that is not fashion, it is not hot, it is just plain asinine and stupid, one fashion blunder I can’t wait to see go. I would have polyester leisure sites back and bellbottoms on men to get rid of that madness—.
I usually just feel embarrassed for women sporting camel toe. It doesn’t matter if it is because they can’t help it or because they think it’s hot, I am still embarrassed for them.
As for the nipples, I really only notice it on the women who are looking to get attention from it.
@Supacase As for the nipples, I really only notice it on the women who are looking to get attention from it.
That would make women who do not need a bra, but wears one, do so trying to hide any indication of nipple, because they are shame for anyone know they have any? Those who nipple indent show might be a byproduct of wanting to be more comfortable not shackled down in a Latex/Lycra contraption.
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