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[NSFW] Which do you believe is a larger fashion faux pas for women, appearance of ”Camel toe”, or chest ”bullets”, if ether bother you?
[NSFW] Often the talk of what is hoochie or slutty gets mistakenly directed to how much skin is showing. Daisy Dukes with a tube top, would be said to be hoochie. A mini worn commando with only a cropped front tie shrug sweater to some is hoochie and slutty. Even with no skin showing some people believe it is a fashion faux pas to wear jeans or pants so tight as to create ”camel toe”, or a tight sweater without a bra or nipple shields as to show “bullets”. Do you believe either is a fashion faux pas, if so, which is worse? Should a woman display either, unintended or intentional, would you say personally she was dressing slutty or hoochie?
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