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princess123's avatar

(NSFW) Why don't I feel like "being" with my partner?

Asked by princess123 (74points) October 7th, 2011

I’ve been with my SO for 2 years. I love him and he loves me but a year ago I started losing interest in kissing him. I would give him a peck and a kiss on the cheek was fine but making out became boring for me. Now it’s come to a point where I hate doing it.

With sex its similar. It started 8 months ago and since that day I am never in the mood to do it. He will initiate it and push a bit, he doesn’t seem to be able to read my body language. It’s come to the point where I don’t want to hang out with him because he’ll be in the mood for sex and I won’t and it’ll be really annoying for me.

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22 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Do you communicate this with words? Or just body language? Fellas tend to not read female body language well at all.

Words work much better!

It sounds like you both need to spice things up, get some therapy or break up…losing interest doesn’t sound promising for a long term relationship.

Welcome to Fluther!

princess123's avatar

Thank you.

Yes I have told him too. But it’s not about the communication for me. It doesn’t matter whether he knows it or not. What matters it why doesn’t he turn me on anymore? Does that mean we’re screwed as a couple?

p.s. I find myself fantasizing about other people!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

It could mean you are both not catering to each others romantic/sexual needs…2yrs tends to be a key factor in whether a couple is heading down a longer path together or whether they choose to split.

Are your fantasies delusional/unrealistic? or are they regular guys that are doing something he refuses to do?

princess123's avatar

Fantasies are realistic about regular guys. Just anyone but him…. I feel so horrible about this =(

wundayatta's avatar

It’s not a good sign for your relationship. Usually this happens when a distance grows between you. You don’t feel as connected to him as a person. Maybe you feel lonely even when you are with him. Maybe you don’t feel like he understands you or cares to understand you. Maybe he doesn’t share your interests any more. Maybe he isn’t funny any more or you don’t laugh at the same things. Maybe you’ve had a number of big fights over the last year or so.

Maybe, as a result of the above, you’ve been open to meeting other guys and maybe you’ve met one that you really like. You like hanging out with him, even though you haven’t done anything you shouldn’t have. You just prefer his company.

You say you love him, but what does that mean?

Are there physical habits of his that you don’t like? Does he smell bad? Do you not like the way he moves? Anything like that?

Sometimes we love someone, maybe because of all we’ve done with them, but we still are disconnected from them. If you want to reconnect sexually, you have to work on it. If you do love him, you will want to work on it. If you don’t want to work on it, I’d say your relationship is not as close as you thought it was.

There are books about how to bring back sexual feelings. You can go to therapy as well.

Another possibility is that sex isn’t really that important to you.

Jude's avatar

Are you attracted to him?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Sounds like he’s moved into the friends category if you’re fantasies are not about him.

princess123's avatar

I’m actually unsure about that Jude. I think emotionally I am attracted/attached to him but sexually not. I really don’t know.

Jude's avatar


princess123's avatar

He’s got a nice tool and a nice body. I can appreciate that. But attraction is a zero.

princess123's avatar

Sex is very important to me. You are right to say I don’t feel that close to him anymore.

gorillapaws's avatar

If you keep up the current trajectory, you’re both going to be miserable. Don’t string him along, it’s not fair to him or yourself.

marinelife's avatar

Is it just him or have you lost all sex drive? Are you on anti-depressants?

You need to examine your feelings to see why you are feeling this way. You could work with a therapist. Does having a sexual relationship when you are just living together bother you? Is it because your relationship has not advanced to marriage?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Are there events between the two of you where he let you down, humiliated you, hurt your feelings on purpose out of maliciousness or spite, cheated on you?

If yes then trust me, anger and bitterness swallowed up under the guise of forgiveness can fester and kill what attraction you had initially. Sadly, sometimes by the time people come clean with each other and decide to really get their shite together to try and build on a relationship, the damage is done.

Hopefully this isn’t your scenario.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Sounds like an unresolved or undelt with fruestration or resentment? is there something that you’re not dealing with? Is there something that happened between you that although you have moved beyond it, you haven’t internally let go of it?

Was there some kind of betrayal or deception? Some fruestrating issue that one or both of you refuses to deal with or acknowledge ot any reasonable end or conclusion?

It sounds like an emotional blockage that is usually caused by some hidden things no one is addressing

Kardamom's avatar

A few possibilities.

Have one or both of you become complacent in your relationship? Meaning, do you just do the same old thing, day after day, week after week, year after year with no new things added into the mix. Not just sex, but all of the other things that you do, like going out to movies or plays or lectures (things that are exciting and new to both of you) and trying new foods and places, or planning vacations to places you’ve never been before. Sometimes if you simply get home from work, throw the same old frozen food into the microwave, drink the same beer, watch the same TV shows, brush your teeth and go to be and an attempt to have the same old sex during Leno or Letterman, it gets old real fast, especially if either one of you is shy, or quiet, or simply doesn’t have any other interests or passions in anything. Could this be part of your problem?

Another possibility is that you have come to the realization (or you haven’t quite yet come to the realization or don’t want to admit it) that although your partner is a nice guy, he may not be the right guy for you. Is this the situation you’re dealing with?

Some women experience changes in their libido due to hormonal problems or other medical problems that they might not be aware of. Have you gone to your doctor and your gynocologist to discuss the possibility that your hormones may not be on track or that you might have some other underlying physical problem or even depression or anxiety, which can also cause you to lose interest in sex.

Is there the slightest possibility, that you might be gay or bisexual, but have never really thought about it, or you were afraid to think about it, or you were disgusted to think about it? Sometimes people go into a relationship, at a young age, assuming that they are straight because that it what is expected of them, but later on down the line, when they’ve been exposed to other things and people, they might come to the conclusion that being a straight female in a relationship with a man is not exactly what feels right for her anymore. This happens to males too. Could this be something that is happening?

Is there the possibility that you have fallen in love with, or developed a crush on another fellow, but you simply don’t want to admit it to yourself, because of guilt or knowing that the other fellow is not available to you for whatever reason? If it turns out that this is the problem, then you either need to seek some couples counseling with your current boyfriend and let him know the problem and see if you can work through it, or decide that your only option is to break up.

If you seriously can’t figure out what the problem is, you should first talk to your doctor and gynocologist, and then make an appointment with a therapist who can advise you whether it’s worth seeking couples counseling with your boyfriend. Don’t leave your boyfriend in the dark, though. Let him know that you’re struggling with this situation and that you don’t want to hurt him, but you have to do something. Find out what he thinks. He might be mad at you, or he might not understand that there is a real problem. But you need to get to the bottom of it soon, so you can make a good decision for both of you.

Good luck : ) And let us know what happens.

princess123's avatar

No it’s not those issues. I have no sex related issues. All I know is that they surround him.

Yes he has done all of the things you said apart from cheating on me. There were times in our relationship when I lost all respect for him and wanted to leave him. The only reason I couldn’t is because he wouldn’t stop calling me. But I put that down to normal relationship behaviour. Now that you bring it up, it could be what’s driven me away.
I just realized something. When we’d fight, he would spew venom against me, the things he’d say would make me cry. But as soon as we’d be in the same room alone, he’d think start trying to make up by having sex. I hate him more than anything then.

There are certain things that have happened with us in the past that I have not forgotten and I never will.

We are very boring in our routines. He often doesn’t have extra money to do anything fun because he supports his mom as well not just himself. I appreciate that about him but then he never seems to do anything other than hang out and watch movies at home anyway.

I’m still confused about whether we’re going through a rough patch or whether he really isn’t the right guy for me. The problem is, he seems not to have any issues with me apart from the fact that I am growing distant. He doesn’t know how I feel yet.

I’m open to most relationships. I’m aware of my sexuality so I know that’s not it.

I want to talk to him about it but he will just get upset and blame himself for being a failure. He’s had a tough life and no one (not even his family) has helped him out. No one’s ever cut him any slack so he’s struggling in life right now. I think he’ll take it very badly.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@princess123: People like to say “words can’t hurt me” but I will throw my two cents in and say they do. Some people let words of anger roll of them, they feel it’s not genuine but rather heat of the moment stuff. Other people take words to heart and that makes forgiveness really tough, true forgiveness that you feel instead of say and acquiesce to. Good luck with this.

Kardamom's avatar

@princess123 Now that I’ve gotten a little bit more info, I think the main problem is that your boyfriend has done some pretty mean things to you, whatever they might be, and you stayed with him. I think that’s the whole problem right there, especially since he would come to you for sex after he’d done something awful.

Guys like that don’t tend to change without first recognizing that they have a huge problem, and second without getting some really good counseling.

If I were you, I’d just walk away. But you could try some couples counseling first, athough I really don’t see the reason, in this particular case. There are better guys out there, and although it may hurt to break up with him, and he may try to call you or plead for you to come back, don’t buy into it. Simply tell him that you are not a good match (give concrete reasons if you need to) and then just leave, and don’t have any further contact with him.

When you do break up, you should get yourself a few sessions with a good therapist so that they can give you some concrete advice, steps and exercises on how to spot these kinds of guys, how to avoid falling back into the same old traps, and learning new ways to be yourself and get what you need and deserve without feeling guilty about “abandoning” this guy or this relationship.

And give youself a little bit of time to grieve and to learn to be with yourself and like yourself, before you try another relationship with a new (and totally different kind) of guy. Be well : )

dappled_leaves's avatar

Did you recently go on the pill or change your prescription? It can have serious effects on your sex drive, though this is something a lot of people don’t realize.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@dappled_leaves is right about birth control pills. Also, if you’ve recently had a baby or have started anti-anxiety meds, those too can wonk you up.

marinelife's avatar

@princess123 It sounds as though you are harboring anger and resentment toward him. You need to evaluate whether you want to continue in this relationship or not.

You need to tell him how you are really feeling about him and his sexual advances.

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