To Fluther Minecrafters: How would you feel about a creative server being implemented?
I was playing on the server today, and then I went to r/ minecraft on reddit, and saw the incredible creations that have been brought about in creative mode. We flutherites are an intelligent, creative people… In creative mode, we would flourish. This of course implies in no way that the current server would be disbanded, we would just have two. If anybody agrees with me on this, we can go about deciding how to host it. Volunteers would be welcome.
I eagerly await your replies.
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24 Answers
Personally I hate Minecraft creative, sorry just the way I am. It’s a good idea though, I’m sure the “artsier” people would appreciate it.
I can make one if I get multiworld running, its a beast of a machine, the only problem in the internet connection going off at 10 at night central on weekdays (since i’m in school but i might be able to change that), however on weeends and holidays its 24/7, if you want the specs just ask.
We have a current one?
Ah, a quick response. That’s what I like.
Anyhow, we have a current one. You’ll need to get whitelisted first, though.
And I would really appreciate it if you could run the server, if you’re on EST then I wouldn’t be playing past 10:00 anyway, however I can’t speak for anyone else. no internet after 10? That sucks, man… I’d run it myself, if my computer were powerful enough. As it is, it can hardly run minecraft at more that 25 fps.
That’s fine. Even if you don’t play, maybe you could check in and see what the “artsier” people are building.
I run a server at my workplace that would be on 24/7, and has simmilar specs.
That sounds good as well. We’ll need to see who else would be interested in playing.
Why is minecraft so popular all of a sudden? The videos are all over youtube lately.
If we are I can set it up quickly with teamviewer, like i said it should be the same specs, these are the ones on mine:
quad core, 6.4 GHZ, 6 gigs of ram, windows server 2008 r2
I’d set up the software the same as mine, with permissions, groups, and an auto save every 15 minutes, i could have it set up tonight, acutally XD
Also, the IP would chage once we hit summer again, because I don’t know if they are open during the summer, but it would be 24/7 either way
I’ll ask my legal guardian about it, or having a router set up in the garage too, because then it could be on 24/7 and i can access it directly which is better.
also, I might be able to upgrade to 8 gigs of ram, i have to look in the new servers we got since I can’t afford ECC ram
You guys want to start a petition to help out? XD
That sounds wonderful. Out of curiousity, would server commands be enabled, and would you feel inclined to whitelist it?
Sure, I could have all/most commands available, and groups would only be for me, since I would need the commands for starting and stopping for me only/maybe some others, and admins with privilidges to ban certain people, and so use worldguard to protect regions once something is finished being built, like I did with my freind when we made the statue of creeperty XD a giant creeper
great, great… This sounds promising.
An idea has almost come to fruition in less than 20 minutes.
God, I love the internet.
True, like I said, if its agreed on I can have it running extremely quickly, with the differing groups a tad later since it would take a while to sort the different commands
You mean groups, like factions on a PVP server?
Would that really be neccesary anyway?
@jellyfish3232 Different groups with the groupmanager plugin for permissions, just to limit who has the ability to ban, or edit regions, or shutdown the server, no factions.
oh, okay. That’s fine then.
@Blackberry it’s been popular for a while now, actually. It’s ridiculously addicting.
I’d play creative mutliplayer in a heartbeat. I had never played creative in single player before until a few weeks ago, so I started recreating scenes from my dreams in minecraft. Cool stuff.
Well then, peoples vote, should I make the server? I can have it up and running qquickly, its jst a matter of knowing if anyone will be on it.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I mean… Yeah. That would be cool.
Good. Make sure to message us the ip adress when you’re done.
And thank you in advance!
Well, it’s basically ready, but since I don’t have the password for the router there I have to wait until tuesday to get one of them to forward the right ports >.<
Alright. I won’t be home until Tuesday anyway.
Sorry, I haven’t been able to get to a computer in the past few days. How’s it coming?
I have to get them to forward the port still, it’s been busy there
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