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talljasperman's avatar

Is it possible to invent photo magnification without the use or manipulation of lenses?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 7th, 2011

What would the name of the scientific field be…? I’m looking for some field’s name that is more more specific than simply Optics. Also what is a couple of good books on the subject for beginners university in the field?

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7 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Scan it on a computer and zoom in?

You can’t change how we see something without affecting the light spectrum, and in the case of magnifications it’s distorting it so it warps it. How can you distort light without something to distort it?


talljasperman's avatar

@XOIIO I don’t want to accept that cameras must be burdened with a limiting lens requirement ...? I was hoping that it would be one day possible to eliminate the lens tube, and replace with something better…I just don’t know what yet.

XOIIO's avatar

Digital zoom, its already been done millions, if not billions of times.

talljasperman's avatar

@XOIIO Can one use digital zoom… to one day make telescopes and camcorders more miniature? So as to rival world class lens dependent equipment?

XOIIO's avatar

@talljasperman One day, we just need high megapixel sensors, and very, very advanced computers, and zoom software. They will easily one day replace cheap telescopes, but nothing will replace stuff like observations telescopes or the hubble space telescope, you need optics for that.

jaytkay's avatar

“Light field” also known as “plenoptic” photography may be the way.

Ren Ng Shares His Photographic Vision: Shoot Now, Focus Later Wired

talljasperman's avatar

@jaytkay Sounds great… thanks Plenoptic photography.

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