What's the Greatest Epiphany you've ever had?
Asked by
Paradox1 (
October 7th, 2011
from iPhone
Well, what was it?
If I had to choose one for me.. Probably that constant appreciation is the key to happiness, though in practice it is more complicated than that.
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28 Answers
Everyone else is at least as worried about what everyone thinks as I am worried about what they are thinking.
God is not real. I enjoy drugs (and not just the illegal ones). Money is stupid. No one has a clue. Life is still pretty darn decent. I am an ok person. Et cetera…
Not entirely sure, maybe, “Circular logic and circumstances bring the mental world to it’s knees.”
That I’m not anywhere near as smart as I would like to one day become, and I’m nowhere near as stupid as everyone else believes I am, and I don’t know anything at all compared to what I could know if I even knew a fraction of a fraction of everything.
That we’re either all equally significant or all equally not so.
That no one will ever be satisfied.
That only a few of the living people on this earth are smart, and I happen to be one of them.
1. Nobody’s looking at me.
2. Even if they are looking at me, they don’t care.
3. Even if they are looking and do care, they probably care in a good way.
4. I still can’t dance, even though I understand all of that.
@MRSHINYSHOES Did that come to you when you were sitting on the pot?
@woodcutter No. I get that epiphany everyday when I deal with people. Lol.
Wisdom isn’t limited by the limits of my comprehension of it.
The biggest epiphany came to me when I was about 12yr. that people got concerned when someone wasn’t happy because most people were happy normally. I though being happy was a rare occurrence.
@woodcutter Not me, I have multiple epiphanies. Like a multitude of Speedos.
Recently I got to thinking about the nuclear war that was supposed to have us all living in bunkers by now, and realized with a surprising amount of clarity just how stupid the idea of nuclear war actually was. Conventional war – sometimes a necessary evil – works just fine, and the Earth is still habitable afterwards, so there’s not much point to a nuclear armory except to check another nuclear armory.
Realizing that I didn’t have to reply to _every post.
Realizing that scientific publications are not sacrosanct, that they will change. God, who is unchanging, is better for banking on.
@MRSHINYSHOES A multitude of Speedos is not something to be proud of.
That women aren’t as innocent as they appear.
That there’s nothing I can possibly do to take what I did back
That an Atheist and a Christian cannot converse constructively about religion
That I don’t have a damn thing figured out. Not one.
@Nullo Well, I do wear them well, I must admit, so in that respect I am very proud (don’t mistake that for vanity). I’ve worked extremely hard to get myself in the shape I’m in (as a kid I used to be obese), and I take care of myself really good. To be blessed with a good physique and be able to wear Speedos well when most guys can’t is something I am grateful for. ;)
That I could be happier doing a job I thought I would hate that pays poorly than doing a job I thought I loved that payed well.
Speedos are out, thongs are in…deep.
@woodcutter fuckin hell on a stick, did I ever laugh :D
Yin Yang . That was my major self discovered epiphany 15 years ago. I’m now studying on Albert’s relativity for my next model mindset on life, the universe and everything.
There are some great answers to this one, and a great question as well, I gave you all lots of lurve!
I really had two, the first was when I realized I didn’t need to have children in order to be complete. The second was when I was worrying that I might have been the cause of a person’s poorly made life decision and a shrink told me I was not that important!
What a relief they both were!
@Symbeline @Symbeline Just kidding. I think my biggest one was realizing there was a high probability of no god existing.
I guess I spend too much time watching/thinking about Doctor Who/Torchwood because the first thing that came to my mind is: Jack is River Song.
That values dont often translate from one context into another
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