Does it hurt to wear women's shoes?
Seriously. I am just curious.
If they do, why do you do it? Because you like them, or because it is expected?
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35 Answers
Not all shoes.
Heels can be downright excruciating if anything is off, or if you’re out of practice wearing them. I don’t know about anyone else, but if I wear a pair of shoes it’s because I like them. I never wear heels anymore because it makes my husband self-conscious when I’m taller than him. :)
Some of them, yes. They do it because “pain is beauty”, although there are heels and flats and such that are for older women that still want comfort. But I keep hearing the same thing from some women: it’s worth the pain to look good.
I asked my mother this question, once. She said that yes, they’re uncomfortable, that they do have an aesthetic angle, but that it’s primarily a matter of environmental necessity.
I mean when I wear them. :D
I like them, I usually can rock some pretty ridiculous heels and be fine. I’ve sprinted in heels more than once. They generally only hurt my feet if I wear them for 5/6 hours without sitting or something. I like the way they look.
High heels look very attractive on the right woman——on the wrong woman (one who’s not of the right “configuration” so to speak (lol)——it looks positively painful and unbearable. Instead of walking in them elegantly, they wobble and stumble like a penguin!
@boxer3 the last time I wore a pair of heels for an extended length of time was to my brother-in-law’s wedding 2 years ago, and I had my shoes on (and mostly stood) for almost 15 hours straight. I couldn’t walk for a good 2 days afteward.
@ANef_is_Enuf , holy schmokes! I can only imagine how good it felt to take those off, that must’ve been excruciating.
@lillycoyote they look like they hurt!!! I am not doing that!!!
@boxer3 at the end of the night I hobbled off of the dance floor and hid outside by a fountain and stood on the cool concrete in my bare feet. I couldn’t take it anymore. lol.
Because shoes make me happy…. I have the most sensitive feet, and they blister and get cut up rather easily on a cheap or a bad shoe so yes it does sometimes hurt for me to wear even good shoes. Absolutely.
I have always loved shoes, I always will love shoes and I really don’t know why other than I think they are art, they are creativity you can wear and they have always been one of a womans most important accessories.
These are my all time favorite shoes in the universe!
*Advance frame to 2:10 RIP Alexander you GENIUS visionary you!
@ANef_is_Enuf , hahaha, oh the things we endure: on New Years one of my good friends who never wears heels decided to spruce it up and rocked them for the night – we went out and by the end of the night it was her walking alongside me with her shoes in hand making her way to the vehicle, in the brutal cold of winter on her feet- she couldn’t take it anymore either heh
And it’s not just that they hurt. I can barely walk in flats; I totter on heels, I have nearly tipped over more than a few times. And maybe it’s just me, but heels get stuck in things, like grassy areas; parks and lawns, etc. and in sidewalk heating grates. It can be very unsettling and quite annoying to be walking along, minding your own business, and suddenly find that some bit of the landscape, urban or otherwise, has grabbed one of your shoes! The step immediately after a sidewalk heating grate has stolen your shoe can trip you up if you’re not alert enough.
Immensely. They pinch the hell out of my arches.
Oh, shit. Wait a minute here.
@lillycoyote Check out that video I posted above… Imagine how those women actually managed to pull that walk off the way they did… I was gobsmacked that not one of them even stumbled.
@lillycoyote good point. I can’t count how many times I’ve taken a step back only to find myself with a heel completely embedded in a soft patch of earth.
@GabrielsLamb those shoes are gorgeous.
Depends. I used to wear high heals all day no problem. They were usually around 3 inches. Now they make them 4 and 5 inches and it is not good. They can be uncomfortable and unsafe.
Back when I wore them all the time it was actually uncomfortable for me to wear very flat shoes. I theorize it has to do with the achiles tendon, maybe it shortens over time? It took me a while to get used to being in flat shoes again when I went away to college and had to walk across the tundra.
worse than the shoes themselves- in my city when you go out- the streets are made of cobblestone, add that with a set of heels and you’re doomed. Add a drunken friend wearing those heels——yeah.
I have developed muscle trouble fairly young, all my muscles, and so now high heeled shoes actually hurt my feet because I can stay in any one position a long time without having my muscles cramp. In very high shoes your feet barely move. I would guess a certain percentage of older women also have stiffer muscles, and so they would have a similar problem.
Plus, as America becomes more and more overweight it is more difficult to wear tall shoes.
Well, lets just say I wanted to wear my cool new boots on a 13 hour overseas flight last year, and, well, silly goose, I tripped and sprained my ankle so badly on the boarding ramp that I had to limp along through the airport in Taiwan when I landed. All for those freaking boots!
Thank god for Xanax and cocktails and wussy little bags of ice from the flight
One can never have to many shoes. Some shoes are all day shoes, some are 4 hour shoes and some are so darned cute but are only worn from the car (valet of course) to the resteraunt and back.
Thank god for shiny men’s shoes. ;)
Shoes rock! Amen Judi! My sole is red and my heels are high!
I love high heels. I have so many of them. It does start to hurt after a while, but I like to look good. Plus they’re so pretty!
@GabrielsLamb, I want me some of them Christian Louboutin red soled shoes!
My feet love running shoes and rebel at anything else! But sometimes vanity overcomes comfort and I wear heels. When it happens my feet complain mightily so I don’t do it very often or for very long!
Nah, it’s all in the “engine room” (hips) you’ve either got it or you ain’t….....buster ;¬}
I tried buying from one of those sites but got a bad feeling when it went to check out. Giving my credit card to china, and saying they take paypal but then not.
Have you bought from them? Is it safe?
Life’s too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.
@Judi I don’t shop online when and where there isn’t a phone number available where I can call them directly and pay over the phone.
I haven’t bought from them online no but that being said, I wouldn’t buy directly off the internet period from anyone… But I hear great things about it. Their prices are amazing!
I used to wear them every day, all day when I was younger. Yes they hurt but the pain was worth it because of how they looked.
Now, strictly for if I am going somewhere and need to really get dressed up. Otherwise a low heel or flats is just fine.
@syz – perfect answer and logic!!!
‘Women’s shoes’ don’t only consist of heels, so no, most women’s shoes don’t hurt if you’re wearing the right size. I’ve worn shoes with heels on them that have been rather comfortable, and I’ve worn heeled shoes that killed my feet. I only wear the former anymore.
I love shoes, but I don’t wear any type of shoes because they’re expected, I wear them if I like them. Why would I spend money on something that I don’t actually want to wear? I guess I’ve bought a few pairs of uncomfortable shoes in the hopes that they would not actually be that uncomfortable because I loved them, but not because I felt obligated to wear them…
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