Hey, Jude! She's at 30k!
Please join me in congratulating Jude on this monumental achievement, and in begging her not to leave us. Congrats, Jude! We lurve you. <3
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107 Answers
Yeah!!!!!! You are one of my all time favorite jellies @Jude!!! I am so happy to call you friend. :-)
Great going Jude, don’t come to parties a lot but you can’t be rude to Jude. AB is a pimp. They never coulda out questioned Fluther. But I didn’t know until this day, that it was Askville all along. Leave the answers. Take the cannoli.
All Godfather references owned by Paramount Pictures
Stick around Jude, you’re only 10k away from 40k.
Pretty boy says please. :D
Jude knows exactly how I feel about her.
In case anyone is curious, I would marry the hell out of her if only and live out the rest of my days happily tending her theoretical antique shop as her personal errand boy while cooking her dinner and giving her backrubs each night.
*sigh… a guy can wish, can’t he?
Congrats on reaching 30k, you earned every bit of lurve… I wish you’d stick around for more. You are truly one of my favorites, and I adore you to pieces.
Ooo! ooo! Please, oh please?! Can I please be your beard b*tch at the 30k Party? Please… with strawberries on top?
I’d be honored to service your keyboard.
Congrats! Well deserved!.
Joepie…. weer een feestje!!!!
Congratulations Jude!!!
Don’t leave please. If you’re busy don’t login as much, but don’t vanish!
Hey Jude, super congrats to you. That is a lotta lurve and you deserve it all. Cheers matey.
Congratulations Jude, it has been lurvely helping you have one more thing to celebrate this Thanksgiving weekend. It is great to be Canadian eh?
Congratulations @Jude you made it!!!!! Enjoy a bottle of the best champagne!
Congratulations @Jude – to have reached 30K says so much about how you are admired, how much you contribute to this community, how much that contribution is valued, not only by friends and those who have grown to know you, but by so many newcomers who have no past interaction to go on but simply your words or wisdom. To have reached this point on here, suggests to me that you are too valuable to lose, and too invested to simply walk away… Stay… (after all, who could turn down @worriedguy ‘s offer of being your beard b*tch and servicing your keyboard!) :-)
Well, wow! Congrats, @jjmah, @mamacakes, @jude, you made it to the big 3–0 000! Now that you’re over the hill, I hope the downward slide is an easy ride!!!
Congratulations @Jude! That’s a well-deserved heap of lurve you’ve got there. Thank you for being a part of the Fluther community!
@JilltheTooth You just clarified a whole lot of stuff in your post!
@jude Heartfelt congratulations—I have always been grateful for your being out there in the ether!
Sister-lover, daughter-friend, Jude you have a heart as big as the earth and all the confusion that goes with that. I wish you peace of mind, the love of a good woman (which you have) and a house that is free of ghosts.
I am trusting that you will stay here since it is your home but if you must leave, may peace and joy follow you Sweetie.
And don’t leave, please. If you leave – I leave!
Congratulations! I hope you don’t leave. :( I’m going to miss you.
Wow :-) Congrats Jude. You’re wonderful contributions haven’t gone unnoticed. You deserve all the love!
♪♫ Na na na na na ,na na na, hey Congratulations, Jude…♪♫ ♫♪
Welcome to Club 30K! We’ve been keeping the light on for you. So please, stick around awhile. Okay?
Here’s another congrats and a vote for you to stick around. Please.
♪♫ Half of what I say is meaningless… but I say it just to reach you, Juuuuuuuuuude. ♫♪
(Well, I couldn’t very well quote Hey Jude when it’s already been done… :P)
C O O L J E L L Y J U D E C O N G R A T S ! : )
Jude could
Never be rude
Or crude.
She’s far too good
And one cool dude
I loved her question on food
Hey Jude! Congratulations! That’s quite an achievement!
I lurve you Jude! If you left I would miss you a lot. So please don’t leave.
Should you decide to leave Jude, just know nobody will ever where your name on Fluther again :) It’s going to be retired because we won’t allow you to delete your account :D
Congrats, girlie. You’re the best!
Félicitations, @Jude! Quite a spectacular achievement!
Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally she’s there. With a little help but it’s all good ^^
Holy crap, congratulations! You add so much to this site, and seeing you go would suck. Of course, you gotta do what’s best for you. But I won’t worry bout now, congratulations to a super awesome and smart jelly!
’‘hugs!’’ Keep it up, and cheers. :)
Dear Jude, 30K deserves a loud Hawaiian “Ho’omaikai!”
Before you arrived at the mansion, we decided to ask this famous Canuck Candice Olson from HGTV’s Divine Design to decorate your rooms. She does wonders with antiques, mixed with retro pieces, with a hint of glam and a kiss of feminine lovlieness (just like you, my dear!) And in your honor, we decided to gussy up the grounds for a lovely Savannah garden party and we’ll all be dressed the part. And this is your quarters. I’ll be wearing this hat so look for me : )
Of course we had the wherewithall to make sure that we brought in two side by side massage tables into your Spa Room which is next to your bedroom so that you and your lady can have a relaxing massage any time you like while you’re here. We’ve found a gorgeous masseuse for you. Hope you likey. There’s also a little tiny kitty massage table next to yours, so you can bring along your critter(s).
While you’re waiting to head up to your room please feel free to partake of the crumpets and Reeses peanut butter cups and caramel apples, while This Gospel Choir serenades you.
Congratulations and thank you for always providing thought provoking, silly, yummy, sweet, provacative, delightful, sensual and great questions.
Awwww I’m late to the party!
Many congrats to a prolific Q&A writer! I enjoy getting to know you through your written words. Keep on being you!
Your warmth and emotion are always welcome in the threads. You live your life out loud, and I like that. I also appreciate your love of music.
Congratulations, @Jude!
How wonderful! Jude, you are one of my favorite jellies. You’re thoughtful, kind and interesting. What more could we ask for? Congratulations! You deserve this party!
Congratulations to a wonderful lady =)
30Kongratulations. Very well deserved.
Woot!!! Hey, Jude, you took a happy song and made it better. And you’ve let us under your skin. Many thanks for gracing the tide pool. Congratulations on the 30K!!!!!
One of my absolutest favoritest jellies!
Congratulations :)
She ain’t going anywhere. Come on y’all, she’s an addict like the rest of us…
Na na na nanananaaaaaa nanananaaaaaa, hey Jude!!
Congo Rats Jude! Please stay!
You take a sad song, and make it better!
@Jude, we depend on you to keep up fluther’s Personality Quotient. Your blend of warmth and verve, tenderness and attitude help keep these threads alive. Congratulations on passing this big marker. Don’t stop now.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Wooo, congratulations! Please don’t leave us!
Congratulations @Jude – I’m glad the extra lurve tipped you over into 30K and hope you’re having a lovely break but come back to us soon.
Congrats Lady! You are one awesome jelly!
WOOWW!! that’s fascinating, I’ve always been a fan, You deserved every one of them.
Congratulations on the 30K. Oh! by the way, I brought you a gift ENjoy it ;)
Hey Jude, take a sad song and make it better (won’t you please) and stick around the Flutherverse. I would miss you if you’re gone. You do brighten the place up.
Congrats on 30K. Good for you.
I’m late! Congrats @Jude. Thanks for making this place special.
Congratulations on 30k! As a fellow Canadian you can’t leave!!!! There are so few of us here.
I really enjoy your posts. Keep ‘em coming :-)
Waaaait a minute. I just read the details…Jude…no. Please do not leave. You’re a corner stone here….
Congratulations, Jude! You’ve been one of my favorites around here since practically forever, I can’t imagine Fluther without you! Please don’t leave us. :-( Congrats again, we all lurve you!! <3
She’s still here. I’m hoping she stays.
She said she was going away for the weekend
Well if ya gotta go ya gotta go. Best of wishes with where ever life takes ya and you might wanna leave in a jiffy if ya don’t wanna be overtaken by a mindless plethora of zombie jellies. Congrats!
@King_Pariah, are you referring to us??
I can bear being called mindless and zombie, but my God, I have never been referred to as a member of a plethora before.
I don’t know you that well Jude but I think you’re aces! Don’t go… I just got here!
I’m so happy for you, one of my neighbors and fellows antique lovers!
Congratulations darling!
If you leave this here site, I’ll come over to Canada and kill you, okay?
Way to go on the 30k!
Note: If you leave, I will personally buy every available house in Michigan (somehow).
You will never live in that beautiful landscape, EVER. So make the choice that (guilt attack inc) doesn’t break our hearts (sniffle), and allows you to also take more lovely pictures for me to use as my wallpaper.
Thanks, my friends. :) It feels good to come in here after a fun weekend of drinking and debauchery up in Northern Michigan (things were getting pretty intense up there, when we were all discussing religion and politics. Sound familiar? :))
I put my heart and grey matter into these questions and answers. I love you all long time. I will be busy with school and getting my poop into group for my big move to the States. I am not going to delete my account. You just won’t see me posting all that much. Like the beautiful woods and lakes of the North, this place is my home away from home. :)
Congratumacationalisticalatory @Jude !!
@Jude As long as you stop by every so often I will be happy :)
@Jude Thanks, a little Jude is better than no Jude.:)
@Jude I’m so glad to hear that you won’t be leaving, permanently. Now whenever you do post something, it will be all the sweeter : )
@Jude Happy to hear it. Also, congratulations on the weekend. :D
Stick around, take care of yourself and do what’s best for thee, love you. :)
Ahem…<whistles a little tune>
I would’ve offered you free sex in order to convince you to not leave, but now that you’re not, I’m happy. :D
Oh, and, ignore the fact that I’m a girl. AND NO I’M NOT GAY. :x
@Luiveton We need to come up with a term for those of us gals that are attracted to certain women, but are not gay. I simply cannot explain my fascination with Fran Drescher to my S/O.
Got any ideas?
Maybe @Jude can help. We need a good luscious, sounding word.
@Kardamom Hmm. Like not gay, but flexible with certain women. Hmmm.
@Luiveton It’s hard to explain. I’m attracted, and I feel very sexually charged, but I have no desire to have sex with her, or even to see her nekked, or even to lay a hand on her, but she makes me feel all hot and bothered. She’s a sexy woman. Maybe she’s just so sexy that she attracts both men and women, equally with no regard to sexuality or gender. But there’s got to be a word for that.
@Kardamom I know right. And just some sparks of SUPER JEALOUSY as well.
@Luiveton That just might be the word! Sparky!!! I’m all sparky for her. I’m not straight, I’m not gay, I’m sparky!
@Luiveton Now how do we spread this new word into the lexicon?
@Kardamom We’ll use it in every response possible :p SPARKY SPARKY SPARKY, you heard that flutherites? SPARKYYYY.
@Luiveton I’m also a little bit sparky for Cote de Pablo on NCIS!
@Jude has abandoned the submarine :-(
Jude is one of our shapeshifting jellies; you can find her if you try.
@janbb And now we can’t even hint at where she might be found.
LOL! I know where she is!
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