I know lots of people who THINK they are normal, I know that they believe themselves to be good people too, which is also not necessarily a fact.
People to me, are the single most complicated and confusing aspect of life and living itself. I find most people to be horribly ingenuine and at the same time self convinced of their honestly, as well as most of the people in their lives parade around them like agreeable little satellites in some attitude likened to the Emperors New Clothes AGREEING with and upholding a facade and a fake personality merely in the name of unity and togetherness because ultimately not too many people can be alone, so they adjust themselves to bullshit in order to accept people that look like, and behave like them in their lives. Mirrors are comfortable, even if the reflections are fake, they are exhcanged and agreed upon mutually and CALLED normal.
I know that there are real and genuine people out there. I just haven’t met very many. I think somewhere along the line belief took over reality, ingenuine behavior took over for honesty and getting over on others and getting away with it became the national pass time.
I at one time worked with people who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, I remember sitting, talking to them, interviewing them for their financials and thinking to myself at the same time in most cases.
“This is one of the most genuine people I have ever met.” I think somewhere along the line, the lines shifted and what is really normal reactions to stress and stimuli became classified as some kind of mental illness for the sake of pharmaceuticals.
There are of course people who are mentally ill, and can’t control their impulse and that’s not what I’m referring to. I mean people who merely exhibit their emotional responses to actual events in a moment instead of hiding it and behaving the way society believes you should behave because it looks better… Is now what has become the normal gague in deciding if someone is Bi-Polar or “Normal”
Personally I hate these words, they are each overused, misdiagnosed, mistaken, used as accusatory and leading terms so that people can bully those into diagnosis because they don’t like the way someone is reacting to their otherwise normal behavior, and by these practices, language is just starting to become useless at this point because all this “Getting over” is making everything we say just a bunch of garbage. Like Love for instance… What does that even mean anymore. Most people BELIEVE they have that, because it is theirs and that’s what they believe it is. They share it they tell people that’s what it is they brag about it… and their mate is out at night fu*king someone else.
We all look stupid, we all look crazy, we all look odd, we all look like hypocrites, we all look like Saints, we all appear to be good, honest and decent.
How much of it is it is actually the truth?
I say Normal doesn’t exist. Some people just like to believe that what they are exhibiting is what normal should be. Get enough people together that all say one thing in accord, and you have a created combined truth. Even if it is a big fat lie and they all know it.
So what is normal? I have no damn idea and I don’t want to know. I prefer being nuts it may not make “YOU” happy, (whoever you is) but then again… “You” don’t pay my bills so I don’t care.