Before you agree to move in with either one of these fellows, even if one of them is a good, close friend, you should draw up a long list of questions and discuss them openly and completely with both of them. That way you will not only get a pretty good idea of each other’s expectations, you might get to find out if anyone has any “attitude” problems, simply because they are being asked to answer questions. The questions, can also serve as a contract, which should be signed by all parties before signing the lease on the apartment. I’ll try to list some examples of questions to ask:
Who’s name will be on the lease (only yours, just you and your good friend, or all 3 of you)?
How will the rent be collected? Will the others pay cash to one of you that will be sending the check? Will each of you send separate checks? Will cash ever be given to the landlord, instead of an actual check?
How will you keep records for who paid what amount of rent on what date?
What will be the consequences of one person failing to pay their rent on time?
How will you divide up expenses for groceries, cleaning supplies, toilet paper etc?
How will all 3 of you handle the other people’s overnight guests? Are only friends and relatives allowed? Are sexual partners allowed? Are any guests with pets allowed? How long are any of the allowed guests allowed to stay? Will the guests be responsible for contributing towards any household expenses (especially if they stay over night often)?
Should any guests be relagated only to each of your bedrooms (especially if it’s a sexual partner) or will certain guests be allowed in the common areas of the apartment, and under what circumstances?
What will be your policy regarding unwanted noise (from sexual encounters, to stereos, to TV’s to loud conversations late at night, to noise while one of you needs to study or sleep)?
Will you be dividing up the household chores (cleaning the common areas, kitchen, bathroom, living room) as well as your own rooms? Who does what, and how often and to what degree of tidiness. Note: Neatniks don’t do well with slobs.
Will you be dividing up the shopping for and paying for groceries or will each of you buy your own food, and store it separately (both in the fridge and in the pantry)? Will you be keeping records of who pays for what? Will you keep receipts for record keeping purposes?
What degree of cleanliness is expected of each of you? Is it OK to eat on the couch or anywhere else besides the dining room table or kitchen bar? How long is it OK for anyone to leave their personal possessions in the common areas (bathroom, kitchen, living room, porch)?
Who decides on who gets the biggest bedroom? Does that person pay more rent than the other two?
If someone needs to move out and break the lease, how will that be handled? Will the person leaving be responsible for finding a new room mate to move in or will the remaining two people just pay more rent?
Will you three fellows be sharing a land line telephone? If so, how will that phone bill be paid and by whom? Who’s name will be on the account?
Will you all be sharing some type of cable for your computers and televisions? If so, how will that bill be divided up and who will be the one paying for it, and who’s name will be on the account?
If you encounter problems (major or minor) with the apartment, how will those situations be handled? Will one of you document the problem and contact the landlord? If you don’t figure this out before you move in together, you are likely to have big problems, if you can’t come to an agreement ahead of time. Note: some people are very shy and timid about “hassling” the landlord, others expect the landlord to show up at the snap of a finger, and others take the time to document the problem (with photos and time and date and description of the problem) and calmly speak to the landlord before taking other legal options.
If one of you breaks an item belonging to another fellow, how will that situation be remedied?
In the common room, how will you guys decide upon what TV shows will be watched, and how often one person can be in control of the TV or stereo? Who does the TV and the stereo belong to? Is that person willing to let the others use those items?
Who does any or all of the furniture belong to? What is the remedy for damage done to big furniture items, such as the couch and chairs and dining room table? Will each of you pay for replacements evenly, or will the person who did the damage pay for the whole replacement, or will the 2 people who do not own the damaged item, pay for it’s repair or replacement?
Do any of you think it’s OK to lend the other 2 fellows money? If you do, how will that re-payment schedule and documentation be handled?
Who buys notions and incidentals like foil, ziplock bags, tape, scissors, trash bags, sewing kits, tool kits (hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, crescent wrench, tape measure etc.) light bulbs, brooms, vacuum cleaner, bandaids, paper towels, tupperware etc.?
If there is a closet in the common area, or a storage closet in the garage or on the patio, who’s items get to be stored there? Will anybody be storing bikes in a common area? Will anybody be parking a car in the garage, or carport? If so, do those people have to pay more rent than those who do not park there?
Under what intolerating circumstances would you want to ask another one of the fellows to leave? Would you be willing to pay more to break the lease, or would you wait until the lease is up?
Will you allow smoking or drug use in your apartment? What if those things only happen in each separate bedroom, are you OK with that? How much drinking and intoxicated room mates will you tolerate? Is everyone over 21? If not how will you handle the fact that drinking might be taking place in your aparment if any of the three of you, or any of their guests are under age 21?
Will you tolerate/allow any of the fellows bringing underaged girls into the apartment to spend the night?
How will the three of you handle noisy/rowdy neighbors?
This should be enough questions to get you started, but I would advise drawing up these questions, discussing all of them thoroughly, asking if there are any other issues that should be discussed, then drawing up a document with all of the questions answered and signed and dated by each one of you.
I’ve watched enough Judge Judy to know that if you_don’t_ have legal documents and drawn up contracts and documentation of payments and events and dates to use as proof in the event of a dispute, you are likely to have a rude awakening and lose money as well as friends.
Hope it all works out for you guys : )