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KatawaGrey's avatar

How can I make my own infused cooking oils?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) October 9th, 2011

This summer, my mother and I went to a craft fair and she was kind enough to buy me a bottle of lemon infused olive oil. It is, quite possibly, the most delicious cooking oil I have ever used. Lately, I’ve been using it for everything. I don’t much feel like shelling out the cash to buy infused cooking oils all the time they are considerably more expensive than regular cooking oils so I thought maybe I could make my own.

Can you tell me how or direct me to an appropriate resource, please?

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9 Answers

dreamwolf's avatar

You could technically make your own, they are rather technical to do though, I mean once you get into the vanillas and other sorts but yes @gailcalled showed some good examples.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I used to do that all the time, MyMouse, you could ask me!

laureth's avatar

Just be careful of making them with garlic, if they’re unrefrigerated. You could be poisoned with botulism and we need you here. ;)

incendiary_dan's avatar

@laureth Wouldn’t roasting the garlic take care of that? Roasted garlic is delicious anyway, so it seems like a good idea.

laureth's avatar

@incendiary_dan – I’m not sure. Even a baked potato left in foil can harbor botulism if it’s left in a room-temperature place for too long (because it’s anaerobic under tightly wrapped foil). It seems like the same might be true of roasted garlic under oil, but it’s just a guess.

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MissAusten's avatar

I think it’s best to infuse small amounts of oil with herbs or other flavors, store them in the fridge, and use them within a few days. For the home cook, that seems to be the safest DIY method for infused oils.

gailcalled's avatar

Yu can also infuse vinegar with some herbs, such as dill or tarragon. This has a long shelf life.

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