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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can you guys look over the floor plan in the details with me?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 9th, 2011

The floor plan doesn’t seem to be jiving with the picture of the house. The floorplan shows an entrance more in the middle of the house, between the kitchen and the stairs to the loft. But the photo shows the entry to be to the far left…am I missing something? I thought maybe this was the back of the house so I enlarged the picture of the back…and it’s close to the same thing.

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46 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

It looks like that is supposed to be the back of the house. I was wrong originally.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But the drawing specifically says “Covered entry” and labels the foyer there, in the middle of the house.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And should I be concerned that the “contact us” tab sends me to a dead page!

jrpowell's avatar

The picture is of the back of the house. And the funny thing is it isn’t even a picture. It was rendered by a computer. They did a pretty good job on it too, they just screwed up and did it backwards.

jrpowell's avatar

And they look pretty legit. Here is a whois on them. Sorry about the length of this.

The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and
Domain Name:
Registered at

Linwood Homes
8250 River Road
Delta, BC V4G1B5

Administrative Contact:
Linwood Homes
8250 River Road
Delta, BC V4G1B5
+1 6049465430

Technical Contact:
Linwood Homes
8250 River Road
Delta, BC V4G1B5
+1 6049465430

Record expires on 2015/05/31 UTC
Record created on 1996/06/01 UTC

Domain servers in listed order:

>>> Last update of whois database: 2011/10/09 15:01:51 PST <<<

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks! I’m still not seeing what you’re seeing. I see the entrance to the right, but what are those double doors to the left? They aren’t shown in the plan….. Unless it’s an entrance to a bedroom…from outside?? And why don’t they have a picture of the front of the house?? (Like you know, of course!)

Dog's avatar

:( Page will not load for me.

jrpowell's avatar

Those doors on the left are indeed the ones to the bedroom. What likely happened was they did a 3d render of the house and the guy tasked with it rendered the back thinking it was the front. It is actually really funny.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah Doggie. I’m sorry!

So they don’t have any pictures of the front. That’s crazy.

wundayatta's avatar

As far as I can tell, there are no views of the rear of the house. That is, the side of the house with an entrance in the middle of the building. I choose to call that the rear since the main picture shows the other side as the front. It looks to me that the house can be oriented any way you want, so either side could be both front or back, depending on what you want.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Kind of looks that way, @wundayatta.

Who in the hell would have doors to the outside from their bedroom? Maybe if you had a covered deck out there, but the way it’s shown is crazy!

wundayatta's avatar

Deck doors from the bedroom are very common, especially if they open to a garden of some kind. It’s a very nice feature, in my opinion.

This house looks nice for a retired couple, it seems to me. Pretty spacious main area. Open kitchen. I think I’d enjoy this house, especially if it weren’t close to neighbors. It would be horrible if you had kids. Entirely too small.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@wundayatta No kids! But you know what..that house is bigger than the one I raised my kids in for the first 13 years. It’s perfect for us now, though, even though we’re a ways from retirement.

The doors in the bedroom may be a common thing today, but I don’t like it. We don’t do anything in our bedroom but sleep! Why would I want to go past an unmade bed and clothes piled up on dressers to go outside? They belong in the great room so everyone can access them. poof : )

wundayatta's avatar

Doesn’t sound like it’s the house for you, then. Do you have any better ones for us to look at? It’s kind of fun house hunting with someone.

HungryGuy's avatar

It looks to me like the plans fit the house. It’s just that the rendering shows the porch fully built in as an actual room, and the photo shows the porch just screened in.

Still, I like the previous house from this question better. It has nicer bathrooms and walk-in closets and it’s laid out nicer and all on one floor.

jaytkay's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am vicariously enjoying your home plans. For my sake at least, keep asking!

And I think this has been covered already, but in case not:

They do include an actual photo: link

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jaytkay : ). Anything for you! Glad you guys are having fun! Yes, I saw that picture…it’s the back of the house made to look like the back…but it’s the exact same plan as the one that’s on the front of the page that supposedly the front of the house! So there is no picture of the front of the house, that shows the entry in the middle.

@wundayatta How hard would it be to move the doors over! That’s a minor change. I think. Hell, my husband could do it after the house was built, if it was a big deal to change the floor plans. Hence poof!

Go look around some more in that link at other houses…at this point that’s the best I’ve seen, and it’s thanks to GailCalled! : ) Looking at 1100 to 1400 sq ft. We also plan to put it on a full basement….

CWOTUS's avatar

“Back” and “front” are what you want them to be. There’s no reason that the house shouldn’t be turned around the way that it’s shown. My own preference would be to have the house arranged exactly as it is, as the “main” entrance (from the driveway, the one I use twice a day, every day, and that most of my drive-up visitors would use) would be into the foyer. How many times do we use “front” entrances off the street in suburbia, anyway? Not often, I think.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sure @CWOTUS. I agree. But I would sure like to SEE what the front of the house looks like!
I wouldn’t want French Doors from my bedroom opening out to the street. Or from the Great Room to the street, either. So what you’re seeing will be the back of the house, facing the pond.

downtide's avatar

Definitely looks like all three exterior pictures are showing the back of the house. The two with the green house are showing the porch fully enclosed as a room, whereas the grey/beige one has the porch more open.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I clicked on the “contact us” tab to ask them about the front…but it sends me to a dead page.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The contact page is alive! I told them about them showing on the back. I’ll let you guys know what they say.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Looks like it matches to me, just the view they give is the back of the house, not the front.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yeah, it looks like they just have the floor plan turned around, the back of the house is showing as the front of the house in the floor plan as shown.

The photo shows the front of the house as built, the drawing/painting of the house seems to show that back of the house as the front.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right. We figured that out guys. So I contacted them asking for pictures of the front.

HungryGuy's avatar

Just so you know, you’re not restricted to what the drawings look like. You can have your builder give it a brick siding, cedar shakes, aluminum (ugh), stucco, etc. and then make the trim also look any way you want. With the same plan, you can have anything from a Victorian style to ultra modern.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks Hungry Guy….I’m just so cost conscious. I don’t want to do anything that will cost an extra boat load of money. What I REALLY want is log siding! : ) I wonder if that would be cheaper or more expensive than the sidings you mentioned. (Who the hell would put aluminum siding on their house?! Who would turn a perfectly nice house into a really nice trailer?!)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III The modular home manufacturers have one basic blueprint for most of their models.

HungryGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Well, there is that. If you do deviate from the stock plans, you will probably have to pay extra.

And as @Adirondackwannabe just said, if you’re going with a modular builder, then it’s more like ordering a car, and you’re stuck with the options they let you choose from.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are they modular? They have tons of different floor plans. Look thru the link.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III @HungryGuy You can customize however you want. The blueprints will be the basic model. You’ll need to work from that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cool. 1st, we move the French Doors to the great room.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Dutchess_III You have so many options! It can be overwhelming, and modular/prefab is not what it used to be. This one is sweet! And there’s more here, just one example.

JLeslie's avatar

It looks perfectly lined up to me.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III My house is modular. The engineering is excellent, the workmanship fair to middling.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe what is throwing you is the covered porch is enclosed. Has anyone else already suggested that?

CWOTUS's avatar

Maybe you’d like to look at some other small house plans. Here’s Tumbleweed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, it is perfectly lined up…if you understand that in the pictures you’re looking only at the back of the house! Usually the pictures depict the front, and you read the blue print accordingly. That’s what threw me.

Lilly! I want a house, not a suitcase! @CWOTUS…yes! We can just pick it up and put it on the trailer when we go camping!

OK. Let’s say I’ve settled on the house in question. I vote to move the French Doors to the great room. What would you change?! : )

HungryGuy's avatar

Are you still going to make a basement? Otherwise there’s not much storage in this house. The other one had huge walk-in closets.

Personally, if it were me, I’d have a walk-in closet instead of the fireplace. But I’m guessing you want the fireplace :-p

lillycoyote's avatar

Does this look like a suitcase?

Or this?

Or this?

You may not like the house but it is not a suitcase. I just wanted to give you one example of what is now available in prefab and modular. This is not your father’s modular/prefab. Just saying.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t say it’s a closet, @lillycoyote. I said the links you provided above looked like suitcases! Plus the titles read “week end retreats.”

Yes, they are getting diggy with the modulars. My biggest concern with them is they are built to be moved in sections….so my concern would be the cheap stuff that they’d install in them to cut down on the weight.

I don’t think the house I’m considering is a modular..

@HungryGuy I just re-read your post about the house that you liked better, with a link to the question. That was my question…but the house is almost 3000 Sq feet! WAY too much for just the two of us!

lillycoyote's avatar

@Dutchess_III I edited! I realized you said “suitcase” not “closet” and I edited. Keep up girl!

lillycoyote's avatar

@Dutchess_III And actually, modular homes can and most often are better built and better constructed in many ways than stick built. The sections are manufactured to factory specifications and they are built to withstand the shipping, not under build to reduce weight. You’re paying for shipping when you buy a modular or a prefab. They charge you what it costs them to ship it to you. That is part of the cost of buying a prefab or a modular. They have no incentive to cut costs in shipping.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks my friend! Take it easy on me…you know I’m slow!! : (}~ So…what would you do differently in the plan? (Hey—that face I accidentally made is pretty cool, isn’t it! Heh!)

Ela's avatar

You could try this. I haven’t read all the post, though so you may have figured something out already. It’s with the screened in sitting area (which I thought kind of nice the way it looked out over the water). If you don’t want it, move the French doors to either off the dining room or great room. I’d actually put a larger deck that ran almost the length of the house off the back and a much bigger porch off the front. I love porches and decks ; )
It’s a really nice house, imo

That was fun! I’m gonna redo it with bigger outdoor areas lol
That is a walk-in closet in the master bedroom. I forgot the dots : )

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! You go @EnchantingEla! All my thought exactly! What we figured out is that they’re showing the BACK of the house, which, in the picture, looks like the front. Somebody hosed up (I emailed the company…heard back today, and they mentioned that I was right, and they’d see about getting that fixed, but mostly started their sales pitch.) Well, that will be the back of the house. Those French doors will be moved to the right a few feet to come off of the great room. and yes, a much bigger porch, all the way around!! We LIVE on our back deck during the spring, summer and fall. Oh, and the screened in area would actually, be looking out over the pond in the back of the house.

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