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rebbel's avatar

Pet his 10K silver back, and honour him with your wishes. @gorillapaws made it to the mansion!

Asked by rebbel (35553points) October 10th, 2011

It is about time for a party, so welcome gorillapaws to the 10K club!
Congratulations @gorillapaws, well, well done!

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52 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Congratulations! Although I don’t see you around much, I really like your answers. Welcome to the mansion! ;)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congratulations on reaching 10k!

janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov – you great hairy ape!

picante's avatar

I give you Gorilla-paw-sized lurve for this achievement. Congratulations—and an apish high-five to you!

Judi's avatar

Awww. I wanted to make a gorilla noise but all I could think of was George of the Jungle But he’s not a gorilla! So you will have to settle for this .
@Welcome to the mansion!!

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @gorillapaws! Welcome to the mansion.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations! Nice work!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Wonderful! Congratulations!

syz's avatar

Yay! Congratulations!

dappled_leaves's avatar

<pounds chest and grunts> Congratuations!

mazingerz88's avatar

Wow there is no PAUS-ING for this Gorillapaws! Congrats!

tinyfaery's avatar


Kayak8's avatar

Congratulations on this dubious er stellar accomplishment!!!! Stay here long enough and you won’t believe what will happen to you . . . pancakes on the heads of bunnies, frizzers, and so many other things will actually start to make sense!

mangeons's avatar

Congrats!! :-)

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t think I know you, but congratulations anyways! :)

fundevogel's avatar

Well done. I hear the private chef there can spatchcock a bird like nobody’s business.

rooeytoo's avatar

Let me be the first to shake your paw dude, congrats!

bkcunningham's avatar

Well done! Congratulations.

snowberry's avatar

Gorilla my dreams! Glad you made it!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

wilma's avatar

Congratulations @gorillapaws! Way to go!

augustlan's avatar

Congrats GP! I always enjoy your well thought out answers. :)

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats monkeyfeet! You rock!

AmWiser's avatar

Congratulations and welcome to the 10K Mansion.
10K high fives o/\o o/\o o/\o o/\o o/\o o/\o o/\o

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Very cool, congratulations!

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go dude, righteous.

chyna's avatar

Yea! Congratulations Gorillapaws! Party is on. The band is playing, there is food in the fancy eating room, drinks at the bar. The only thing missing is you. Get on in here and start the conga line!

DrBill's avatar


LuckyGuy's avatar

Break out the Gorilla Glue !!!
He’s the Paws that refreshes. Congrats on the 10k!


Congrats!!!! Now let’s peel our bananas and have a good time!!

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m humbled and flattered that you guys took the time to congratulate me. This is a wonderful community, that has given me much more than I have put in. A sincere thank you to all of you.

Buttonstc's avatar

And I thought you were in the mansion all along.

Well where is Jane Goodall when you need her? She would love this mansion. Congrats. You give really good info in your answers. I always keep my eyes peeled for them.

Sunny2's avatar

Congratulations on your 10K. I hear there’s a standard order for bananas, just waiting for you at the castle.

Bellatrix's avatar

No Gorillas in the Mist with your posts @gorillapaws. Always great to read. Congratulations on your 10k. I planted a few banana plants in the back garden, so there will plenty of treats for you.

Blackberry's avatar

Congratulations, you’re a great flutherer.

erichw1504's avatar

Congratulationitory @gorillapaws !!

SavoirFaire's avatar

This is fantastic, @gorillapaws! Welcome to your much deserved room in the mansion.

Blueroses's avatar

Congratulations to a thoughtful primate! I’m always glad to see your pensive avatar on threads. Well done!!

silverangel's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS!! Keep it up ;-)

blueiiznh's avatar

Bravo, Bully for you!!!!!!

Coloma's avatar

Jeez….I’m really lost in the jungle with all these parties. Jane Goodall on Happy Brownies loses count of her ape friends.

Cheers! A big bunch of bananas for you!

blueiiznh's avatar

OMG, I just reread it. There is petting involved?

What a marvelous petting party!!!

chyna's avatar

Petting? Did I miss the petting? I want in on the petting!

blueiiznh's avatar

@chyna I think there is a hairy back involved

Bellatrix's avatar

Strangely, hairy backs can be okay on the right male. I am sure @gorillapaws is very sexy in a furry sort of way.

Bellatrix's avatar

He is a good looking gorilla @erichw1504. Imagine cuddling up to all that fur on a cold night. (Actually on second thoughts…)

chyna's avatar

Hairy back? I’m out on the petting.

Blueroses's avatar

Aw, @chyna, I never figured you for a hair-ist :)

9doomedtodie's avatar

Felicitations to you on your 10K!. Have a great Fluthering ahead. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

Make sure you have your special glasses before you give @gorillapaws “the eye”.

blueiiznh's avatar

@blueiiznh took out his dyson vac to clean up from this hairy petting party. It was like a jungle in that room, WOW

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