(NSFW) Any fantasies you'd like to share?
Asked by
Ayesha (
October 11th, 2011
To name some:
Sex with a stranger.
Force fantasies, being tied up.
The ‘rape’ fantasy was ranked as the third most popular sexual fantasy for women.
According to askmen.com: “These female sex fantasies usually involve a gorgeous man carrying her off to his bedroom and quickly getting down to business. She’ll protest as he tears her clothing off and expertly arouses her body, but on the inside, she’ll love every minute of it. This continues to the point of penetration, and leads her to an incredible orgasm despite her earlier protests.”
It could be a character you’d like your spouse to dress up as, or any other form of role play you fantasize about.
This question is not to offend anyone in any way, if somehow you do feel offended, do not answer. It is a very simple question. Have fun with it, do provide us with some detail please!
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77 Answers
All of the above, with the rolls Reversed ;-)
Doctors & nurses I played this a kid, I can afford a more extensive wardrobe now though Lol….
You know those checkout conveyor belts where your shopping is placed in supermarkets?
“Every time you hear the beep, think of the fun you’ll be having on…......”
A joke for the brits among us there :¬)
@ucme WTB? :-)
Edit: By the way, @ucme, don’t you call the BBC, the Beeb?
Nope. Never had a sexual fantasy in my life. Not one. Torture me all you want! I don’t care. Never happened. No pix, either!
My sexlife is that adventurous, that broad, that kinky, that I fantasize a lot about plain and simple lights out, under the blankets, missionary position intercourse…..
Yep! A few, none of which are anything like what anyone might imagine of me, and none of them you would ever be able to guess. (They are just that strange)
Personally… I never got the whole “rape” fantasy thing… It never made any sense to me.
Hmmm, oh so many involving dominance and control (or loss of it); public places; being s…. never mind. I’d better quit here. Feeling the urge to send a message or make a phone call. :)
Better make that call @Blueroses or your Master will be very displeased. You do not, I’m sure, want to even contemplate what might happen then. But hey. It’s your life.
Not that I ever thought about such things before.
@rebbel Yeah some do, but i’m confused. What has that to do with my answer?
@ucme Shoot, now I have to explain my (failed) joke…, that’s gonna make it an even bigger failure…:
Conveyor belt, beep beep, (fuck fuck), haha haha, BBC, Beeb, (fuck)......, eh, see, made a complete fool of myself now :-)
@rebbel Gawd bless ya, no I was referring to an old ITV gameshow, Supermarket Sweep.
Dale Winton, the camp host would say that line during the show. As I say, it was one for the brits to remember, but hey don’t fret, your joke was…..err….;¬}
I’ve had all kinds but the stranger one never works out. My husband always strolls in and the stranger vanishes. LOL
There is a reason the rape fantasy is so popular. It has to do with two things.
1 The idea of doing kinky stuff in the fantasy but not see yourself as slutty because you are forced to do these things. So you are relieved of any guilt.
2. When I was growing up, rape fantasy scenarios are in many romance novels. The rapist is always some hunky guy that makes the girl feel weak at the knees whenever he is near her. So the attraction is there but he is just not the right type for a civilized girl, or she is the servant girl and he is the master of the home in an unhappy marriage to a mentally insane woman, or she was an indentured servant and he the master of the home but he has a very kind side that only she sees and he purchased her to save her from the whore house. She is always a good girl but because of her position she becomes a love slave and falls in love with him and he with her.
Mostly its two people who should hate each other always end up with strong emotions for each other. It has more to do with passion.
But doesn’t mean people want the reality.
@ucme Damn, when I was writing that last reply I already started to realize that your beeps might not have meant fucks, but something else…(guess it’s my dirty mind).
But I do remember that Winton’s face from the watching the Fuck!
Also, unrelated and related, in a way, I recall a clip where there’s a quizshow host blurting out, while making an arm gesture, ”To share or to shaft?!”
Found the clip.
Sex with a stranger? Nope. But, with a couple of Jellies here? Sign me up!
My sexual fantasy right now is to know what NSFW means.
I have been wondering that.
Okay this might sound very weird. My S/O as a very pale vampire, who forces me into his coffin. Which has a red velevet inside, nice and soft. With blood red roses all around. He sinks his fangs into my neck…making blood run down…and well yeah I think everyone knows the rest. >.<;
Of course. Almost all of them involve submission on my part.
Not really fantasy, but fetishes.
@FutureMemory come on tell us your fetishes! We might even have the same ones! xD
@beccagolling Thanks! *I took that in a few opposite directions and I wanted to be sure… LOL
Turns out I’m actually the weirdo… Go fig.
@beccagolling I’m a little private when it comes to details :) Some are pretty filthy though, I’ll tell you that much :D
Private and filthy, eh? @FutureMemory I’m shocked and astounded!
PM me! :-D
Fantasies and fetishes, yes.
@Blueroses What do you think I’ve been doing for the last 2 hours?
@syz Tell us what you want…....We can give it to you.
I got tons of sexual fantasies :-p
Dunno about fantasies, but I’ve got fetishes galore.
Yes I do. Am I giving details? No I’m not.
Help me what? I missed something. o.O
Sorry. Blame the medicine, I’m super dopey today.
Sex with a chubby but very shapely chick.
Sex with a milf.
A conservative looking landlady who is c*%k hungry and I could call on a whim to s@*%k the rent from me.
Once this fantasy almost happened. Almost. I invited this hot and heavy woman to my place forgetting that my brother was staying with me for a few days. Expressing my concern about that she said, no problem I’ll do him too. She then added, my Dad would get some too if he’s there. Lol. She’s the perfect s@*#t ever!
@mazingerz88 – Or, for me, an unemployed tenant who can pay the rent with her mouth :-p
Not any more. Too damn tired.
@HungryGuy Dude, that fantasy is way up there on the charts. : )
I’d like to live a less depraved version of Last Tango in Paris. The entire concept of loving someone solely for escapism such as that appeals to me, however, Paul was a man so injured that he needed such a thing due to sheer desperation, which, quite frankly, seems like it would be miserable (and if you’ve seen the film you should be aware what his desperation culminated into). The concept of a having woman whom you barely know by all normal standards, but know sexually and through any side conversation you partake in is the concept which appeals to me because of its quality of unknowingness. She would be an enigma, open to any assumption and presumption I could make. And would therefore also be capable of fulfilling multiple fantasies.
I’ve never been interested in sex with strangers or in pretend rape.
My fantasies are pretty elaborate and many have already been done at least once in several decades. I love opulence and decadence in little fun doses.
Pretty vague urge to make good girls want to be naughty.
There are too many to count, but I would LOVE to be submissive to the right guy.
Yes, but this site allows 13 year olds.
Sex in a public place, but hidden, with the chance of getting caught. Otherwise, I pretty much just have fetishes, rather than fantasies. Don’t got much of an imagination, really.
Yes, I do, thanks for asking. :-)
Yes. I want to be in a giant orgy of all super hot women, no guys. I want to have and see the kinkiest and most erotic sex for hours and hours, have food and wine, then more sex. Just sort of languish is a sexy daze for a couple weeks. That’s what I’d like to do. Just sort of roll around and fuck whatever hole my dick lands in.
Being strapped to the doctor’s table and examined by a naughty doctor.
First, the disclaimer. I’m married and faithful, so I would never act on any of these thoughts unless that fact changes. But yes, I have some pretty kinky fantasies.
What I imagine is way, way too dirty to publish here. If you knwo me and I know and trust you, feel free to PM me because I’ve written these dreams up, and if you have a strong stomach for really kinky sex, you should find them hot.
Rape fantasies, kinky sex, yep.
Not too many, these days. Most of my fantasies have been fulfilled. ;)
Further reading on this subject can be found in My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. Look it up.
A jelly orgy. Lol. Now what would you call that? A jeorgy?
@GabrielsLamb Ha ha ha that brought me back to my favorite decade, the 80’s! Now I have to get the Last American Virgin from Netflix to review that lady’s scene again! : )
Ok. That’s enough torture. Here’s the tamest one (but the most significant psychologically).
My dream of heaven would used to be to fall into a swimming pool of beautiful women who were all trying to get a piece of me because they all loved me more than anything. They would all do whatever I wanted.
Other than that, I have fantasies all the time and I write some of them down. I might have a fantasy that could start anywhere and go anywhere, although I tend not to go the places that @HungryGuy goes. Mine are more about the emotional feelings involved than the outrageous sex. Outrageous things will creep in on occasion, though. Most of them have to do with power relationships which, to me, are about desire and acceptance… complete and utter acceptance. All I can say is that I wish I knew how many women enjoyed being submissive back when I was 20.
I’m really boring as my fantasies tend to be based around tender moments with my partner. I do sometimes fantasize about being with another woman.
he idea of being forced/raped doesn’t turn me on at all.
@jca ;-) that’s right up my street, so long as you’re a bloke Lol….... have I to iron my coat or will it get wrinkled anyway????????
@GabrielsLamb ;-) I deliver pizza too… thick slice or thin? Lol….
Hormones a-ragin’ again in the flutherverse :)
Oh bugger! I see what I did there! :-/
I meant so long as you’re ‘NOT’ a bloke, oh what the hell Lol……..
@Blueroses Lol. Right! We should gather statistics on which jellies show up every time this happens. : )
<raises hand for roll call> Blueroses, present”
You should really not pay attention to anything on askmen.com. Some people are into rape fantasies but this website glorifies these for their own purpose not because they care what women want.
Yes, askmen.com is maxim and cosmopolitan for men.
@KateTheGreat & @MRSHINYSHOES & @jca & @whoever-else-is-secretly-interested – Might I suggest that you join FetLife and find a BDSM group near you.
Most have monthly Meet and Greet dinners in local eateries where prospective members can go and get acquainted. Meets and Greets usually take place in public settings, so everything is above board (no play, no extreme D/s dress, etc.)
The next step is to become a member and attend a few Munches, which are more private dinners held in private homes. Still, no play occurs at a munch, but sometimes the slaves will serve the masters.
As you make friends, you’ll be invited to private play parties and you should have no problem finding either a one-time play partner or a long-term D/s relationship (whichever you’re looking for).
As for me, I’m hoping to find a submissive female to play with or even a permanent slave :-p
I like the idea of supernatural sex, a formless entity that slips under the covers and ravishes me, yet has no body or face. I’m pretty sure this is reflective of my conscious choice to be single the last few years. The perfect hot man is formless and requires nothing from me.
Who needs a face? Maybe with a duck mask. lol
@Coloma you are quackers! :-)X Lol…....
@HungryGuy Seems like you’ve been advertising for a few years now. Any luck?
@wundayatta – Well, women email me fairly regularly wanting to “play.” On average, I’d say one or two women write to me in a given month saying she read Cum Sponge and wants to give it a go for real. As expected, however, few of them are serious. By far, the vast majority of women who contact me string me along for a while but turn out just to be teasing me in the end. Eh…I’m used to it :-p
As I’ve said a few times, my sex life is a lot like that of a pilot…long stretches of utter boredom interspersed with unexpected brief momentary thrills.
It’s those momentary thrills that make it all worthwhile :-D
About a year ago, a girl who lives near me and who had read my stories wrote to me. After a few email exchanges, she came over for a little “afternoon delight.” She wasn’t into anything kinky at all, so I’m wondering why she wanted me? But it was still fun!
Then about five years or so ago, a girl from Cleveland wrote to me. She said she read all my stories and just had to meet me to experience them for real. She had kids and it took a while for her to find the time and opportunity to get away for a weekend, but she came out to visit me for a weekend. I wore her as my cum sponge and a few other things that are too extreme to mention even with the NSFW tag (if you’ve read my stories, you can probably guess) :-p After that, I went out to Cleveland every other weekend by train. We had talked about something more permanent, but I didn’t want to give up my computer job and move to Cleveland, and she didn’t want to move her kids to inner-city NY schools. So it fizzled. Cest la vie…
There were maybe one or two before that. And there are also the various women who wrote to me, not to meet me for kinky sex but to role play and/or co-author a story or two together…
I’d really like to be dress-up like a girl/lady in lacy lingerie and feminine clothes by a “Mature Woman”, becoming her ‘live-in’ girlfriend and lesbian lover.
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