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mazingerz88's avatar

Which of these two emergencies will you be good at?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29342points) October 12th, 2011

I know I’ve seen these two emergencies in movies more than twice. Landing a plane getting instructions from the tower when you’re not a pilot and assisting a woman giving birth on the side of the road. Which of the two do you think you could pull off or is it none? And please tell us of other emergencies where you did well on responding. Thanks. : )

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28 Answers

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Woman giving birth… I would SO crash the plane.

marinelife's avatar

Woman giving birth (with phone instructions). I get airsick so I probably wouldn’t do well in the plane emergency.

silverfly's avatar

Giving birth requires so much less work than landing a friggin’ plane. Call me selfish, but there’s 99.9% survival rate for myself if I’m assisting a birth. Less chance for the baby, but I’m just sayin’. 99.9% for me because, you never know. :)

digitalimpression's avatar

I have an unfair advantage, admittedly, but I believe I could handle both.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’d almost prefer the plane. Less messy and less traumatic for a male. :) The last birth event I attended I ended up covered in manure. I stopped at a farm to see if a client was home. He wasn’t, but when I went into the barn, a calf had been born and landed in the gutter. He was covered in manure. And I was the only one around. I got him out, but it wasn’t pretty.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve been a trained first responder for almost my entire career in the military so I believe I could be helpful in assisting a woman who is about to give birth.

All my life I’ve been an aviation enthusiast and even did a little learning and studying about qualifications for a private pilot’s license when I was younger. I’m somewhat familiar with the layout of an aircraft cockpit and radio communications so I think I could do adequately well in the plane landing scenario also.

XOIIO's avatar

Plane. I’ll give myy reason but I juswiped out on m =y bike and sprained one of my wrists

Scooby's avatar

The plane, the plane :-/ (looks up pointing finger ) I don’t want to be responsible for bringing another brat into the world………

LuckyGuy's avatar

I could handle either emergency with no (visible) signs of panic.

wundayatta's avatar

Either one. I’ve attended two births and been in the cockpit for several landings. I know they are possible, which is probably a good start. Not much of what I’m told would be a big surprise to me. Besides which, can’t the big jets land themselves these days?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Assisting with a birth (mainly because I’v already done it).

The landing the jumbo jet thing is never gonna happen. There was some research done a few a years ago to see if this was even possible and the results were not encouraging.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Baby on the side of the road. My gosh, I would probably die from a heart attack if I had to land a plane. No way.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Either one but I’d prefer the less mess of a plane.

There’s no emergency I’ve been a part of aside from rushing my mangled dog to the vet after my fiancee’s dog tried to kill him.

Hibernate's avatar

I’d be good at helping a woman giving birth. I wouldn’t crash the plane but I wouldn’t like that situation because I’d want a second time after ^^ [I love adrenaline].

rebbel's avatar

I would totally go through it all on automatic pilot…..., and deliver the boy in a whoosh.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would have to say assisting with the birth. You would never catch me flying commercial, and if I were in a plane smaller than that, I would so have a parachute with me. Just hope it can do both of our weight or it will be a quick trip down.

anartist's avatar

Neither well. But babies often practically deliver themselves. In some primitive societies, women can go squat over a hole and voila—the deed is done. [and I am not talking taking a crap]

Male's avatar

Plane, most definitely. I think the instructions I’ll get to land the plane are much easier for me to follow than helping a woman give birth. There are a lot less variables in the equation…if the control center tells me to push the red button and pull the throttle, done and done, no questions. If the emergency line told me to place hands here and pull there, there are a lot more variables such as the woman screaming because I don’t know what that body part is, or the woman can be missing body part x or body part y. I think it’s easier to make a mistake giving birth than landing a plane.

Plus, if I mess up on the woman, I’ll have to hear about it for the rest of my life…

As for the plane? I won’t- because I’ll land it of course.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m not good with blood. I could calmly land the plane with good instructions.

silverfly's avatar

@Male ::laughs:: “I’ll land it of course”, not: “I’ll be dead”


Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Please, I’d love to assist in a birth.

tedibear's avatar

I’d be better at assisting with the birth. I’m good with most people in the midst of a medical “issue.” (Not quite the word I wanted, but that’s as good as I can come up with right now.) That plane thing though, I don’t understand enough about what’s going on in the cockpit to have a clue. Heck, I still don’t understand how they stay in the air!

DrBill's avatar

either one

BeccaBoo's avatar

A woman giving birth….only coz thats me job!!! If I was behind the wheel of a plane, I would be pressing all the buttons just and screaming at my SO that its all his bloody fault ;-)

majorrich's avatar

747’s feel so much different than small aircraft because all the controls are hydraulic. but I’m pretty sure with a little radio hand holding I could land one. Delivering a child is something I long for the opportunity to help with. I have done the CPR thing, the Abdominal thrust thing,and I held a man while he bled to death in my arms. I even invented the cranial-pericardial thump. I fell head first on my patient trying to move her to a safe place to perform CPR, And it worked!

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m actually pretty good in a crisis I hate that I found that out about myself. I could do both but the baby would be much easier because the mom does all the work. I’d just have to catch the baby.

martianspringtime's avatar

I think I would prefer the plane situation, but I’m not sure if I would be better at it…but I’m going with it, because childbirth (and most other things that have anything to do with medical procedures) freaks the hell out of me.

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