General Question

marmoset's avatar

Grants or other funding specifically for people with a chronic illness?

Asked by marmoset (1341points) October 12th, 2011

I don’t mean scholarships for study, or regular disability/SSI payments from the government. I’m looking more for one-time, small-scale grants for individual adults, where you can only apply if you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness. This is in the U.S.

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5 Answers

bkcunningham's avatar

Just so I understand what you are asking, would you explain what you are looking for a grant to pay? My initial reaction to your question is that you are asking for money you don’t have to pay back, to spend in any manner you want, because you have a chronic illness. Is that correct?

LuckyGuy's avatar

What kind of illness? You can look for a particular study that might be looking for subjects. I know a poor guy with prostate cancer that failed surgery and radiation and is participating in a fast track treatment study. He is getting some money for it. Nobody would pick the cards he was dealt. Very sad situation.

YARNLADY's avatar

I will monitor this closely. My grandson has Marfan, and he refused treatment when we had insurance to cover it, but now he is in pain and wants to have an operation. He even put up a request for money on facebook, but got embarrassed and took it down. He hasn’t said a word to me about it, but another family member saw his facebook request and asked me about it.

Another internet contact says he has a heart murmur that could be fixed but he can’t get funding for it until it becomes life threatening.

Mariah's avatar

If the particular disease has an official foundation, I’d start at their website. For instance, (Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America).

perspicacious's avatar

Why would there be?

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