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john65pennington's avatar

Do you and your partner still have playtime together?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) October 13th, 2011

I think playtime is a key element in a couple staying together. By playtime, I mean games we use to play as children. Wife and I use to play spin the bottle with each other. This game eventually led us to playtime in the bedroom. Playtime is a way for a couple to let their defenses down and being one’s self once more. Playtime is also an excellent way to release tension. Question: so, when was the last time you and your partner had playtime together? What was the game you played and what were the end results?

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13 Answers

GabrielsLamb's avatar

I agree, and no we didn’t and that is why it didn’t work… Everything became catastrophic and over the years we forgot how to play.

I remember it though, and that is when we were truly happy and in love.

wundayatta's avatar

Can “playtime” start in the bedroom? It seems to me that fantasies and other games built around sexual activity are an adult form of “play”—play in the sense of how we just played for fun as children. In any case, that kind of play is my favorite kind.

However, I also “play” in other ways. All of them are probably more creative than the play I engaged in as a child. I am a musician—an improvisational musician. Everything I do in music is not just playing an instrument, but play, as well. We make everything up as we go along. Clearly there is structure, just as children have structures for play, but we all improvise (children and adults) within those structures.

The same is true of dance. I do improvisational dance. There are structures to the dance, as well. These structures are crucial, because they provide the rules within which we can be totally free and creative. My wife and I often play together in dance, and we also play together, albeit less directly, when I make music and she dances.

OpryLeigh's avatar

We don’t play games (that children would) as such but we have plenty of silly time. We play fight (wrestle) a lot too.

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, we likes to play board and card games all the time. And sometimes video games. She’s really competitive, though, and gets mad when I whoop her booty.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Does “Hide the salami” count? I will pick that game over pretty much any activity.

Ayesha's avatar

Video games. Guitar Hero! Oh Yeah!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@john65pennington Doesn’t spin the bottle with two people kind of take any uncertainty out of the equation?

john65pennington's avatar

Wannabe, yes it does take out the uncertaninty, but that’s the way we liked it.

“It’s just you and me and baby makes three”.

Your question also reminds me of the song…..Just The Two Of Us.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@john65pennington Nothing wrong with slanting the odds in your favor when playing with the missus.

john65pennington's avatar

We also lov ed to play Scrabble in our earlier years of marriage, when money was really tight. We liked to play Sexy Scrabble, where we used words to describe how we felt about each other. The words had to be in the Official Scrabble Dictionary.

You would be surprised at some of the words your partner uses to describe yourself. Sometimes the words would lead to arguements, but most of the time the words would lead to a sexual encounter.

We both loved to play Scrabble.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

And that’s why it’s been 46 years. Congrats. And thanks for the scrabble idea.

john65pennington's avatar

Wannabe, you are welcome. Marriage is what you make it.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sure. Playtime for us is a game of Gin Rummy, shooting our guns, searching for neato rocks or skinny dipping in the pool. We have my senior mother living with us so “playtime” isn’t quite what it could be if we were alone to streak around the house blowing whistles at each other while wearing feathered party hats.

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