Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Why does it seem like the commercials in between 24-hour news networks are always about Medicare and Medicaid?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) October 14th, 2011

It’s kind of creeping me out.

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20 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

How often do younger people watch the news on TV?

Blackberry's avatar

Good point.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I second @erichw1504‘s point, particularly during the day. The people watching talking head programs during the day tend to be folks without jobs. New networks probably have more older people watching, while the daytime soap and talk crap will have younger people watching and commercials more related to getting rich quick and slimy attorneys.

erichw1504's avatar

Same with the commercials during The Price is Right.

Who is generally home during the week at lunchtime when school is in session?

Blueroses's avatar

Yeah, it’s predictable demographics. Daytime talk shows and dramas advertise Mr. Clean and Tide; late night syndicated shows hawk anti-depressants and sleep-aids; History and Discovery channels tend to push higher end, manly vehicles and erection pills.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Supply & demand of the audience.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Television works like this…

Whomever is watching whatever show is on, will be of a specified mindset or predetermined age group and social standing by assumption.

Marketing companies pay VERY WELL for the proper time slots at the right moments, during the right shows.

It goes by demographics, time, assumed audience, the proposed needs of said groups
and the preferred companies necessary to provide them

The best slots come on between the featured highlights in the set. Like if there is an interesting or important segment on that articular station and they usually show the feature between 6:00 and 6:15pm The companies that can afford those time slots pay the most for them in sponsorship to the programming, and as advertising for their product.

Basically, you probably live in an area where there are lots of senior citizens, senior citizens like to watch the news because they’re a bunch of drama queens and busy bodies over all and they all need to have information concerning medicaid and medicare and medicaid because they love their diseases and sicknesses and medicare can AFFORD the best slots if not ALL of the preferred time slots.

So basically YOU the consumer have been brain washed (yes, literally) for decades. Based on your needful things, your choices and your preferences based on what you watch, and what you are supposed to like because of what you watch.

spoken in a creepy, female, slightly sexy in an odd weird way, completely inhuman, automated, android speaking voice *Welcome to the Neilsen Family… You have been assimilated Circa 1956 to present. ENjoy your stay in your preferred virtual reality and remember… You work for a reason, go spend your money where we tell you to. Now, doesn’t that whopper look hot and juicy? <——Dinner time slot between 5:00 and 6:00 pm

Be self happy… Enjoy.

ucme's avatar

I dunno, but why do the commercials always have to be so bloody loud!!
In comparison with the corresponding programme I mean.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@ucme *See my answer above yours. Louder sound makes the advertisement stand out more and it causes you to then intentionally turn it down, which then calls it to your attention. Otherwise you might have just opted to ignore it, and then change the channel, they don’t want that so it is basically getting you to do what they want you to do without your even knowing it. It is a very specific distraction that first catches your attention, and then by a predetermined assumed reaction, it draws you back to the commercial and the product.

Sneaky bastards huh?

Blueroses's avatar

@ucme They want to be sure you hear it from the toilet where they’re hoping you’re dealing with your prostate/overactive bladder/menstrual leakage… there’s a product for that!

ucme's avatar

@GabrielsLamb & yes, you too @Blueroses Well yeah, that’s true. I never watch the commercials anyway, that’s normally my cue to make a cuppa for the missus…i’m a good boy I am. Roughly translated, I know my place!

Mantralantis's avatar

Oh that one is easy because healthcare companies are savvy to know there’s a high risk of people that get upset about commercials already. And so if you add in the fact that those 24-hour news networks are constantly filled with bad news in the world, everyone’s stress levels will be up whose viewing them, causing them to have panic attacks, or worse, a heart attack.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@ucme You too what? Clarify sparky…

ucme's avatar

^^^ Err, the most confusing response ever!?!

GabrielsLamb's avatar

* durrrr….

ucme's avatar

No, i’m afraid you’re going to have to be more concise, only loads though.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@ucme You’re so clever.

ucme's avatar

Somebody please help me, (mummy) I feel like i’ve just been run over by a bus!

Blueroses's avatar

@ucme you just set yourself up for targeted advertising by personal injury attorneys

ucme's avatar

@Blueroses Did I? I mean, I did? Still no idea what’s going down, but hey, I guess that makes me stoopid, yeah right! ;¬}

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