Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

( NSFW ) Was the safety of this plane and the integrity of this parachute compromised by this stunt?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29300points) October 14th, 2011

Please check out this link.

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11 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


But the guy got fired and not the girl? Is that what I heard? That seems like a serious civil rights violation.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

No on the safety of plane, yes on the safety of parachute.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can see why he did it. He is now famous. But tell me why she did it? Doesn’t look like she got much out of it Except being posted all over the net for the rest of her ife.

“Oh, OH, oh….”

Oh, puhleeze…

blueiiznh's avatar

No. If you watch the full video close enough over and over and over again you will see that the joystick was always in proper control.

chyna's avatar

@blueiiznh Just how many times did you watch it?

mazingerz88's avatar

The sex maybe fake though.

HungryGuy's avatar

The plane? Yes. Clowning around like that sitting right next to the pilot could have either distracted the pilot or they could have bumped into the controls.

The parachute? Not at all. It’s a very common technique for students and instructors to skydive in tandem like that harnessed together. So as long as one, or both, are experienced skydivers, it was no more dangerous than any other “stunt” such as a group diving in a formation, which is also fairly common.

ratboy's avatar

Been there. Done that.

6rant6's avatar

Isn’t the FAA just fucking intrusive?

blueiiznh's avatar

@chyna I bet I watched it equal to or less than you.

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