Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Can you give me some cool, interesting, or sobering statistics?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) October 14th, 2011

Let’s stack up those stats, fluther.

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30 Answers

blueiiznh's avatar


6,571,497,332 people live on earth
1,200,000,000 people live on $0.23 a day
2,000,000,000 people have no electricity
80% of people live in substandard housing
1,000,000,000 people are without safe drinking water
Every 16 seconds someone dies of hunger
57,000,000 people died in 2006
10,500,000 of these were children under 5 years old
14,000,000 children were orphaned because of HIV + AIDS
2,000,000 children have died as a direct result of armed conflict in the last ten years


$8,000,000,000.00 spent on cosmetics in the U.S.
$11,000,000,000.00 spent on ice cream in Europe
$17,000,000,000.00 spent on pet food in the U.S. and Europe
$105,000,000,000.00 spent on alcohol in Europe

~World Challenge Inc.

Blackberry's avatar

I asked for stats, and I sure got some…..

marinelife's avatar

More than 800 million people are on Facebook.

More than 50% of them log in every day.


tom_g's avatar

How about some polls?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

78% of all statistics are made up on the spot

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Over 2,500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.

thorninmud's avatar

Only 10% of the cells in your body are human. 90% belong to the 100 trillion microbes we carry around.

rebbel's avatar

Each day approx. 20.000 people die of hunger.
That is each day.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

But seriously, I found this cool article the other day or so
”[...] studies [have] found that social drinkers earned 7 percent more, and people who frequented bars on a regular basis earned a whopping 10 to 14 percent more, than non-drinkers.”

smilingheart1's avatar


1.Forcing yourself to smile can boost your mood: Psychologists have found that even if you’re in bad mood, you can instantly lift your spirits by forcing yourself to smile.

2.It boosts your immune system: Smiling really can improve your physical health, too. Your body is more relaxed when you smile, which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system.

3.Smiles are contagious: It’s not just a saying: smiling really is contagious, scientists say. In a study conducted in Sweden, people had difficulty frowning when they looked at other subjects who were smiling, and their muscles twitched into smiles all on their own.

4.Smiles Relieve Stress: Your body immediately releases endorphins when you smile, even when you force it. This sudden change in mood will help you feel better and release stress.

5.It’s easier to smile than to frown: Scientists have discovered that your body has to work harder and use more muscles to frown than it does to smile.

6.It’s a universal sign of happiness: While hand shakes, hugs, and bows all have varying meanings across cultures, smiling is known around the world and in all cultures as a sign of happiness and acceptance.

7.We still smile at work: While we smile less at work than we do at home, 30% of subjects in a research study smiled five to 20 times a day, and 28% smiled over 20 times per day at the office.

8.Smiles use from 5 to 53 facial muscles: Just smiling can require your body to use up to 53 muscles, but some smiles only use 5 muscle movements.

9.Babies are born with the ability to smile: Babies learn a lot of behaviors and sounds from watching the people around them, but scientists believe that all babies are born with the ability, since even blind babies smile.

10.Smiling helps you get promoted: Smiles make a person seem more attractive, sociable and confident, and people who smile more are more likely to get a promotion.

11.Smiles are the most easily recognizable facial expression: People can recognize smiles from up to 300 feet away, making it the most easily recognizable facial expression.

12.Women smile more than men: Generally, women smile more than men, but when they participate in similar work or social roles, they smile the same amount. This finding leads scientists to believe that gender roles are quite flexible. Boy babies, though, do smile less than girl babies, who also make more eye contact.

13.Smiles are more attractive than makeup: A research study conducted by Orbit Complete discovered that 69% of people find women more attractive when they smile than when they are wearing makeup.

14.There are 19 different types of smiles: UC-San Francisco researcher identified 19 types of smiles and put them into two categories: polite “social” smiles which engage fewer muscles, and sincere “felt” smiles that use more muscles on both sides of the face.
15.Babies start smiling as newborns: Most doctors believe that real smiles occur when babies are awake at the age of four-to-six weeks, but babies start smiling in their sleep as soon as they’re born.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

•Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.
•More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online.
•Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.
•Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs.

•About half of young people have experienced some form of cyber bullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience it regularly
•Mean, hurtful comments and spreading rumors are the most common type of cyber bullying

•Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
•Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University
•A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying
•10 to 14 year old girls may be at even higher risk for suicide, according to the study above
•According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying

Sorry not today, not ever


*Thanks again Jeruba you are so very excellent!

GladysMensch's avatar

18–29 year olds have sex an average of 112 times per year,
30–39 year olds an average of 86 times per year, and
40–49 year olds an average of 69 times per year

23% of non-married men reported they have never had sex in the past year,
25% reported only a few times in the past year,
26% reported a few times in the past month,
19% reported 2–3 times a week, and
7% reported 4 or more times a week

32% of non-married women reported they have never had sex in the past year,
23% reported only a few times in the past year,
24% reported a few times in the past month,
15% reported 2–3 times a week, and
5% reported 4 or more times a week

1% of married men reported they have never had sex in the past year,
13% reported only a few times in the past year,
43% reported a few times in the past month,
36% reported 2–3 times a week, and
7% reported 4 or more times a week

3% of married women reported they have never had sex in the past year,
12% reported only a few time in the past year,
47% reported a few times in the past month,
32% reported 2–3 times a week, and
7% reported 4 or more times a week

13% of married couples reported having sex a few times per year,
45% reported a few times per month,
34% reported 2–3 times per week, and
7% reported 4 or more times per week

linguaphile's avatar

In the past 5 years…

4000 American troops have died in Afghanistan and Irag, combined.

6000 American women have died at the hands of their spouses or lovers in our own country.

For what reason do we mourn lost soldiers, but not abused women? The military’s much easier to leave than abusive marriages.

LuckyGuy's avatar

One man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

I hope you can sleep tonight.

GladysMensch's avatar

It is estimated that there are approximately 27 million slaves around the world.

Trafficking primarily involves exploitation which comes in many forms, including:
Forcing victims into prostitution
Subjecting victims to slavery or involuntary servitude
Compelling victims to commit sex acts for the purpose of creating pornography
Misleading victims into debt bondage

The average cost of a slave around the world is $90.

Conservative estimates say that 15,000 people are trafficked into the U.S. annually, while others guess the number is high at 60,000.

According to some estimates, approximately 80% of trafficking involves sexual exploitation, and 19% involves labor exploitation.

It is estimated that 30,000 people die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect while being trafficked for sex. 80% of those enslaved are under 24, and some are as young as six years old.

More than ⅔ of sex trafficked children suffer additional abuse at the hands of their traffickers.

A 2003 study in the Netherlands found that, on average, a single sex slave earned her pimp at least $250,000 a year.

The highest ranking source countries for human trafficking include Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Albania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, China, Thailand, and Nigeria.

There is only one shelter in the U.S. designed specifically to meet the needs of trafficking victims, and it currently only houses a total of seven to nine victims.

snowberry's avatar

When I was having kids, 24% of children were born by cesearean section.

These days the percentage has risen up to 32%, and even higher in teaching hospitals! It’s not a healthy thing. Yikes!

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@snowberry I believe it is even higher than that and I would really like to understand why. Is it because it is a far more expensive procedure perhaps?

Strange to consider.

flutherother's avatar

On November 29th 2012 the world’s population will reach 7 billion. Half of these people will live in cities.

rebbel's avatar

And on the 21st of December 2012 the world’s population will be zilch.~

Blackberry's avatar

Hahaha! I’ve always had a fantasy of living in a big city like NY, but I know I would hate it if I actually did it.

snowberry's avatar

@GabrielsLamb The question you raise is a highly controversial one. Even if I were to drown this post with statistics to prove every thing I say, I’d still ruffle a lot of feathers here. But the way I see it, try following the money. Find out who makes the most money off of a cesearean section, and you have a sense of what I’m saying. Do a procedure long enough, and it becomes policy, or in some states, law (in many states it’s now illegal to assist in a home birth for example).

Because of fear of lawsuits, the hospital people want to be able to say “we did everything medically possible to save this baby or mom.” It takes on a life of its own after a while.

In addition, each new hospital procedure or policy can set up a cascade of events that can eventually create a situation that requires a C section. It’s a weird world, and it’s why I had my kids at home. To illustrate this further, I had 3 home births (including a set of twins), and one baby was born at a birth center. All were healthy, and no complications.

In 3 out of 4 of those pregnancies, medical professionals insisted it was impossible for me to give birth vaginally! Now when I compare my stats with theirs (in the 1980’s 25% of births resulted in C.S.), really have to wonder how many C sections are unnecessary.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@snowberry Agreed! I don’t find it “controversial” at all but merely the truth… which is, whatever it is like it or not. If some do not, oh well.

Hibernate's avatar

Some of the above are really painful…

filmfann's avatar

There are 3 kinds of people: Those who can count, and those who can’t.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@filmfann I do that ALL the time… LOL

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It is estimated the Union army lost 3155 soldiers in the three days of fighting at Gettysburg.

The US lost 1,009 marines and 687 sailors in the battle four days of battle for Tarawa.

On D Day, the US lost 2499 fighting men.

Between 6.800+/- US fatalities happened while taking Iwa Jima.

Guess Uncle Sam learned a lesson, only pick fights with those who really don’t have an equaled army. The monthly death toll would be to great for the average Yankee to stand.

ucme's avatar

Most statistics are made up, i’m 39.4% sure of it.

linguaphile's avatar

@ucme Yeah, true, it’s all relative, and apparently, it’s also the devil’s arithmetic.

ucme's avatar

66.6% correct :¬)

Meego's avatar

1)Statistics through July 8th, 2011:

Signs of the zombie apocalypse have been stable recently, after a year’s worth of data, the statistical facts are also staying consistent:

~The apocalypse is extremely unlikely to happen in October, or November. or January.

~The most likely month for the zombie apocalypse is still July.

~The most likely day of the month for the zombie apocalypse is still the 26th.

~The most likely time of the day is in the afternoon between noon and 6 P.M.

~The most likely day of the week is Thursday.

~The Zombie Apocalypse is around 1300 days away.

2)How Everthing Goes to Hell During A Zombie Apocolypse

3)Some tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse…you just never

1. Clear the Room: There’s nothing worse than stepping into a room only to be set upon by a horde of brain-hungry zombies. A team of four armed shooters can easily clear a room if they all stand against the nearest wall: one body in each corner and two in the middle. This position proves optimal for quickly dispatching of a room full of the reanimated.

2. Never Turn Your Back on the Enemy: Shambling isn’t just for zombies. Three live humans can stand with their backs together and carefully rotate through the room, ensuring that all eyes are facing outward and no one falls victim to a surprise attack.

3. The Fine Line: For those lucky enough to amass a relatively large army of live humans, the Fine Line is the best way to fend off roving zombie hordes. Simply form two lines of armed persons, one line in front of the other. Have the front line shoot while the back line holds. When the front line runs out of ammo, the back line steps in while the front line reloads. Tragically, the Squad’s training zombie, Billy the Hunter, died while the Squad demonstrated this technique.

4. Zombies Are the Least of Your Worries: It’s bad enough that you have to deal with the zombified masses, who are tireless, feel no pain, and greatly outnumber healthy human beings. But perhaps even more deadly are the humans who simply can’t cope with the new world order. It’s best if you keep a psychologist on hand who can identify and subdue such persons before they embark on a murderous rampage that makes the zombies look as ferocious as fluffy kittens.

5. Choose Your Weapons Wisely: Not all weapons work for all people, and the trendiest zombie-fighting armaments aren’t always the best. When in doubt, melee weapons are a fine tool against the undead, but think twice before picking up that giant hammer. As satisfying as squishing zombie skull may be, swinging the hammer creates a sizable arc that gives zombies plenty of time to nibble at your armpits. GLAZS advises that you invest in a machete, which is cheap, lightweight, and neatly separates a zombie’s head from its bodies. As for ranged weapons, you may want to reconsider that sawed-off shotgun you’re so fond of. Bolt action rifles are both powerful and accurate, without the ammunition restrictions of the close-range shotgun.

6. Windows Are Not Your Friend: Zombies have a nasty habit of crashing through glass windows, so it’s best to choose a hideout with as few ground level windows as possible. Steer clear of malls, coffee shops, and boutique outlets in favor of Costco, BJs, Sam’s Club, or any other large warehouse. If you find yourself trapped in your house, it’s best to hightail it up to the attic, which the uncoordinated zombies will have trouble reaching. Basements, even windowless ones, spell trouble.

7. No Brains for Oil: If you’re traveling with a group, you may consider fleeing by minivan or SUV, but be warned that the gas mileage and rollover rates might be a literal killer. If you’re traveling alone, it’s best to take a high miles per gallon vehicle, like a dirt bike, or, better yet, grab a bicycle and escape the zombies under your own replenishable power.

8. Fight World War Z with TNT: Using dynamite around the undead is a tricky proposition; the right amount of explosives can blow them to bits, but you might get cremated yourself. It’s better to stave off those desiccated corpse with a controlled burn. But, GLASZ’s demolitions expert warns, make sure it’s a fire you can contain. A raging wildfire could prove far more deadly than the zombies themselves.

9. Animals: Friend or Foe? Animals can be invaluable allies at the end of the world, but the zombie infection could render them more hazard than help. If the zombie plague is viral, it can infect any living cells, causing even the most inhuman animals to exhibit flesh-craving symptoms. GLASZ members ask: Would you rather fight off a zombie human — or a zombie lion?

10. Suit Up: Perhaps the best way to prepare for the day the dead rise from their graves is to assemble the perfect zombie-fighting attire. Avoid brain spray-back by wearing goggles and covering your face with a non-porous material. Use plate mail or leather to create a bite-proof body suit. Kevlar gloves (provided to some food industry workers) can be worn as is or refashioned into impenetrable sleeves, allowing you to fend off zombie bites by holding up your forearms. Riot shields also add an extra layer of protection and make the zombie head squishing that much easier.
~Tips brought to you by GREEN LIGHT ANTI-ZOMBIE SQUAD

@Meego does not endorse zombies or living people who believe in endorsing zombies, although @Meego may need to insert foot into mouth in aproximatley 1200 days

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