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Okay guys, I need your help on how to politely word a request for our school's insurance info. Ideas?
I’m asking because of my daughter’s accident. Despite my assertions that I’m a raving bitch, school authorities actually intimidate me a little (blame a few bad experiences from my own school days). I’m having difficulty with how to word a polite but firm email, requesting the insurance info, as a reply to the principal’s “apology” email.
I’ve emailed the teacher and principal already, with my displeasure at the way the situation was handled, and I received a lame apology from the principal via email.
I think that apology should have been more along the lines of “We screwed up, and here’s our insurance info to give to the hospital.”
My problem is this- after receiving that lame apology from the principal, how do I reply with something along the lines of, “Thanks for the apology but I’d like the school’s insurance information to file with the hospital.”
I don’t want it to sound like an afterthought- like “Oh yeah she’ll be fine and thanks for apologizing…....... by the way, my sister-in-law told me to ask for your insurance info.” It needs to come across as firm and unyielding, but not bitchy. I’m having a difficult time with how to word it.
With all the wordsmiths here on Fluther, I thought I’d ask for help.
Sorry this was so long.
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