Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Care to share any stories?
My older brother had an imaginary friend before I was born called Harmony and then years later I had one called Melody, I have a vague recollection of us all going for a family picnic and when driving home I kicked up such a huge fuss because we had forgotten Melody that my dad had to drive a good ten miles back to the park to pick her up. I’ve just called my dad to remind him of this and he said it was a good job we did drive back because she was still there!
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18 Answers
No. But I did have a extreme crush on Davey Jones of The Monkees. Man…amazing the fantasies of an 8 year old girl. LOL
Her name was Magalyn. She had blue skin and green hair and green wings, and she taught me how to use magic keys to transport me to secret lands on other worlds. She tried to teach me to fly, but I didn’t have any wings. I still have my magic keys, though.
As a child? Aren’t you all imaginary?
Not a imaginary friend, but I did have an imaginary pregnancy!! Yes I know wierd, I was about ¾ ish and I was convinced I was pregnant with TWINS! They were due at Christmas…Now baby prams were not as fancy as they are now when I was little so my mum and dad had to buy 2 single prams and jubilee clip them together!! Christmas Day came and my “double buggy” was delivered and so were my twins! Courtesy of me running upstairs shoving 2 dolls up my jumper then dropping them out on the lounge floor!
I had seven brothers and sisters. I needed imaginary peace and quiet, not another friend.
But, when I was about five or six, there was a little boy who moved into our neighborhood. I have this memory of playing with him and he talked to someone who I couldn’t see. He told me I couldn’t see him, but said he was there and looked like a puppy. He would talk to him and include him in our play.
I remember asking one of my older sisters about the puppy and asking if she could see him. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t see this puppy. I can remember my sister brushing my hair and telling me it was his imaginary friend. She told me to play along with the little boy and she made me promise not to make fun of the little boy because the puppy made him feel better since he had to move to a new place away from his old friends.
I hadn’t thought about that in years. Good question, @RareDenver.
@bkcunningham your sister sounds like a very wise and compassionate person. That was really quite a sweet story.
No, but I imagined a couple of pets though. We didn’t have any pets in our house up until I was around 12/13. To compensate for this, i’d pretend I had my own dawg, an alsation it was, called him Blaze. He came in useful from time to time, like he’d get the blame if anyone farted at the dinner table, stuff like that.
RareDenver’s wife here….
I had a kind of imaginary friend, only I never got to see her. Denver laughed and pointed out even my imaginary friend didn’t like me! She was a miniature person about the same size as Tinkerbell. Not a fairy though, just a miniature person. I never got to see her because she only appeared when I was asleep and she sat on the bed post and guarded me while I slept. I would wake up and for a split second think she would still be there. I remember the main reason I wanted to meet her was because I really wanted to take her to school in my pocket! Over and Out, Mrs RareDenver x
ucme’s imaginary friend here…
Yes you bloody well did have an imaginary friend, remember me, Rupert?
I’m shocked & yes, saddened that you choose to forget our once close “friendship.”
Now you tell the nice boys & girls the truth, or….or i’ll tell them about teddy!!
No. I was an only child with a huge imagination but not good enough to convince myself of that, I tried it a few times.
Not me. A friend still has it. He likes to talk to him. But only to mock other people. He took it to a new level when it comes to the conversation. It’s funny to watch him.
I was born in the midst of a gaggle of children. I didn’t need imaginary friend because I had sisters all around me…all the time.
When I was 9 or 10 and believed in god, I stole bubblegum from the store and asked god not to punish me for it.
True story:
For a few months we lived in an apartment complex that had an extremely high pet deposit, so we arranged for our little dogs to be cared for by a family member while we were there. My daughter came up with the bright idea of having a pet onion to help pass the time until her little dogs returned. She found a shoe box, put in some soil, a little water dish and some food that an onion might eat. ;o) We poked holes in the lid, and went over to the manager’s office. I explained to them that we had a new pet and that we were ready to pay the pet deposit, and removed the lid. I have an awesome poker face, and my daughter played her part well too. It was awesome! (No, they did not make us pay a pet deposit/)
I didn’t (although there was a fairy who sat on the edge of the chamber pot beneath my bed when I was about 5). But @snowberry‘s story ^^ made me think of the time we stopped for ice cream and the shop next door, a dry cleaner’s, had a big sign in the window that said “Shirts 59¢.” I dared the 8-year-old boy in the car to go in and say “Here’s 59¢. Can I have a shirt?”
The boy was my son, and I was in my forties at the time. I paid him a dollar for being a smartass to the woman in the store.
Yes. His name was “Aqua”.
Yes, I know it means “water”.
I was an odd child
Her name was Catherine. She was around at least through third or fourth grade. I don’t recall any specific experiences, just that she was always around and that I was very specic about the way her name was spelled.
I never had a “friend” that I spent time with, but when I was really little, I liked hanging around in my basement, and to do that, I first had to go down a pitch black staircase, and find the light switch. I wasn’t scared of normal darkness, but this complete void freaked me out.
So, I pretended there were monsters down there in the basement before I turned on the light.
I would say, “Hey guys.” when going down those steps, and then that darkness didn’t seem so creepy.
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