Social Question

snowberry's avatar

Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 28?

Asked by snowberry (28013points) October 15th, 2011

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily

The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,

Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.

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584 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Thanks Snowberry!

TJBM will thank @snowberry too

Ela's avatar

Thanks @snowberry!!!
it’s so nice and roomy here.. <skips around>

Tjbm likes to skip to my lou!

Dog's avatar

I wont skip but I will offer a glass of wine!

TJBM might offer some cheese to go with the wine.

LuckyGuy's avatar

True, I’ll offer Brie.
TJBM is sitting at the kitchen table.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has stepped in something that they wish they hadn’t.


True. On the day of my high school graduation, I stepped on my cat’s “poo-poo”, just an hour before the graduation ceremony! :(

TJBM passes by a fire station on their way to work everyday.

Allie's avatar

True!! The one here in town is on the way out to the highway.

TJBM is going to make someones Halloween costume this year.


True! I am in the process of finding materials to make my little one a lion costume, as the lion character in “Wizard of Oz”.

TJBM is going to dress up for Halloween this year.

Coloma's avatar

I already have. I am goose with a cold.

TJBM is anal about having all the bills in their wallet in numerical order

josrific's avatar

True!!! Yeah, I’m not the only one!
TJBM is enjoying quiet time before the kids get home.


Hahaha!! True!! They are currently out shopping with their Mom. The house is sooooo quiet. Very peaceful.

TJBM lives on a street where buses regularly drive by on their routes.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. Not many buses. A few times a day a bus passes by. If you live on the street, the bus driver will stop and let you off at your gate.

TJBM reads the Sunday newspaper in bed.


Nope. I read the Sunday paper at the breakfast table.

TJBM loves French toast.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM is starving.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am baaad, I just had a Hagen Daaz coffee almond crunch bar. I’m sick, I deserved it, waaah!

TJBM loves ice cream

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup but on low carb diet ( : > (

TJBM is on a diet too !


True. I’m trying to lose about 3–4 pounds. I started dieting, but I’ve been falling off the bandwagon the past few days. The more I eat, the more I gotta go swimming. Lol.

TJBM hates “chocolate chocolate”, that is candy chocolate, but loves chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream.

Bellatrix's avatar

No, I like chocolate chocolate. Especially chocolate with orange… oh yum.

TJBM plans time to spend with their loved ones. They actually schedule it to make sure it happens.

geeky_mama's avatar

Very true.

TJBM prefers tea over coffee.


True. Though I drink more coffee than tea, because I need the “wake-up”.

TJBM loves their tea strong.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. I really love tea too. More than coffee. I actually barely drink coffee now.

TJBM has something lovely planned for Sunday. I am going to spend most of the day with my darling husband.

reijinni's avatar

other than work and TWiT, nope
TJBM goes to Chipotle on a regular basis..

Neizvestnaya's avatar

False but I lurve me some Chipotle!
TJBM is ambidextrous.

geeky_mama's avatar

Why, yes, I did you know?

TJBM has very neat handwriting.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Very False! My handwriting has always been so bad, the even in university, I write my exams on a portable pc and and handed the answers in on a 5¼” floppies! TJBM refuses to accept that illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights as others in their country.


True. They give all the deserving, hard-working legitimate immigrants a bad name.

TJBM is someone from a visible minority.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM is laughing.

Ela's avatar

False. I’m a bit frustrated at the moment…

Tjbm is also frustrated about something

Coloma's avatar

True. I am frustrated that I have a cold, I want to be ACTIVE!

TJBM loves Chai Tea

snowberry's avatar

I’m getting to like it.

TJBM is watching the NCIS marathon.

mangeons's avatar

False, I prefer CSI/Law and Order SVU.

TJBM is tired.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM likes kimche.

mangeons's avatar

I don’t know, I’ve never had it!

TJBM had a great dinner tonight.

snowberry's avatar

Eh, not so much.

TJBM has a fun day planned tomorrow.

mangeons's avatar

True, I’m having a birthday celebration with my family and I’m getting presents and cake and stuff!! :-)

TJBM has school on Monday.

AshLeigh's avatar

True! :) And I’m actually looking forward to it. All new classes, and two of them are English! :)
TJBM loves English.

geeky_mama's avatar

True. I did a double major in it (accidentally) in University just because I loved taking English Lit. classes so much.

TJBM is verbose.

Coloma's avatar

Ya think? LOL Oh my Gawd..can I be verbose!

TJBM has been to the Scrabble game

josrific's avatar

I’ve played Scrabble plenty times but I’ve never been to THE Scrabble game.
TJBM is watching a spooky show.

JLeslie's avatar

No. I hate scary shows, I have seen maybe 5 in my entire life.

TJBM just had a very stressful conversation.

Coloma's avatar

THE Scrabble game is for ” Want to play Scrabble with me Part Trois?”

False…not for a few months now since I let go of a difficult person.

TJBM is starving but can’t decide what to make

Ela's avatar

False. I just had a veggie salad. nom nom

Tjbm’s butt is falling asleep

JLeslie's avatar

I have been sitting in the same position for a while, but I guess my butt is used to it. Seems I could sit here like a potato for a very very long time.

TJBM went out dancing in the last 3 months.

AshLeigh's avatar

<—Raver. Of course. :)
TJBM loves to dance! :)

Coloma's avatar

True. Have’nt been out in awhile though, my hub has some good night life in the summer but winter is the dead zone.

TJBM is sad that Coloma cannot feed herself yet haha

AshLeigh's avatar

I am. :(
TJBM wants me to make them delicious food! :)

Coloma's avatar

True. I am having toast….haha

TJBM wants a caramel apple

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I hate those things.
TJBM is talking on the phone.

JLeslie's avatar

No. But I just sent a text on my phone to someone.

TJBM loves the show Fringe!


I’ve never heard of it, let alone watched it. Lol.

TJBM spent most of today inside the house.

Dog's avatar

Nope- I did get out- but I must say that I actually did something domestic for the first time in my life! I baked brownies from SCRATCH! With frosting from SCRATCH! And they did not kill anyone or cause extreme, excess thirst! I am soooo happy!

TJBM is really a good cook

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. Haha. I’m good at baking though! :)
TJBM wants cookies? :D


Nope. I don’t like sweets at all. Cakes, cookies, candy, etc. Yeech.

TJBM is close to 6 feet tall.

JLeslie's avatar


TJBM feels like they are getting nowhere fast lately.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM feels like they’re getting everywhere slowly. ;)

Dog's avatar

Nope- I am on a high-speed rail train this year…

TJBM wants to peek into chat to say “Hi” to a newbie!

AshLeigh's avatar

True! :)
TJBM is gonna.

Prosb's avatar

True, I just jumped in.

TJBM has too many desserts in their house at the moment.

Coloma's avatar

False. Only Butterscotch lifesavers and Jelly haha

TJBM’s cat just brought a SNAKE into the house uh huh, it;s true..but it was a little baby snake

Prosb's avatar

False. (I have no pets.)

TJBM wishes they had a cat or dog.

JLeslie's avatar

False. I don’t have any pets and I am fine with that. I do like cats, dogs not so much.

TJBM Baskin & Robbins better than Ben and Jerry’s.

josrific's avatar

True, but I like Cold Stone the best.
TJBM is about to go to bed. Nighty night!

AshLeigh's avatar

False. :)
TJBM is in the chat right now. :)

Coloma's avatar

False. Chat is too fast paced for me, I get motion sickness. lol

TJBM has blue eyes wink, wink

AshLeigh's avatar

Sometimes… They change from blue/green/grey.
TJBM likes eyes. :)


Beautiful eyes yes.

TJBM has a relative named Elizabeth.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is in a bad mood. :(

Dog's avatar

Nope- I am totally happy with my world.

TJBM was hoping to change careers soon.


Not yet. Someday possibly.

TJBM has never gone to a drive-in movie before.

AshLeigh's avatar

Never. :O
TJBM thinks drive in movies are creepy.

Coloma's avatar

False. They were lots of fun in my generation.

TJBM went sailing this summer


Nope. I’d love to sail, but I get seasick. Strange, huh, for a guy who loves to swim! lol

TJBM uses incense from time to time in his/her surroundings.

perspicacious's avatar

Quite often.

TJBM is creeped out by clowns.

Bellatrix's avatar

Lol, not creeped out but I have seen IT and they aren’t my favourite things. I gave my daughter a big clown doll when she was a child, she didn’t tell me but it freaked her out so when her brother was born, she gave it to him so it was in his room.

TJBM likes sharks.

perspicacious's avatar

Oh no. I grew up around the Gulf of Mexico but don’t even like to see a dead shark.

TJBM would rather go hungry than eat a toaster pastry.

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t even know what a toaster pastry is?

TJBM has a favourite snack they cannot resist.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have a few favourite snack that I cannot resist!

TJBM has the iPhone 4s.

Bellatrix's avatar

No, I have a Samsung Galaxy S.

TJBM is good at keeping on top of letter/email writing to friends and family (I am not).

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM shouldn’t be awake right now…

Bellatrix's avatar

It’s only 7.30 at night. I’m getting on a bit but I can still stay up later than this :D

TJBM is a night owl.

JLeslie's avatar

True. I hate going to bed and waking up early. It pissed me off. but, I get on that cycle to match my husbands sleep patterns sometimes. Pisses me off (I said that already I think). Can’t wait for him to retire.

TJBM Doesn’t care either way who the next US President is.

dabbler's avatar

Nope. I very much care who will be the next president as there will probably be one or two Supreme Court justices to replace.
TJBM is having a relaxing morning but expecting to be very busy later today.

mangeons's avatar

Kinda true, since we’ve got a birthday celebration for me later with family!

TJBM has a headache. :-(

dabbler's avatar

Yay! Happy Birthday @mangeons !!
Yes, I do have a bit of a seasons-changing allergy sinus headache but I’m used to it.
TJBM likes autumn best.

JLeslie's avatar

False. Especially not where I live now. Autumn means cleaning up leaves and the cold weather is coming.

TJBM already knows what costume they are going to wear for halloween.

mangeons's avatar

@dabbler It was actually my birthday last week, we’re just having a celebration today. Thanks though! :-)

False, I really need to figure that out!

TJBM is loving the weather we’re having right now.

Coloma's avatar

I let all the leaves fall until my yard is buried…I have never understood why some people get so OCD about falling leaves, I think they are beautiful…stay away from my leaves! lol

TJBM has black furniture

JLeslie's avatar

True. In my bedroom. It feels dated to me, but I still like it.

If I didn’t clean up the leaves as they fell I would be buried. We must have 50 bags worth of leaves by the time fall is over. The majority of which we blow back into the woods. I think it would turn my lawn into mush and promote moss growing if I didn’t clean up the leaves every couple of weeks

TJBM is trying to lose weight.

Coloma's avatar


Yes, sometimes the leaves are outta control.

True. I am working on dropping a few now after going rather soft this last year.

TJBM has a pomegranite tree I am so excited, my tree has fruit for the first time this year!

AshLeigh's avatar

False. Haha.
TJBM doesn’t like pomegranates! :O

Prosb's avatar

True! I only eat 3 kinds of fruits though.

TJBM is leaving for work soon.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am still in my jammies with a cold and a cup of coffee. haha

TJBM colors their hair

OpryLeigh's avatar

Guilty but in my defence only to a shinier version of my natural colour!

TJBM watched an enjoyable film today.

reijinni's avatar

not really, but am about to watch TWiT later today.
TJBM remembers this tune.


Nope. Before my time, I think.

TJBM remembers this BBC British t.v. series.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is glad I’m finally taking my laptop to get fixed today! :)

Bellatrix's avatar

Well yes@AshLeigh. I hope it doesn’t cost too much to get repaired and you have it back soon.

TJBM likes catching up on the news in the morning.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is still cheering for the lions.

Hibernate's avatar

The lions against who? I’d cheer for them.

The Jelly Below Me wants Christmas to come faster.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do! I love Christmas.

TJBM loves to dress their tree.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t have a tree, but I love to go trim trees at other people’s houses.

TJBM wants to move to a different city.

mangeons's avatar

Maybe, but I’d like to stay close to home!

TJBM had a great day today! :D

Bellatrix's avatar

It is just starting. Will let you know later.

TJBM has a favourite pillow.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

So True! Out of the six down pillows we have on our bed, I can always tell my trusty pillow that’s been with me now for near 20 years.

TJBM has an ingrown toenail.

snowberry's avatar

Ouch! No, thank goodness!

TJBM raises worms or bees, or some other unusual crop…

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has driven their car into a lake.

Hibernate's avatar

I do not drive thus I did not end up in a lake.

The Jelly Below Me doesn’t like to deceive others.


True. I’m always upfront.

TJBM has the Sunday evening blues. :(

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know if I have Sunday evening blues, but I am very sad about Dan Wheldon losing his life in that horrible crash in Las Vegas.

TJBM saw the Indy car crash today.

Coloma's avatar

False. Saw the headline but didn’t read about it.

TJBM hates it when the miss their exit on the freeway and have to go about 10 miles out of their way to get back PSHT!

JLeslie's avatar

True! I just did that this past Friday. About 6 miles out of the way. Flipping cannot talk on the phone while driving.

TJBM is just sick and tired of the game making the show 60 Minutes start and run late. Just change the time of the program already.

AshLeigh's avatar

… Sure.
TJBM just nods and agrees when they don’t know what we’re talking about…

Ela's avatar

<nods and agrees>

tjbm love jelly belly jellybeans

AshLeigh's avatar

True. They’re like crack to me.
TJBM found Waldo.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, Is he missing again?

TJBM has been in a crowd of tens of thousands.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yesiree. :)
TJBM is a lawyer.

reijinni's avatar

nope, but people with my name are.
TJBM has seen interesting lives when they searched their own nane.

Ela's avatar

False. I’ve never done an ancestry search. I don’t know how : (
my sister did and apparently we are “daughters of the revolutionary war” or whatever it is ; )

tjbm has been in a war

AshLeigh's avatar

Only with myself.
TJBM likes to paint.

perspicacious's avatar

I do. Walls, not canvasses.

TJBM will tell us which type of snob he or she happens to be.

Ela's avatar

True. I’m a meat snob. I dislike touching raw meat. it’s gicky

tjbm will tell us what kind of snob they are : )

snowberry's avatar

I’m a word snob. I like to read the dictionary. I’m a bug snob (I like bugs). I also love to ski very very fast, and I don’t like anyone in front of me because I can’t stop fast. I’m a ski snob. I’m also a bit of a snob when it comes to punctuation. Should I go on?

TJBM likes snobs!

Ela's avatar

True! I love snobs and all their hob-nob-snobbery! ; )

tjbm also loves snobs!

perspicacious's avatar

Wow, I’m in the company of true snobs. I love it here!

TJBM would like to get one more degree.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sure. XP
TJBM still rocks overalls. ;)

perspicacious's avatar

TJAM: What is XP?

No, I have never owned overalls. Never.

TJBM is way into alternative rock music.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s face.

Coloma's avatar

Not waay into..but, my daughter keeps me up to date and truns me onto a lot of good stuff.

TJBM thinks marijuana should be legalized

AshLeigh's avatar

Ehh. I don’t care. I don’t smoke pot, so it doesn’t matter to me either way.
TJBM is surprised at @perspicacious for never owning overalls.
I’m rocking a pair, right now. ;)

Ela's avatar

False. been there, done that, didn’t take part the first time around lol : (

tjbm keeps getting distracted from the task at hand…

AshLeigh's avatar

True. :)
TJBM is in good health! :)

Ela's avatar

True… that’s why I don’t want to go to the doctor Thursday : (

tjbm doesn’t like going to the doctor

perspicacious's avatar

True. I have a cold right now, first one in years!

TJBM regularly colors his or her hair.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM wants tea. :)
I’m gonna make some.

Ela's avatar

False. I don’t drink tea or coffee i just sniff them lol, i usually drink water or milk : )

tjbm is having ice cream!

AshLeigh's avatar

I wish.
TJBM also wishes they were having icecream. :)

mangeons's avatar


TJBM is getting tired.

Ela's avatar

Truish but I have too much to do o go to bed : (

tjbm is fluthering from their bed

AshLeigh's avatar

False. But I will be once my laptop finally gets fixed! :)
TJBM is in complete stalker mode over a band. :)

perspicacious's avatar

False. Never Fluther in bed.

TJBM uses their phone for play online.

AshLeigh's avatar

You cut in line!
TJBM is in complete stalker mode over a band. :)

perspicacious's avatar

Hardly. I’m too smart for such as that.

TJBM wears hot pink.

AshLeigh's avatar

Are you implying that I’m unintelligent for stalking Eve Six? :(
I own one hot pink skirt. But I never wear it.
TJBM doesn’t wear half of the things they own.

perspicacious's avatar

I don’t know you or Eve, but if I were you I wouldn’t admit the stalking part.

The clothes remark was true until last month. I moved and left almost all of my clothes behind. Buying new ones is fun.

TJBM has had plastic surgery.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s a band. :P
TJBM has had a major surgery. D:

Coloma's avatar

True. When I was 21 I had kidney surgery to repair a blocked kidney. Ow..not fun at all.

TJBM has snakes around their house

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. Alaska, silly. :)
TJBM thinks their mother is weird. :)


Not at all.

TJBM has or has had a koi fish.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is sad for me, because it’s snowing. :(


Snowing?? In October??

True, I am sad for you. Hope the snow melts.

TJBM wears long johns in the winter.

AshLeigh's avatar

This is Alaska. :P First snowfall of the winter! :(
No, I don’t. I just wear a hoodie, and leggings under my skirt.
TJBM is a beast! :)


Some nights, yes.

TJBM wants to stay home and not go to work tommorow.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’d like to stay home, yes. :)
TJBM laughed when @MRSHINYSHOES said “Some nights, yes.” XD

Coloma's avatar

True. Shiney shoes with funny moves lol

TJBM has a lime green comforter on their bed


False. I got an olive green comforter on my bed, not a lime green one. But close!

TJBM loves Peking duck.

Coloma's avatar

PSHT! Noooo…I can still see the fried duck heads in the night markets in asia :-(

TJBM will pass the Grey Poupon

perspicacious's avatar

Sure, just ask.

TJBM roller skates.

Bellatrix's avatar

Shit no. Last time I tried that I ended up with bruises on bruises. The time before, someone pushed me from the middle of the rink, I hit the barrier in such a way that I became airborne and landed in the seats on the other side. I don’t think I should be on ice or roller skates.

TJBM has had a funny but scary accident while participating in some sort of sport.

Hibernate's avatar

Bunch of them. I usually get hurt even by doing nothing so let’s not talk about sports.

The Jelly Below Me is sick.

Bellatrix's avatar

Checks… nope, pretty healthy right now. (We must be sporting twins :D).

TJBM loves getting hand written letters.

JLeslie's avatar


TJBM does their own manicures.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has a passion for astronomy.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Does having “Google Sky” on my mobile phone count?

TJBM has been to an observatory and / or star show like the Griffith in Los Angeles.

dabbler's avatar

True ! I’ve been to the Griffith a few times. I saw the moon through their telescope once. I like the scales that tell your weight on various planets, And that wonderful Tesla coil cage.

TJBM has to get to work NOW !

snowberry's avatar

Yeah, I need to get up and get going.

TJBM is still in their PJ’s.

AshLeigh's avatar

Unfortunately, that is false. :(
TJBM is the “Now or never” kind.

Coloma's avatar


If not now when?

TJBM can draw good cartoon characters

OpryLeigh's avatar

No. I’m a pretty rubbish drawer.

TJBM was up very early this morning.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM was up @ 3 a.m.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM was down @ 3 a.m.

Coloma's avatar

Very down, I could have been dead lol

TJBM owns a Jeep

JLeslie's avatar

Nope. I have never owned a Jeep.

TJBM owns a Porsche.

blueiiznh's avatar

No Porsche, but does own a Jeep

TJBM owns a horse

Coloma's avatar

Not right now, but I have, yes. There names were Budge and Ruby. :-)

TJBM has fruit trees in their yard

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, Apple, Plum and Pear

TJBM owns a bat house

Coloma's avatar

False. very cool ;-) but, I have had bluebird houses.

TJBM has deer in their neighborhood

blueiiznh's avatar

True, In my back property all the time this time of year

TJBM puts food out for the animals.

JLeslie's avatar

Almost never. Maybe a few times a year I put some melon rind out for the deer. But, I worry they are too accustomed to being near humans. It seems they like eating something that is on my lawn anyway. Not sure what they eat back there.

TJBM hunts deer.

Coloma's avatar

Never! I’m not a fan of hunting unless it is a matter of survival.

TJBM is wearing something blue

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is my iSight camera on on this Mac Book Pro. YES

TJBM can see twenty trees from where they are sitting.

blueiiznh's avatar

More like 20,000

TJBM overlooks a forest

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. Well, I refer to it as the woods, only because I think of forests being much larger, but yes, my backyard goes into the deep woods. The other night I was in my backyard fluthering, and many deer walked by and a fox came practically up on my back deck and scared the shit out of me. It was only 12 feet away.

TJBM likes the new show Pan Am.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM watched The Walking Dead last night.

josrific's avatar

Oh no, I like some spook but not all.
TJBM had a loooooong weekend.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes to DO the wave.

JLeslie's avatar

True. If you mean a wave at a sports event. My graduation took place in the brand new basketball arena at my college, and we did a couple waves during the grafuation. It was awesome!

TJBM needs to clean the house like me, but is procrastinating, like me.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has email to read.

Coloma's avatar

True. Was JUST thinking I should read my mail. haha

TJBM is shopping for a new car

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has more zeros in the family tree than on their paycheck.

blueiiznh's avatar

counting…i may be a bit

erichw1504's avatar

@Coloma your mind. I read.

blueiiznh's avatar

More on the paycheck phew

TJBM drinks some kind of “zero” drink

Neizvestnaya's avatar

True enough, I drink Coke Zero when I crave soda.

TJBM doesn’t like to eat baked potato skins.

mangeons's avatar

True, I didn’t know people actually ate them!

TJBM loves baked sweet potatoes.

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, and love baked potato skins

TJBM is about to make supper


False. Just had lunch!

TJBM has Italian in their blood.

Prosb's avatar

True. I’m also making pasta as I type this. Yay stereotyping!

TJBM is eating pasta tonight.


False. We’re havin’ hamburgers.

TJBM has (or has had) step-children.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

True, I’ve got 3 current stepchildren and 1 ex-stepdaughter :)

TJBM hates shoes with laces.

Prosb's avatar

False. I don’t care either way, I just double knot the laces and slip on the shoe from then on.

TJBM is visiting a friend, or having a friend visit tonight.


False. Friends don’t visit us very often, and vice versa.

TJBM can look out the window right now and see that it’s sunny outside with blue skies.

AshLeigh's avatar

True. But I also see snow on the ground. :(
TJBM is listening to music.

Coloma's avatar

False. Just got in from grocery shopping and am having a snack

TJBM loves Oatmeal

AshLeigh's avatar

False. Yuck. I hate oatmeal.
TJBM loves Granola. :)

josrific's avatar

True, especially in yogurt.
TJBM wants to sell their children to the gypsies.

Coloma's avatar

False. My daughter has flown the nest, it’s a wrap. lol

TJBM just bought 3lbs. of Halloween candy

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Nah but I did just buy concert tickets.

TJBM failed at making homemade chocolate & peanut butter cups.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have.
TJBM sometimes ditches what’s logical.

geeky_mama's avatar

True. Occasionally a gut feel, premonition, faith or destiny trumps logic for me.

TJBM had a Monday that was not routine…something out-of-the-ordinary.

Bellatrix's avatar

It had different elements for sure. Elements I could have done with out. Then it continued in a fairly routine way but finished on a high when I spent time with my daughters.

TJBM drinks their tea out of an unusual vessel.

AshLeigh's avatar

A thermos? :P
TJBM is having a weird day, like me! :o

Bellatrix's avatar

Nooo, a normal day here. Someone I know drinks tea out of a jar. They walked passed my door and I noticed.

TJBM loves cheese and crackers.

dabbler's avatar

True, Cheese is my biggest food vice (vegetarian but far from vegan).
TJBM knows two languages besides English – at least a bit.

geeky_mama's avatar

True. 真. Si. Vrai.

TJBM is working late tonight.

blueiiznh's avatar

SIGH, you had to remind me.

TJBM has worked all night recently

Neizvestnaya's avatar

False, I get off at 9pm now on my latest nights.

TJBM likes to golf.


False. I don’t like golf.

TJBM loves Swedish meatballs.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM feels alive! :)

blueiiznh's avatar

I’m Alive, I’m Alive!!

TJBM gets their honey right from the bee hive


False. I get my honey from my honey.

TJBM has seen the movie “Grease” (1978) and liked it very much.

mangeons's avatar

True! I got chills, they’re multiplying!

TJBM is having a conversation on the phone right now.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is multitasking.

mangeons's avatar

True, true, true, always!

TJBM has something that they should be doing right now, but aren’t.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. There’s nothing I need to be doing, but I’m doing extra credit, that I don’t need. I’m a nerd.
TJBM is a nerd.

mangeons's avatar

True, I guess. I do all my work for school!

TJBM is now listening to music from “Grease.”

AshLeigh's avatar

I listen to “Cool Rider” almost every day. But no, I’m feeding my hunger for Eve Six. :)
That totally said “Eve Sex” for a second, before I caught it… O.o
TJBM needs to buy paper.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, I stopped at Staples today.

TJBM reads it as Eve Sex still

mangeons's avatar

False! Dirty minds, people.

TJBM just watched a hilarious video on youtube.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I’ve been watching the Eve Six song for a million hours.
TJBM likes yo exaggerate! :)

snowberry's avatar

Only when it suits me. It helps in my story-telling.

TJBM has had several near accidents.

Coloma's avatar

True, and several accident accidents. lol
Infact..just today a giant flatbed truck loaded with lumber did not have a %^&$# flag on it’s a$$ and I almost ran into the overhang because it was an optical illusion the way the wood was sticking out. Bah!

TJBM thinks Coloma should buy a classic Jaguar

reijinni's avatar

she should buy a Delorean instead
TJBM can dance to this tune.

snowberry's avatar

Huh…I wish!

TJBM thinks they can dance to the above tune.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe, if I drank about 4 bottles of champagne lol

TJBM likes to write

mangeons's avatar


It’s getting close to TJBM’s bedtime.


Not for another 3 hours. Hooray.

TJBM likes his/her mattress firm.

mangeons's avatar

False, my mattress is nice and cushiony!

TJBM is a loud talker.

snowberry's avatar

I sure can be!

TJBM is an extrovert.

mangeons's avatar

True, for the most part!

TJBM is a quiet talker.


True. I have a naturally soft, but low, voice.

TJBM used to have a set of toy clackers as a kid.

josrific's avatar

If you count my tap shoes, then yes!
TJBM would love a different dessert other than ice cream and cookies and such.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

So true! I love fruit or jello for dessert.

TJBM has junk mail on the floorboards or their car.

mangeons's avatar

False, I don’t really get junk mail and I don’t have a car!

TJBM had a great meal some time today.

reijinni's avatar

my meal is OK
TJBM won’t be able to eat for 6 hours starting from the time when they wake up.


I’ll eat breakfast first, so false.

TJBM has a fedora hat or knows someone who has one.

Coloma's avatar

I have one! It is brown with a rhinestone thingy above the brim.

TJBM likes hats

reijinni's avatar

I like some hats
TJBM can name something that gets passed around.


Salt and pepper at the dinner table?

TJBM drinks water at dinner time as his/her beverage.

Ela's avatar

False, I always drink milk… ‘cept with pizza then i like to have a soda ; )

tjbm has he achies : /

Coloma's avatar

Not so much, my cold is getting better.

TJBM wishes they were having some of Colomas fresh outta the over french bread. Mmmm!

Ela's avatar

Trrruuuee!!! I love fresh baked bread! Wanna shack up?!

tjbm like to sword fight with baguette bread


True. That’d be fun!!

TJBM would love to have a pillow fight.

Ela's avatar

True!! I love pillow fights and wrestling under the covers LOL

tjbm likes to wrestle under the covies too!!


True. Esp. on cold nights.

TJBM lives near a well-known grocery chain.

Coloma's avatar

Kinda. The nearest grocery store is about 12 miles from me.


Shack up? LOL

TJBM is playing with a laser pointer and their cat right now

AshLeigh's avatar

:( Chaos ran away… So no, I can’t play with him.
TJBM wants Chaos to come home. :(


Yes I do. Chaos go home!

TJBM, just like me, has to go to bed right away because he/she has to get up early tommorow morning. :(

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes Chaos, come home.
True. :(
TJBM gets to be lazy tomorrow.

perspicacious's avatar

I could be lazy everyday if I wanted; I just don’t want. I’m actually ill right now and tired of vegging. I think I’ll have to take it easy one more day, then watch out world.

TJBM loves not wearing shoes.

Bellatrix's avatar

True. I never wear shoes at home.

TJBM has a programme on their computer that they absolutely love and will tell us what it is and why it is so great.

erichw1504's avatar

True. Firefox, because it lets me browse the web at exceptional speeds.

TJBM likes Minesweeper.


I never played it.

TJBM likes Warhammer.

reijinni's avatar

never played it.
TJBM likes Carmageddon.

snowberry's avatar

Hmmmm, no idea.

TJBM just bought a snowblower for this coming winter

AshLeigh's avatar

Pfft. No.
TJBM is a badass. ;)

Ela's avatar

False. I’m a softie, too softigious as a matter of fact.

tjbm prefers to clean rather than cook, like moi ; )

Yes @Coloma! shack up LOL u cook + me clean = mmih (match made in heaven lol)

blueiiznh's avatar

False. prefers to cook vs clean @EnchantingEla mmih

TJBM likes to lounge in reading Sunday morning papers

Coloma's avatar

False. I like to lounge but I haven’t participated in any media form for the last 10 years.
Besides out here I’d have to drive to my mailbox to get my morning paper, I’m not that into it to make the pilgrimage. lol

TJBM likes to travel

reijinni's avatar

I do, but not had the money or opportunity to do so.
TJBM like to take a piss after they poured bleach into the toilet.

Coloma's avatar

Um, can’t say that I do, but, whatever floats your boat. haha

TJBM brushes their teeth in the shower sometimes

erichw1504's avatar

False, never have.

TJBM is weird.

Coloma's avatar

Weird is subjective, but, I am rather eccentric which is a good thing, I’ve never been a sheeple.

TJBM has kissed a Camel

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has petted a penguin.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I would love to! It’s no secret that I am madly in love with flappy feet of any kind. lol

TJBM knows how to saddle a horse

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM knows how to saddle a penguin.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM knows how to braid hair

erichw1504's avatar

True, but not very well.

TJBM took over 2 minutes to think of what to say.

Ela's avatar

True… but I got sidetracked it happens a lot to me…

tjbm likes to get sidetracked… like moi LOL

Ela's avatar

ps. i finded a moon on the last track. see ->

erichw1504's avatar

False, but I often do.

TJBM founded a full moon -> O

Ela's avatar

True! <mumbles> kinda looks like an o to me… <ruffles @erichw1504 hair>
just kidding! here are some awesome stars to go with the moon!

tjbm loves to moon and star gaze…

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM founded an upside down question mark -> ¿

Ela's avatar

True ‘cuz I just stoled yours! ¿ and… I finded an arrow ☈ ; )

tjbm loves finding things!

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Especially when I find cashola!
TJBM likes to speak in front of large audiences.

Ela's avatar

False. I hyperventilate. It’s happened. I made it through but just barely..
tjbm likes to speak in front of large audiences and often does.

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. especially if it’s to change peoples opinions, get them thinking, or to change a law
TJBM knows how to make him/herself content.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM would like to guess what is in the box -> ■

Coloma's avatar

It’s a black box, does it contain your final recording lol

TJBM has been up in a hot air balloon It is amazing!

erichw1504's avatar

False, but I am dieing to!

TJBM likes oranges -> ó

Ela's avatar

@erichw1504, this ->is inside the box : )

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Mostly because I don’t like rickets…besides, they look like little suns
TJBM likes to eat exotic fruits & veggies.

Coloma's avatar

True-ish, I love Jicama, elephant garlic and asian pears.

TJBM is not surprised that Coloma had Donald Duck Orange juice for breakfast

SpatzieLover's avatar

TRUE! ;)
TJBM has shared her bedroom with a variety of animals…not all of which have been mammals.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM sees the tumor on this Ê.

reijinni's avatar

that’s a tumor? Ö⌡
TJBM is covered in yard juice.

erichw1504's avatar

@reijinni “It’s not a toomah!.


TJBM is covered in keyboard phlegm.

Coloma's avatar

Whaaa? Gross Erich, just GROSS!

TJBM knows Erich drives a Honda Accord ;-)

erichw1504's avatar

False, I actually don’t.

TJBM made a false claim against someone.

Coloma's avatar

Apparently. lol

You trickster you! ;-p

TJBM MUST get their shit together NOW projection

Hibernate's avatar

No I do not. :))

The jelly Below Me wants to go to a rock concert really soon.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

True! I actually am going to Peter Murphy & She Wants Revenge in two weeks.

TJBM doesn’t want to throw out their favorite belt.

mangeons's avatar

False, I don’t really wear belts!

TJBM likes taking pictures.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do. I just bought a new camera, and everything. :)
TJBM also likes taking pictures.

SpatzieLover's avatar

<——True See my avatar…That was a FUN photo session!
TJBM has bought or sold something on eBay.

josrific's avatar

TJBM would love some fish tonight.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM doesn’t like fish.

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. I like them as pets ;)
TJBM is or has been a vegetarian.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am. :)
TJBM is an artist.

Coloma's avatar

In a way, yes, I write, draw some and have sculpted. ;-)
My daughter paints beautifully though, salable work. We’ve spread the creativity around pretty well between our genes.

TJBM loves Apricot juice

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Nope, too sweet.

TJBM thinks Jack N The Box Tacos are damned good any 2 a.m.

Coloma's avatar

Haha..true. I get them sometimes.

TJBM has a colorful house

AshLeigh's avatar

My room is colorful… I’m colorful(:
TJBM is colorful.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am, I have a colorful house, wardrobe and personality. lol

TJBM likes to make S’mores

reijinni's avatar

never bothered
TJBM stirs their hot chocolate with a cinnamon stick

blueiiznh's avatar

False, I use my finger

TJBM is drinking a warm drink now

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I’m not drinking anything right now. :)
TJBM is eating.


False. I just finished supper about an hour ago.

TJBM is going to write a response to this.

Bellatrix's avatar

I guess I am since I appear to be the jelly below you. I just finished eating.

TJBM has a huge cup to drink tea or coffee out of.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.(:
TJBM is wearing deodorant. O.o Be honest!

perspicacious's avatar

No, I’m allergic.

TJBM is a NASCAR fan.


No I’m not. As much as I like sports cars, I’m not into auto racing.

TJBM goes to the mall on weekends.

perspicacious's avatar

I NEVER go to a mall.

TJBM has spent more than $300 for one night in a hotel.

AshLeigh's avatar

Never… >.<
TJBM doesn’t like hotels.

perspicacious's avatar

You bet. I hate them.

TJBM likes flannel sheets in the Winter.

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM sleeps with the window open even when it’s below zero out.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sometimes, actually.
TJBM just got great news, like me! :)

Ela's avatar


tjbm (and this jelly) wants to know what @AshLeigh‘s great news is!

AshLeigh's avatar

I already know what it is. :)
My best friend is coming back to Alaska in six months. :) It’s been two years!
TJBM is happy. :)


Somewhat. Need more sleep to be really happy. Lol.

TJBM likes to sing out loud when there’s no one at home to hear.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yeah for @AshLeigh great news


@blueiiznh What’s the great news? Tell me, tell me.

blueiiznh's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES look in your shinny shoes and look up a few TJBM

Nah, my dog is always home

TJBM plays the music loud enough to hear down the street


@blueiiznh Ah, I got it. Hehe. (My shiny shoes are like a crystal ball, huh?). I’m happy for her too——that is great news. Btw, sent you a pm.

AshLeigh's avatar

(: Yes, indeed, I do. I sing even louder than that!
TJBM is probably not on very good terms with their neighbors, on account of their noise levels…


True, but not because they play loud music, but because they’re a bunch of snobs.

TJBM likes to get into snowball fights.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Definitely true but who doesn’t?

TJBM wears bifocals.

blueiiznh's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES did you say shiny balls and crystal shoes all in the same sentence?


TJBM knows that after Monday and Tuesday, the rest of the week is W T F…..


LOL. True. Then comes the weekend, and a little S and S is in order.

@blueiiznh Shiny balls and crystal shoes? Lol!!!! Um, crystal shoes crack. (pm’d you, btw…lol)

TJBM has Italian roots.

AshLeigh's avatar

My mothers side is Italian. My fathers is Irish. :)
TJBM has been to Ireland! :)


No, but I’d like to go. @AshLeigh No wonder you got such nice red hair.

TJBM lives near a Chinese restaurant.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’d like to go too. :) And thank you!
The closest one is about five miles. But the good one is about 13 miles. Yummmmm.
TJBM wants Chinese food now!


Somewhat. I like the conventional stuff in “Western type Chinese restaurants”, like eggrolls, chow mein, etc.

TJBM has an exercise equipment of some sort (eg., exercise ball, exercise bike, etc.)

SpatzieLover's avatar

TJBM exercises daily.


True. Weights daily, swimming every other day.

TJBM hates to run as an exercise method.

Coloma's avatar

True. I have a bad left ankle, I have to be careful or it’ll go out.

TJBM likes to ride bikes


Only with my children, for fun, not for exercise or to benefit my body.

TJBM thinks baby polar bears are too cute.

Coloma's avatar

True! Oh, to hold one would be awesome!

TJBM has 11 fingers


Maybe in my past life in the circus show. Lol.

@Coloma, I wonder if baby polar bears have that same cute body smell as puppies?

TJBM’s ring finger is longer than his/her index finger.

Coloma's avatar

False. I had to look :-p

@MRSHINYSHOES I wonder? My geese smell like citrus fruit, don’t ask me why. haha

TJBM has been told they smell good


True. My little ones sometimes say “Daddy, you smeelll goood.” They’re referring to the cologne I’m wearing (Antaeus by Chanel). lol

@Coloma I’m glad you said your ring finger is not longer than your index finger. Women’s ring fingers usually are about the same length as their index fingers, and men’s ring fingers are longer than their index fingers, due to their testosterone.

TJBM has to go to bed soon.

Coloma's avatar

True. It is 10:33 and, well, I SHOULD go right now. haha Soon, soon, 10 more minutes

TJBM wears polka dot pajamas

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM goes commando when they sleep. :O

Hibernate's avatar

When I sleep alone I make a really mess in the bed but if I sleep with someone I am careful not to “bother” them.

The Jelly Below Me owns at least 2 cars.

perspicacious's avatar

I have for most of my life but right now I only have one. I’m enjoying the lower insurance costs.

TJBM has driven in a country where he or she had to drive on the left side of the road.

Hibernate's avatar

I am not a driver but when we were in England it was fun.

The Jelly Below Me has a lot of lamps in his/her house.

perspicacious's avatar

Well, just enough. I don’t like overhead lighting unless I’m cleaning.

TJBM is a student.

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me wanted to study medicine. [or maybe he/she still does]

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to make an Android app.

Hibernate's avatar

I’m not into that technology.

The Jelly Below Me likes to sing.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM knows how to build a web page with HTML.


No I don’t. :(

TJBM has an ancestor who was a Samurai warrior.

erichw1504's avatar

False, at least not that I know of.

TJBM is anal about grammar and punctuation wherever they type on the computer.

AshLeigh's avatar

Only when I’m writing for school.
TJBM wants to go back to sleep.

OpryLeigh's avatar

That would be nice but I have a good few more hours until I will be able to go to sleep :(

TJBM is fascinated by history.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM moved desks at the office.

snowberry's avatar

Only in my own home office.

TJBM thinks it’s time for an alien invasion.

Coloma's avatar

True. I am one episode away from finishing the Morgan freeman narrated ” Through the Wormhole” excellent, provocative documentary of where and how life might have began.
I vote for meteors dropping the life seeds on planet earth.;-D

TJBM is a documentary monger

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is the jelly below me.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to straddle an electric fence.

Coloma's avatar

Hah! I HAVE an electric fence and I get zapped more than the horses and sheep on the other side. lol

TJBM loves horses

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes, I love and miss being around horses :)

TJBM is afraid to get up on a horse, they think a horse is sneaky like a cat but with a greater powerful body.

mangeons's avatar

False, I’ve only really ridden one once before, but it was super fun and I’d do it again! :-)


Neizvestnaya's avatar

You zinger, yes!
I’m checking in a lot later from a different location even.

Prosb's avatar

Umm . . . false? If you mean anywhere above you, then true.

TJBM gets confused when someone responds without putting something about the Jellie below them. =D

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is rocking out.


False. Not until Saturday night.

TJBM sometimes wakes up in the middle of a funny dream chuckling.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I stay alseep. O.o
TJBM has fallen out of their bed while sleeping, in the last month.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I tend to be able to stay in bed once I get there. Have you?

TJBM prefers hotel rooms with opening windows.

Neizvestnaya's avatar


TJBM likes Chef Boyardee Raviolis for a snack.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is picky.

mangeons's avatar

Super true!

TJBM is getting ready to go to bed soon.

Bellatrix's avatar

Bit early. It is only 1.30 pm here. Might stay up a bit later.

TJBM is a ‘big picture person’.


Yes, I do like to look at the big picture when it comes to things.

TJBM has acted out during a dream, like punching the wall or dresser drawer next to him/her or the person beside him/her!

blueiiznh's avatar

Nah. My dreams are sugarplums and fairies

TJBM had a bad day


Sort of. My day at work was one of ups and downs. Yeech. :(
@blueiiznh Hope you are ok buddy. Thinkin’ of you. I pm’d ya.

TJBM’s eyes are feeling tired after a long day.

blueiiznh's avatar

nope, eyes on the prize. almost at 11111, will make a wish

TJBM has a head cold


No head cold. (knock on wood). Just feeling blah, that’s all.

TJBM had a dog once with a funny, quirky name.

mangeons's avatar

Nope, I’ve never had a dog!

TJBM wants a cat.

Ela's avatar

I don’t want one but I may be stuck getting one : /

tjbm wants a hedgehog : p

a wish with sprinkles @blueiiznh, hence the extra lurve ; )

mangeons's avatar

True, they’re adorable!! :-)

TJBM wishes they could have an exotic pet, like a monkey or a wildcat.


Yep. I’d love to have a black panther, or a baby polar bear.

TJBM ate too much today at dinner.

perspicacious's avatar

No, I hardly ate anything today.

TJBM loves the Indieplex channel.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sure. Whatever you say.
TJBM is going to take a shower soon.

Bellatrix's avatar

Just had one. I don’t want to get waterlogged.

TJBM spends a long time drying and styling their hair.


Drying, not too much, as my hair is quite short. Styling? A bit more, with Brylcreem of course. lol

TJBM is familiar with the Danish/Norwegian dish “Flojlsgrod”. ( By the way, it’s delicious. Will tell you more about it later.)

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not…
TJBM needs to sleep, but has so much to do.


True. It usually takes me more than half an hour to get ready for bed. :(

TJBM loves the mustard made from dry mustard powder, more than the hot-dog kind of mustard.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am not really a lover of mustard. I prefer mustard in a jar to that mustard in a squirty bottle.

TJBM actively seeks awards.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really.
TJBM’s hair is in their eyes.

reijinni's avatar

nope, hair too short for that.
TJBM thinks that @MRSHINYSHOES would like a plate of lutefisk.

dabbler's avatar

Does that go with mustard? If so, then Yes !
TJBM gets excited when there is a new moon.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is not feeling well today.

blueiiznh's avatar

I am feeling well. a few aches, but feeling well.

TJBM has special plans for the weekend and will tell us what they are.

Coloma's avatar

I am car shopping, eating and sleeping cars right now. It’s exhausting! lol

TJBM wishes they were a gazillionaire and had a chauffer.


I just wished I had a chauffeur, that’s all. lol

TJBM is about to have breakfast.

erichw1504's avatar

False, already did.

TJBM likes cereal.

Coloma's avatar

True. I like Cheerios, Chex, and Frosted mini-wheats, and, once in a great while I treat myself to a kiddie cereal like Cocoa Krispies. lol

TJBM is still waking up

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes pumpkin coffee.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nah, I prefer cocoa bean coffee

TJBM drinks their coffee black

Coloma's avatar

False. Cream & sugar/honey

TJBM has a birthday coming up soon

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM celebrates Half Birthdays…

Coloma's avatar

False. But I celebrate my pets birthdays. My goose “Marwyn” just turned 13, and he got a baby spinach salad and home made honey wheat bread. ;-D

TJBM buys their pets lots of treats

AshLeigh's avatar

Sometimes. Chaos has a stalking at Christmas. :)
TJBM loves animals.

Coloma's avatar


—A “stalking”...haha—

True. I do!

TJBM keeps a journal

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM was in the military.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM had something delicious to eat today!

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes using exclamation marks!

mangeons's avatar


TJBM likes using question marks?

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes using periods…........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

mangeons's avatar


TJBM, loves, using, commas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Prosb's avatar

True, my overuse of commas cause my sentences to run on and on . . .

TJBM sometimes responds to a question with a way longer answer than they meant to have.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM takes a dump on the back seat of the car after stealing its contents.

erichw1504's avatar

Well, if I ever did steal stuff out of a car, that would probably be the proper ending to my thievery.

TJBM makes up stories to seem more interesting.

Coloma's avatar

False. I don’t have to embellish, I’m a natural story teller and can infuse all sorts of zip and humor into even the most mundane. I’m a natural satirist.

TJBM wishes to say ” Goodbye Coloma, have a nice day! ” she’s outta here into the great wide open! LOL

erichw1504's avatar

True, Goodbye @Coloma !!

TJBM wants to draw with me.

Bellatrix's avatar

I would love to, but it says you can’t draw on a shared drawing.

TJBM thinks spending a day in the great wide open with @Coloma would be lots of fun.

Ela's avatar


tjbm wants to roadtrip to @Coloma‘s with me!

Bellatrix's avatar

For sure. Then we get to try her brownies too :D

TJBM does not fear @Coloma‘s geese.

Ela's avatar

As long as they don’t flog me into itty bitty pieces, heck no!
gimmie a brownie n life will be all good ; )

tjbm has been goosed by a goose!

Prosb's avatar

I’ve ducked while under attack from ducks, does that count?

TJBM is having trouble making a decision.

Ela's avatar

@Prosb haha! that deff counts! ; )

True… I’m trying to decide what flavor popsicle to have…. grape or cherry.

tjbm loves popsicles.

Prosb's avatar

That is a tough choice. Oh, and true, but not when anyone is around.

TJBM thinks popsicles are the most perverted of treats.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, That gum that explodes in your mouth when you chew it is. (NSFW) cum gum is the most perverted

TJBM had had Pop Rocks recently

AshLeigh's avatar

@Coloma If you knew him you’d understand. ;)
False. :(
TJBM wants Pop Rocks!

Ela's avatar

False, I laugh too much and choke on them LOL : (

tjbm wants rocks that pop!

@blueiiznh LOL (nsfw) at cum gum

AshLeigh's avatar

I would love Rocks That Pop! :)
TJBM recently updated thier “My story” section of their profile, like me! :)

Ela's avatar

Falsish : ) I did awhile ago for October, though.

if tjbm has to hear this song one more time they’re gonna huck their ra-di-dio out the winda!! Like moi ; )

I like her but they have played this song way too much!

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM hates that song.

blueiiznh's avatar

OMG, That’s how my windows got that way!!!! Damn Straight!

TJBM secretly is looking for pop rocks now


I remember those! But no, I don’t have any kind of rocks at all.

TJBM has eaten Japanese buckwheat noodles before.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has tried to eat spaghetti with chopsticks.

AshLeigh's avatar

… Maaaaaaaybe. ;)
TJBM refuses to disclose this information.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, and spaghetti Tacos are grand my daughter says

TJBM has laughed so hard that food or liquid came out their nose.

AshLeigh's avatar

Ouch…. Don’t remind me.
TJBM is doing homework.

mangeons's avatar

False! Three day weekend. :-)

TJBM really has to pee.

AshLeigh's avatar

I get a four day weekend, but it starts on Saturday. :)
True. XD
TJBM doesn’t have to pee.

mangeons's avatar

True, not anymore!

TJBM bought a dress today!

Bellatrix's avatar

No. Sadly I did not.

TJBM agrees it would be interesting to analyse each jellies answers in these TJBM threads. It would tell quite a tale about them since I suspect their questions often reflect things happening around them or that they plan or hope to do.

AshLeigh's avatar

True. Most of my “TJBM’s” reflect something that just happened.
TJBM likes green.
See? I like green!

Bellatrix's avatar

Ummm, it is okay. I like green leaves on trees and grass. Not to wear though. Well only certain greens.

TJBM rarely takes anything from the mini bar in a hotel.

blueiiznh's avatar

more like, never. although i did move all the items out of the fridge and into a dresser once to make room for my own items and had a $350 mini-bar tab awaiting

TJBM has a trip coming up in the next month and will stay in a posh hotel with mini-bars and the likes.

Ela's avatar

False, but the last time I was in a liquor store I bought some mini/samplers I could set out, maybe toss a fuzzy blanket on the living room floor and light some candles and call it “posh” ;)

tjbm is @AshLeigh!

AshLeigh's avatar

False. No trips in my near future. :(
TJBM is disappointed with most of the answers on their most recent question, like me. :(

Ela's avatar

LOL I so did!! : ( sorz…. <hangs head in shame and slumps to the end of the line>

AshLeigh's avatar

[Hugs] It’s okay. :)
TJBM is disappointed with most of the answers on their most recent question, like me. :(

Ela's avatar

I LOVE GREEN!!—and pink… i love pink more actually, but i still <3 green!

tjbm has green eyes like @AshLeigh ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

Sometimes. :) Sometimes they’re blue, or grey.
TJBM has changing eyes, like me. :O
TJBM will also answer my last TJBM because no one ever did.

blueiiznh's avatar

yes to eyes changing hues of blues
not disappointent but some do suck! ooops

TJBM is in some sort of training :D

AshLeigh's avatar

S.H.I.T. Super Hero In Training. >:)
TJBM is a super hero.

dabbler's avatar

I occasionally save the day but through plain old thinkin’ and perseverance.
TJBM will tell us about the latest good novel they read.

blueiiznh's avatar

It was Truman Capote’s novella Breakfast at Tiffany’s. You know the rest of the story I am sure.

TJBM has been in Tiffany’s or seen the mentioned movie in the past year.

Bellatrix's avatar

No! And I love that movie. I should get it out and watch it.

TJBM will tell us what sort of super hero TJAT should be.

AshLeigh's avatar

The Super kind… :D I think.
TJBM needs to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep(:

Coloma's avatar

False. Just got in from a major day of everything. I need to make a phone call and then catch up on fluther to unwind haha

TJBM bought new clothes and shoes and cat toys today

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I bought nothing today. I went to school, then came home.
TJBM loves @Coloma‘s avatar. :)



TJBM dances while driving.

Bellatrix's avatar

It has been known to happen.

TJBM misses their children when they are away from home.


Very much so. Always when I go out of town for work. :(

TJBM has pictures of his/her family on the office/home desk.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. I like to look at their pictures.

TJBM’s least favourite task in the writing process are the editing and proofreading phases.


Not really. My least favorite task in the writing process is the beginning. It’s always the hardest to begin writing, but the process begins, it starts to snowball.

TJBM loves scrambled eggs with melted butter.

Coloma's avatar

I scramble them with a little butter but I don’t add extra. :-)

TJBM knows what time it is in my zone right now

Hibernate's avatar

No. [don’t share :D let it be a secret ]

The Jelly Below Me cries on a daily basis.

Bellatrix's avatar

No way! I am a very positive, happy person.

TJBM likes to swim in the Mediterranean Sea.

Hibernate's avatar

@Bellatrix it can be crying because you are happy or frustrated by something etc Anyway I got it ^^

I did and I can’t say that I enjoyed it that much .. a normal sea.

The Jelly Below Me likes ketchup on everything.

Coloma's avatar

False. Only the usual french fries, onion rings, hamburgers. I think ketchop on eggs is disgusting. :-/

TJBM slept like a baby

blueiiznh's avatar

OMG, I did. Had some wonderful vivid dreams too.

TJBM is doing something this weekend related to Halloween. I am, I am going to Salem, Ma to see all the zombies

Coloma's avatar

False. My house is a disaster by my standards LOL and, I am car shopping. I dunno, think I’m taking a break, I am wiped out. Need to get the zone in order and defrag for a day. :-)

TJBM has had their brakes go out while driving

josrific's avatar

True, lucky I was on my parent’s street when they did and I coasted all the way home. Frightening though.
TJBM is enjoying having family over for a little while.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM hates crinkle cut french fries.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM hates boiled eggs.

Coloma's avatar

False. I like them sometimes sliced up on a salad.

TJBM has a silver car

mangeons's avatar

False! Our cars are champagne and green.

TJBM has a day off today.

erichw1504's avatar

False, I wish.

TJBM has big plans for the weekend.

mangeons's avatar

False. :-(

TJBM is tired.

erichw1504's avatar

False, slept in a little.

TJBM is a computer geek.

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. But my husband is an UBER geek
TJBM knows how to break a computer.

erichw1504's avatar

True, with a baseball bat.

TJBM turned in their TPS report today.

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. I don’t need to do any stinkin’ reports ;P
TJBM is expecting a new arrival to their home soon.

erichw1504's avatar

True, any day now.

TJBM has at least one child.

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. He’s doing math now…Doubles +1..What Fun!

TJBM has done some DIY work.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes to DIY.

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. My whole Thanksgiving will be spent doing DIY projects ;)
TJBM is going to watch movies this weekend.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe, if I get my house clean. Ugh! I have gotten behind, in mid-overhaul now. ;-)

TJBM is cleaning house today

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. It’s never ending
TJBM is content with talking to the animals.

Coloma's avatar

Very true! ;-)

TJBM is in-joying superlative weather today!

dabbler's avatar

Yes, it’s better inside than out, here it’s 56 and cloudy.
Tomorrow I will be vaguely in your direction Coloma, at Bass Lake heading for Yosemite.
Bass Lake has 75 and sunny today !

TJBM does not see much autumn colors in their part of the world.

mangeons's avatar

TJBM knows what they are going to be for Halloween.

reijinni's avatar

yep, nothing
TJBM is staying home on Halloween.

OpryLeigh's avatar

More than likely.

TJBM has a busy weekend planned.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I have a four day weekend this week, and nothing to do.(: I’m gonna hibernate. ;)
TJBM needs to catch up on their sleep.

Coloma's avatar

Mmm…so so, but, I probably will go to bed earlier rather than later tonight.

TJBM noticed I forgot to write TJBM haha

Hibernate's avatar

No I did not.

The Jelly Below Me wants a new pet.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I want my cat to come home. :/
TJBM will list three things they hate.

Coloma's avatar

Passive aggressive personalities
Manipulative people

TJBM will add two things to my list

AshLeigh's avatar

The word “Epic.”
—There’s an entire list of things I hate in “My story”.
TJBM is lusting after someone! :O

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I had someone lusting after me yesterday lol

TJBM can hear an animal sound right now barking dog, birds, crickets….

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. My dog is whining, because I took away my shoe, and didn’t let her devour it. O.O
TJBM wants to hear @Coloma‘s lust story!

geeky_mama's avatar

No Thank You (although I do typically adore all stories from @Coloma)

TJBM has wonderful Friday evening plans. (Mine include a book, a deep Japanese Hinoki-yu bath and an early bedtime.)

Coloma's avatar

Haha @AshLeigh It’s an old flame that’s wanting to rekindle the fire lol

False. I kicked A$$ around my house today and was out late last night.

TJBM will tell us the name of their best friend


My best friend’s name is Saki (the name of my Akita).

TJBM owns a ceramic, metal, or glass piggy bank (with a pig figure) that he/she puts coins into.

reijinni's avatar

no piggy bank, but a globe (WWII vintage).
TJBM has a very old school book.


True! I have a very old (1915 to 1920 period) school book that was given to me by an old Swedish gentleman before he passed away. He used to teach me Swedish when I was a teenager, and gave me this Swedish school book that he used when he was a child in Sweden in the early 1900s.

TJBM has Swedish genes in his/her ancestry.

Coloma's avatar

A little Swiss and German but mostly Welsh/Scottish. In other words a mutt. lol

TJBM has a squeaky door in their house


True! My back door leading to the patio needs to be oiled. It always attracts my neighbours when I go outside.

TJBM knows how to skate, but currently doesn’t have a pair of ice skates.

Coloma's avatar

I have roller skated but never ice skated @MRSHINYSHOES Haha, I lost the straw to my can of WD 40 and can’t oil my door, maybe use massage oil, LOL

TJBM water skis

reijinni's avatar

I never tried.
TJBM has a tin roof.


Nope. But I am glad I have a roof of some sort over my head.

TJBM likes the smell of leather.

Ela's avatar

hmmm… it’s okay : ) I like the smell of cinnamon better, though.

tjm is baking something yummy!

blueiiznh's avatar

currently no.

TJBM wants to taste some baked yummies!


Baked leather maybe. Lol. I don’t like sweets.

TJBM has to work on Saturdays.

Bellatrix's avatar

Often I do yes. I can work from home though. I would rather have my weekends to myself minus work though.

TJBM loves seeing fluffy clouds flying passed a plane window.

Ela's avatar

True, but I’d rather lie in the grass and look for dinosaurs and such in them : )

tjbm likes to lie in the grass finding shapes in the clouds too!

Bellatrix's avatar

I do! That is a lovely way to pass time.

TJBM would give their pet the kiss of life if required.


Absolutely. I’ve never had qualms about putting my lips on my cats and dogs’ lips ever since I was a child. I always kissed my pets, so mouth-to-mouth resucistation wouldn’t be a problem.

TJBM has owned more than 3 kinds of animals in his/her life, as pets.

Bellatrix's avatar


perspicacious's avatar

Back on track now…........................

TJBM has caused a traffic accident.


Never. Knock on wood.

TJBM wears black or navy over the calf dress socks made of nylon/spandex.

reijinni's avatar

I haven’t had a need for dress socks
TJBM can light his fart.

Coloma's avatar

Uh, never tried. lol

TJBM likes bugs

mangeons's avatar

False! :-(

TJBM is having a lazy day today.

Coloma's avatar

I plan on it, yes. :-)

TJBM has a red rug in their house

mangeons's avatar

True, in the family room.

TJBM woke up late today.

AshLeigh's avatar

No.—What the heck? It’s Saturday, and I’m up at 8:20!
TJBM thinks that’s ridiculous.

mangeons's avatar

True! I woke up several times this morning though, at around 3 or 4, then just before 6, and finally a little after 10!

TJBM has plans today.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m going to get my laptop, which has just been fixed! :) Then I’m trying to talk my mom into going on a photography spree, at our favorite place. :D
TJBM will tell us a story.

mangeons's avatar

True, I have a short story that happened this morning! Around three or four, apparently something funny happened in the dream I was having and I woke myself up laughing. My mom thought I was crying and came over to see what was wrong, but I couldn’t even remember what was funny about my dream!

TJBM will also tell us a story. :-)

AshLeigh's avatar

Last night my mother, my brother, and I went out to dinner. Every time the waitress came by I talked in a different accent. She was so confused. :D
TJBM is good at accents.

mangeons's avatar

Somewhat! I wouldn’t call myself an expert though, haha.

TJBM wants something sweet to eat.

reijinni's avatar

of course
TJBM wants some American Chop Suey.

mangeons's avatar

False, I have no idea what that even is!

TJBM has a headache.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Nope, I don’t get headaches but extremely rarely.

TJBM doesn’t want anything to do with chicken breast meat today.

AshLeigh's avatar

<—Vegetarian. :P
TJBM is doing something fun today.

mangeons's avatar

False, just lazing around the house!

TJBM is bored.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is annoyed.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM wishes they had watermelon right now.

Coloma's avatar

Hadn’t really thought about it, but yes, I love watermelon. I only got a couple really good ones all summer, the rest were duds. :-(

TJBM buys lotto tickets once a week

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Ack Ack! I don’t gamble with money.

TJBM is afraid to clean their belly button.

Ela's avatar

False. I usually have my dog lick it out for me ; ) I’m kidding!! LOL
Still false tough ; )

tjbm has won a good chunk of change playing pickles

Coloma's avatar

False. What’s pickles?

TJBM is still in their PJ’s at noon guilty pleasures for me lol

Ela's avatar

@Coloma pickles are gambling tabbed cards you tear off

They’re not pj’s or “pajama pants” (as my kids call them) ‘cuz I don’t wear them to bed ; ) but if you insist… truish. I changed into my “leisure pants” after work lol

tjbm loves to wear leisure pants : )

they’re flannel and extremely smexy on moi ; )

geeky_mama's avatar

@EnchantingEla – what you call pickles is called “Pull Tabs” in my little corner of the world.

I love to wear jeans as my leisure pants. I don’t have anything else that I wear on days off really.

TJBM has spent their entire working day in pajamas on occasion. (I confess I do sometimes. Ahhh the beauty of a work-from-home job.)

Bellatrix's avatar

Yes, I have. My at home office attire.

TJBM carries a notebook with them to capture story ideas, or comments they overhear.


Nope. I just gossip about it. Lol!

TJBM once forgot about where he/she parked his/her car in a big parking lot.

Coloma's avatar

Heh, all the time. ;-)

TJBM has had their trunk pop open randomly from too sensitive key sensors Happened to me in a carwash once.


True. It happened to me when I was driving to work one morning. All this fancy computerized system is more of a headache than anything. Sometimes I wish I just drove a small, simple cheap car without all the fancy features.

TJBM once bumped into an “advertisement sign” at a shopping mall, the kind they put outside the shop on a stand. (I did, once——hurt my right shoulder. Ouch. lol)

Coloma's avatar

Haha…False, but..I did back into a boulder around a waterfall at a restaurant recently, no damage, well, little scruffy mark. Whew!

TJBM is looking forward to the sunset soon

Bellatrix's avatar

No. It is only 10.42 am. My cat came home. I am so relieved. I thought he had left home because we left him at home (with my daughter to feed and stroke him). So I am glad I have all day to cuddle him.

TJBM has had a pet disappear in the past.

Coloma's avatar

@Bellatrix Yay kitty! I hate worrying about my cat.

Coloma's avatar

True. One year ago my Gizzy disappeared, I fear he got nabbed by a Coyote. :-(

TJBM has wild animals around their house that might eat their pets

Bellatrix's avatar

I was about to say no, then I remembered the snakes. We have poisonous snakes here so yes, that is a worry. Other than that though, no. They should be fairly safe.

TJBM would go and wait to catch a glimpse of and perhaps wave at Queen Elizabeth II if she visited your country.

Coloma's avatar

Mmm…doubtful, the crowds would keep me away more than likely.

TJBM has bought pumpkin scented candles for fall

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m not crazy about spiced candles or home smells unless it’s a pie cooking in the oven!

TJBM wants to leave the house for Halloween this year and skip trick ‘o treaters.

Hibernate's avatar

I don’t celebrate it. As for those who are disappointed when I don’t give them treats and they do tricks .. well they know better than to do them since they know I “pay” these things back.

The Jelly Below Me wants to have sex !!! ^^

Bellatrix's avatar

Not right at this second, but later for sure.

TJBM puts up their Christmas tree much earlier than other people in their area.

Ela's avatar

False. I usually put it up right after Thanksgiving.

tjbm thinks Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!!

reijinni's avatar

sure is.
TJBM has a hard time remembering names.

perspicacious's avatar

Very true.

TJBM makes cocoa fudge at least twice a year.


I’ve never made it, not even once. :(

TJBM can name one Bee Gees song off the top of his/her head.

Bellatrix's avatar

Stayin’ Alive.

TJBM has a newly released film in mind they really want to see.

Hibernate's avatar

Yup yup. [want me to share which one?]

The Jelly Below Me wants me to share the movie.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I refuse. ;)
TJBM is worried, like me…

Hibernate's avatar

I never worry.

The Jelly Below Me likes Pepsi more than Coca-Cola.

snowberry's avatar

Actually I don’t like soft drinks.

TJBM thinks it’s time to start a new question. This is taking too long to load again, Are you all up for it? If so, who wants to start the new question?

Bellatrix's avatar

You can play leader @snowberry. I am happy to move along the bus.
@Hibernate, yes I want you to share the film you are interested in seeing.

TJBM has seen weird symbols in other people’s posts and will let us know what the symbol means.

snowberry's avatar

Perhaps the alien invasion has begun, and these symbols are their code! @Bellatrix should know all about that, seeing as how you are a shapeshifter and all…

TJBM and all the others will follow me to the new TJBM part 29.

Bellatrix's avatar

Back to being a cat now… my squirrel phase is over.
And I will.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes to keep old threads going…

AshLeigh's avatar

I sure do! :D
HOW ARE YOU, @MilkyWay!?!?!

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is my virtual sister

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah it is. :D

blueiiznh's avatar

yippie skippie

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