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filmfann's avatar

Is time travel possible Part 14?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) October 15th, 2011

As asked in one of Fluthers most popular questions.

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7 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

No. The past has already happened. Science fiction notwithstanding, time travel belongs in the same category as perpetual motion machines.

DrBill's avatar

we can look, we cannot travel.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

The past has not happened. Current observation collapses the past from probability wave functions.

So, no, because it is undefined.

boxer3's avatar

Only in The Time Traveler’s Wife. . .

Berserker's avatar

The past no longer exists, so you can’t go back, and the future does not yet exist, even though it now does at the time of writing the end of that sentence. (and even so, it’s now the present, or was) The beginning of that sentence no longer exists, only its recording through the Internet. I don’t think ’‘time’’ is something that really exists as a thing that one might navigate. We record time, or use time to record things and remember shit, but it’s a whole nother thing, right?
We remmeber it or imagine it, but it no longer is or yet isn’t. I mean the way I think about it, it’s impossible to travel back and forth, cuz it’s like shit’s never been or never will be ecxept for what is now, and that’s ongoing, but always as you’re seated on the saddle.
And what is now is the only thing that is right now, what was is memories and records, and what will be is well, whatever it will be. Surely be it will, but it ain’t there yet. I don’t see how technology can travel through things that don’t exist, besides being able to read people’s minds and anticipate things and hope it’s right when those things get there.

But maybe it can, or will some day. I mean I know how a toilet works, but don’t ask me to build one.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Hells yeah!

* sigh *

I wish it was…

DrBill's avatar

we are traveling in time, we are moving forward at a rate of one second per second.

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