What do the words "Let It Bleed" mean to you?
Just want your opinion…
When I hear these words, I think of “take it easy” and “let it go.” I’m thinking of getting this as a tattoo but I want to know what others think of it as well.
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19 Answers
It means let your injury bleed so it has less chance of infection.
Lol okay I knew I’d get that response from someone. You’re funny. I do think of it that way, too. But I meant figuratively speaking, what does it mean?
The only other thing I can come up with is letting artwork bleed. As in water colors or some other sort of material bleed, as in bleed on the page or paper for instance.
Whoa didn’t think of it that way. But I like that, too. Interesting. Well thank you for your response (:
A good Rolling Stones album
If I saw that as a tattoo on someone I would assume they were into self-harm and cutting themselves.
Something along the lines of “I ain’t got TIME ta bleed?” LOL!
After all… we all need someone to lean on! : ))
Someone wants the steak they just ordered very rare.
I had one regular that wanted his steak cooked for only 60 seconds on each side. He would have liked 60 seconds total, but the law at the time said you had to cook it at least a minute on each side.
Hmmph didn’t think of it that way… Thank you.
To me it seems like you just came across (or were the root cause of) someone bleeding to death. “Let it bleed” could mean you have no mercy and are going to let the person die.
That is.. unless you’re a Stones fan…. (a very disturbing song)
To me, figuratively, it means you have to let it out a little before you can heal. It’s like, a cut will bleed a little before it heals, and you can’t really stop it from bleeding just that little bit, and you have to vent even just a little bit before you can feel better emotionally when you’re upset.
Let It Bleed is the best Rolling Stones album.
Take It Easy is by the Eagles, and I hate the fucking Eagles (BLR)
Let it bleed means to me just letting something play out. A girl broke up with me? Don’t try and make me feel better. I need this sorrow to properly recover. Let it bleed.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it bleed.
@JLeslie Err, yeah, I was making a little play on words, you know?
When I shoot some dope, don’t try to clean it up.
Dopes HATE it when you shoot them! ; ))
“Let it bleed” as a tattoo would mean to me a not very well thought out idea. I don’t like the idea of tattoos, but when I see them I don’t automatically pre-judge – I still try to look at it as artwork – or a statement – or both, I guess. Let it bleed… not so much. Sorry, just keeping it real.
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