Social Question

What the hell is wrong with me?
Alright, so I’m just trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me, because I’m good at getting rid of emotions/feelings/memories, that what I do best.
Basically, there’s another person that might be interested in me, and aside from being a bit younger than me, she’s a great person, funny, all that shit people usually say so I’ll spare you from it. I’m not %100 sure if she likes me or not, it seems like she does, and I like her so some extent, likewise I’m not quite sure.
The problem is the mix of thoughts that go through my head, because if she is interested in me I guess that would be nice, and I’d probably attempt a relationship, or something, because we get along really well, but then common sense kicks in, and I realise what are the chances, she wouldn’t ever be itnerested in me, and besides, if something did happen, it probably wouldn’t work out.
I’m trying not to feel anything because thats what most likely will happen, so whats the point of having any feelings if they are going to end up useless, but when I try to get rid of them it never seems to work, so I’m constantly switching in between thinking it would be nice, to realising its pointless and I need to get rid of these things.
Why can’t I get rid of these damn feelings? I was able to get rid of pretty much everything from my other failed relationship, and barely think about it at all, and don’t even get that sad about it, and that was way worse, so why the hell can’t I controll this?