Social Question

digitalimpression's avatar

Who would hack Sesame Street?

Asked by digitalimpression (9923points) October 16th, 2011

Why would someone hack the Sesame Street youtube account ? What possible gain could there be? For that matter, why does anyone “hack”? Your thoughts.

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12 Answers

Joker94's avatar

Because they’re assholes.

XOIIO's avatar

Thats stupid as hell, they should have put something on that wasn’t that bad, like a screamer in some videos, that would at least be funny.

creative1's avatar

That is just plain old sick of someone to do, I wonder how many kids will need therapy from what they saw

Blackberry's avatar

Unless there was some political motive, people hack to test their skills and give themselves a challenge. But that was just wrong.

jrpowell's avatar

That is childish.

But there is actually some joy derived from breaking into servers to take a look around. I’m not terribly impressed bu guessing a password. Or they are a pissed off ex-employee.

XOIIO's avatar

LOL I’m still giggling about a freaky screamer popping up isntead of that garbage can thing.

digitalimpression's avatar

It takes a special kind of idiot to expose kids to porn when they are expecting to learn their abc’s.

I can even understand the desire to break into servers, poke around, leave your mark… you know.. real hackers stuff… but to do it where you mess with kids? Really? It just boggles the mind.

XOIIO's avatar

@digitalimpression Yeah, these people being called hackers throws us in with their group, but they are crackers, people doing it not to learn, or expand boundries, but to cause damage and harm.

filmfann's avatar

What a bunch of fucking bastards!
I thought at first it was something amusing, but if they were putting porn up, they were exposing children, and liable to some serious jail time. I would also demand they go on the child preditor list.

jrpowell's avatar

@filmfann :: Not sure jail time is the best remedy here. Porn is pretty easy to find on the Internet even if you are not looking.

ucme's avatar

My money’s on Waldorf & Statler.

filmfann's avatar

@johnpowell Jail time is correct. Think of this you tube site as a link children are allowed to see on the computer. They know this is a safe site, and their parents allow them to clink on it.
When 4 year old Suzie Lu clicks on it, she is suddenly exposed to porn. She is frightened and confused.
Her parents have always monitored and controlled what she sees online. They are not to blame.
The hackers are exposing children to porn, purposefully. This is something child molesters often do to their victims, to make them feel more comfortable with the intrusion.

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