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janbb's avatar

Can I just wish all Jellies a good night and a peaceful day tomorrow?

Asked by janbb (63360points) October 16th, 2011

No details – that’s all.

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55 Answers

chyna's avatar

Yes. Thank you @janbb. Much appreciated. Right back at you, too.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Thank you!
Peace be with you @janbb.

(”)> Sweet dreams my penguin friend <(”)

Joker94's avatar

Absolutely. Even though we don’t really talk, good night @janbb

AshLeigh's avatar

Thanks! :)
You too!

linguaphile's avatar

What a wonderful idea- I love it :D Have a great night and a great week! And back-atcha.

whitenoise's avatar

Goodnight to you too

bkcunningham's avatar

Thank you. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams. I hope we all wakeup healthy, happy and we each have a productive and happy day full of love, laughter and many blessings.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Thanks lovey, right back at ya.

Dog's avatar

Thank you… I am going to cry myself to sleep.
But I hope to dream of dog biscuits and maybe even a mini-vacation that consists of no phone, no internet and a warm bed for 48 hours undisturbed. :D

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Aww, @Dog :( <petpet>

Pandora's avatar

Sure, why not. Good night to you too.

zenvelo's avatar

Sweet dreams to all, and wake up fresh tomorrow!

saint's avatar

Thanks! Same to you.

Coloma's avatar

Is there something you’d like to tell us, is the world ending the day after tomorrow?
Are you the Antichrist? lol

Thanks for the happy salutation.

Dog's avatar

Coloma- do you live in Mendocino?

Coloma's avatar


I live in Coloma, outside of Placerville. ;-)

Dog's avatar

@Coloma Naturally. :D

Meego's avatar

No you can’t! Stay awake! Stay on Fluther! No sleeping! WTH.

LOL of course you can goodnight to you too!

Peaceful Sleeping Spell…
1…2..3 and

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cookieman's avatar

Why yes. Yes you can.

Such a nice penguin you are.

The others could take a lesson from you. Nasty, nasty penguins. Wouldn’t even let me have a cookie.

Oh…huh. Sorry – I digress. Right back at’cha @janbb

cookieman's avatar

Ooh @SpatzieLover, very nice. Thank you. And a peaceful day to you tomorrow.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s snowing… Good night, all right. :(


Thanks @janbb. You already made my new week brighter with that heartwarming wish. Best wishes to you and yours too. ;)

augustlan's avatar

Yes, thank you. We could all use that, @janbb. I sincerely hope your wish comes true. <3

Bellatrix's avatar

Nite nite @janbb (although I suspect it is now good morning for you).

harple's avatar

I hope this morning finds you (us) all well… I’m going to bring you all a good morning cup of tea in bed to start the day off :-) (well, I’ve been up for 7 hours already so I’ve had plenty of time to get the kettle boiled…)

Dog's avatar

Good Morning Everyone. Hope you are all having a good day so far!

Meego's avatar

Did you you steal the paper @Dog? It is supposed to be a peaceful day! Someone stole my paper it’s not peaceful and now it’s not a good day…
Grrr face

janbb's avatar

@Meego Well, @Dog may have had a pressing need for newspaper. :-)

blueiiznh's avatar

Thank you so very much. Now I know why it was good and peaceful on both sides. @janbb YOU ROCK!

janbb's avatar

I just baked brownies for all to go with @harple‘s generous offer of tea. And an extra one for @cprevite.

Coloma's avatar

Did someone say Brownies?

janbb's avatar

Indeed and for yours some extra special ingredients dear @Coloma! lol

Coloma's avatar

Oooh, my beak is salivating!

janbb's avatar

From my beak to yours, although I didn’t know they could salivate!

blueiiznh's avatar

This day is getting more awesome now. OK, I am going to make Apple Cobbler for all. Be here at 7pm EDT sharp for yours…..

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ll share my fresh out of the oven cherry cobbler here. Who wants an espresso?

augustlan's avatar

You guys are making me so hungry!

wilma's avatar

Raises hand.

rebbel's avatar

Good night!

Coloma's avatar

Oh, you guys..STOP..I am out of everything, down to fish, almonds and rice. lol

I am shopping for a new car and have been looking at cars for the last 3 hours..I MUST go out NOW and get groceries! Bah!

blueiiznh's avatar

@Coloma hope you get a big car to hold all the groceries for our cooking/baking frenzy needs.

Coloma's avatar


You’s already gotta be big enough to haul home the 100’s of lbs. of animal feed. haha

Dog's avatar

It really has been a peaceful day today! Thanks @janbb !

P.S. Sorry about the newspaper- I only used the sports section and will return the rest.~

janbb's avatar

Aww – lick my face @Doggie! Teehee! OK enough, enough! Down Doggie! Sit!

Meego's avatar

@Dog :) np. I wanted the horrorscopes as long as u didn’t take those then we’re good. I just wanted to know what horrors may befall on my life today…

Blackberry's avatar

I didn’t ask for your wishes @janbb!


janbb's avatar

@Blackberry Then you don’t have to take them. Have a bad night’s sleep anda lousy day tomorrow. :-)

Blackberry's avatar

@janbb Why thank you :D lol

janbb's avatar

@Blackberry We aim to please (ocasionally.)

AshLeigh's avatar

I was having a bad day. But then I remebered @janbb said to have a good day, and I felt better. :)
True story.

janbb's avatar

@AshLeigh Aww – shucks!

Meego's avatar

  Have a
 /\  good
/ \  day
/\/ \/\
24/7 Keep smiling 

Dog's avatar

It is night time on the California coast. May all the jellies have sweet dreams and an awesome day tomorrow.

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